
10. Why Mental Disorders Are The New Trend
The popularity of "mental disorders" is the newest form of cancer. This is my hot take on why they seem to be trendy and the focal point of so many people's personality. I also share the tips that have helped me deal with hopelessness and just wanting to give up. Watch the Podcast on YouTube!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgs8c2Z_97gA_1TkJos18w/videosBook a 1-on-1 call with me 👇🏻https://leoskepicoaching.com/client-applicationSupport the podcast with a donation : https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/46556b98-73da-47be-a3bd-a5646af9f8c5Instagram: @theleoskepiPodcast Instagram: @awareandaggravated TikTok accounts: @LeoSkepi@NotLeoForLegalReasons My app Positive Focus:Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/positive-focus/id1559260311Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.positivefocusapp
A nurse explores the limitations of psychology and the problems with diagnosing mental health disorders based on a list of symptoms.
00:00 - 13:25 (13:25)
A nurse explores the limitations of psychology and the problems with diagnosing mental health disorders based on a list of symptoms. She also discusses the prevalence of quick-fix solutions that only mask the problem.
Episode10. Why Mental Disorders Are The New Trend
PodcastAware & Aggravated
In this podcast episode, the host discusses why people claim mental disorders as their personality traits, citing depression as an example.
13:25 - 40:46 (27:20)
In this podcast episode, the host discusses why people claim mental disorders as their personality traits, citing depression as an example. The host explains that those who struggle with mental disorders are expected to perform and function despite how they feel, which can make normal life seem more difficult for them.
Episode10. Why Mental Disorders Are The New Trend
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker emphasizes the importance of gaining self-awareness by using journal prompts that can aid in identifying behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve an individual's mental health.
40:46 - 44:07 (03:21)
The speaker emphasizes the importance of gaining self-awareness by using journal prompts that can aid in identifying behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve an individual's mental health. They invite listeners to try out their app and leave a five-star rating for both the podcast and the app.