Detective Sadio investigates a potential murder and questions a suspect about their Thanksgiving morning whereabouts.
24:35 - 25:24 (00:48)
Detective Sadio investigates a potential murder and questions a suspect about their Thanksgiving morning whereabouts.
ChapterFalse robbery accusation
EpisodeBlack Friday
PodcastDateline NBC
Detectives suspect Carter Cervantes was lying as they investigate a freshly dug human grave.
25:24 - 26:24 (01:00)
Detectives suspect Carter Cervantes was lying as they investigate a freshly dug human grave. The investigation continues on Dateline.
ChapterFalse robbery accusation
EpisodeBlack Friday
PodcastDateline NBC
A strange criminal tale of murder and robbery, where the criminal had the key that could access a lot of money, and was willing to go to any extent to get his hands on it.
26:24 - 28:41 (02:16)
A strange criminal tale of murder and robbery, where the criminal had the key that could access a lot of money, and was willing to go to any extent to get his hands on it.
ChapterFalse robbery accusation
EpisodeBlack Friday
PodcastDateline NBC
Police conduct surveillance on Ashley's apartment prior to arresting the suspected murderers, Carter Savantes and David Mallory, who were eventually charged with Ashley's murder.
28:41 - 30:13 (01:32)
Police conduct surveillance on Ashley's apartment prior to arresting the suspected murderers, Carter Savantes and David Mallory, who were eventually charged with Ashley's murder. Detective Cedillo provides additional evidence during the trial.