
16. When They Try To Come Back
All the things you need to be aware of before you let someone back into your life. Listen at your own risk because the truth hurts in this one and you can't un-hear it. Watch the Podcast on YouTube!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgs8c2Z_97gA_1TkJos18w/videosBook a 1-on-1 call with me 👇🏻https://leoskepicoaching.com/client-applicationSupport the podcast with a donation : https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/46556b98-73da-47be-a3bd-a5646af9f8c5Instagram: @theleoskepiPodcast Instagram: @awareandaggravated TikTok accounts: @LeoSkepi@NotLeoForLegalReasons My app Positive Focus:Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/positive-focus/id1559260311Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.positivefocusapp
In this episode, the speaker shares tips on how to deal with someone who is trying to come back into your life such as an ex or a friend you cut off.
00:00 - 01:53 (01:53)
In this episode, the speaker shares tips on how to deal with someone who is trying to come back into your life such as an ex or a friend you cut off. They warn that the person will likely be on their best behavior, so it's important to set boundaries and stick to them.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker discusses how to identify and handle manipulative behaviors in others, such as when someone pretends to be a certain way to bait you.
01:53 - 03:53 (02:00)
The speaker discusses how to identify and handle manipulative behaviors in others, such as when someone pretends to be a certain way to bait you.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
This episode discusses overcoming fear in relationships and committing to the other person.
03:53 - 07:05 (03:12)
This episode discusses overcoming fear in relationships and committing to the other person. The hosts assure listeners that they will not be attacked for showing vulnerability.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The frustration of not reaching our goals can cause us to become easily triggered and agitated.
07:05 - 10:11 (03:06)
The frustration of not reaching our goals can cause us to become easily triggered and agitated. When our expectations are not met, it is important to pivot our perspective and focus on progress rather than perfection.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The expectations placed on individuals in sexual relationships can be limiting and oppressive.
10:11 - 11:55 (01:44)
The expectations placed on individuals in sexual relationships can be limiting and oppressive. In this podcast, the speaker explores the benefits of breaking societal norms and following one's own desires.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker talks about how we sometimes let too many things slide and how it's important to confront issues instead of letting them build up.
11:55 - 15:13 (03:18)
The speaker talks about how we sometimes let too many things slide and how it's important to confront issues instead of letting them build up.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The podcast discusses how people spend most of their day on their phone and how it contains a lot of personal information, making it important to go through someone's phone to truly know them.
15:13 - 16:53 (01:40)
The podcast discusses how people spend most of their day on their phone and how it contains a lot of personal information, making it important to go through someone's phone to truly know them.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker shares his thoughts on how it becomes increasingly difficult to cut people off and highlights the importance of not putting up with toxic behavior.
16:53 - 19:57 (03:04)
The speaker shares his thoughts on how it becomes increasingly difficult to cut people off and highlights the importance of not putting up with toxic behavior.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker discusses how when a former partner wants to get back together, they will often behave like Mr.
19:57 - 22:13 (02:16)
The speaker discusses how when a former partner wants to get back together, they will often behave like Mr. Perfect, trying to impress and win over the other person.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The host urges listeners not to give up on themselves and offers advice on when to leave a toxic relationship and when to fight for it.
22:13 - 25:29 (03:16)
The host urges listeners not to give up on themselves and offers advice on when to leave a toxic relationship and when to fight for it.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker suggests that in order to make better choices, one must envision their inner child and protect them by making the right decisions for them.
25:29 - 30:45 (05:16)
The speaker suggests that in order to make better choices, one must envision their inner child and protect them by making the right decisions for them.
Episode16. When They Try To Come Back
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker promotes his social media and app called Positive Focus for those who want to better their lives and shift their focus towards positivity.
30:45 - 31:40 (00:55)
The speaker promotes his social media and app called Positive Focus for those who want to better their lives and shift their focus towards positivity.