The longest and in-depth longitudinal study of human life, the Harvard Study of Adult Development has been going on for 84 years and includes three generations of people that they've been studying, allowing researchers to track individuals' lives as they age.
24:56 - 25:44 (00:48)
The longest and in-depth longitudinal study of human life, the Harvard Study of Adult Development has been going on for 84 years and includes three generations of people that they've been studying, allowing researchers to track individuals' lives as they age.
ChapterPrioritizing Warm Relationships
EpisodeUnlock a Happier Life: 3 Research-Backed Secrets
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Research shows that warm relationships, or relationships that don't cause conflict and elicit positive emotions, are the key to improving one's overall health and happiness.
25:44 - 27:44 (02:00)
Research shows that warm relationships, or relationships that don't cause conflict and elicit positive emotions, are the key to improving one's overall health and happiness. Looking backwards when recalling relationships can alter details and affect the accuracy of findings.
ChapterPrioritizing Warm Relationships
EpisodeUnlock a Happier Life: 3 Research-Backed Secrets
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
The quality of your relationships is the most important factor in your happiness, and it's essential to spend your energy on building and maintaining warm, positive relationships while spending less time with negative people.
27:44 - 29:41 (01:57)
The quality of your relationships is the most important factor in your happiness, and it's essential to spend your energy on building and maintaining warm, positive relationships while spending less time with negative people.