

Examining the Medical Medium's Book with Aubrey Gordon
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40:46 - 44:55 (04:09)

Aubrey Gordon critiques the Medical Medium's book, acknowledging the flaws in scientific research, but also pointing out the dangerous vacillation between scientific fact and supposed insights from spirits. The episode raises skepticism towards the Medical Medium's supposed cures and motives behind selling the book.

There is no scientific evidence supporting the benefits of celery juice and the "cleanse" that people experience is likely due to its high fiber content rather than any special healing properties.
40:46 - 41:54 (01:08)
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Celery Juice

There is no scientific evidence supporting the benefits of celery juice and the "cleanse" that people experience is likely due to its high fiber content rather than any special healing properties. Furthermore, if there were negative studies, people would likely find ways to discredit them.

Examining the Medical Medium's Book with Aubrey Gordon
Celery Juice
Maintenance Phase
Aubrey Gordon discusses the issues with Medical Medium, Anthony William, whose methods vary from scientific fact to unproven spiritual beliefs, and how he is trying to sell his book while criticizing special interests.
41:54 - 44:55 (03:00)
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Anthony William

Aubrey Gordon discusses the issues with Medical Medium, Anthony William, whose methods vary from scientific fact to unproven spiritual beliefs, and how he is trying to sell his book while criticizing special interests.

Examining the Medical Medium's Book with Aubrey Gordon
Celery Juice
Maintenance Phase