
The Mel Robbins Podcast
You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how. Mel is in a category all her own. As one of the most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors in the world, she’s sought after by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals for her research-backed tools and motivation. And, at the same time, Mel has amassed millions of followers online, with her advice going viral online almost daily. Her female-led media company produces provocative, life-changing content, with millions of books sold, billions of video views, six #1 audiobooks, and the #1 podcast on Audible. Her work has been translated into 41 languages and has changed the lives of millions of people worldwide. And despite all that, Mel is one of the most down to earth and relatable people you’ll ever know. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today. In the Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life. Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday. To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out www.melrobbins.com
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
A few years ago, I found this study from Harvard, and it changed my life.It's research about performance and feeling nervous, with a simple reframing method that you can use to never let fear stop you again.I’ve been using this technique with my five second rule for years, and the first way I applied it was to get control of my nerves and fear of public speaking.I’m going to teach you this new method in a super cool way... by taking you on the road, on stage, and behind the scenes with me as I deliver a keynote address to 3,000 people at the convention center in Dallas.I’ve been wanting to bring you on the road with me for awhile, and this topic allowed me to record this episode live in multiple locations while all kinds of things were unfolding.There’s even an impromptu guest appearance from Michelle Poler, whose entire speaking career is about teaching people how to face their fears.This Harvard-backed technique is so cool because it leverages your body chemistry, physiology, and neural pathways to your advantage.The #1 fear most people have is public speaking, but this technique will help you with absolutely everything, whether it’s speaking up at work, giving an incredible presentation, not choking when you deliver the toast at your best friend’s wedding, performing better on tests, or even running better.Stop letting fear hold you back. Use science not only to reframe your fears into excitement but to conquer them once and for all.And one more thing. My free, brand new, research-backed training called "Take Control with Mel Robbins" is live and waiting for you. Get 3 incredible video trainings plus a 21-page workbook, and all you have to do is sign up here.Already a quarter of a million students are taking the course for free.I’m just waiting for you!Xo Mel In this episode, you’ll learn: 5:00: I’m always asked how I got into public speaking. Here’s the story.10:15: The question YOU need to ask when someone asks how much you charge.12:15: One of THE best tools to calm your nerves is not meditation (for me), but this.13:30: This is my favorite quote from Charlie Bird Parker.15:15: The wardrobe failure that may have rivaled Janet Jackson’s.16:30: Failure sucks, but the Pratfall Effect says failure can work for you. 19:00: I was so excited to meet this speaker and bestselling author from Venezuela.21:45: Best journal starter question ever: Are you alive but not living?24:30: Feeling like you never have time? You’re not going to believe this advice.28:15: Turns out modeling nude is actually a really profound experience. 29:00: Fear might indicate danger OR it might indicate growth. Pay attention.30:00: How can you tell the difference between true intuition and limiting fear?32:30: How do you get over your fear of public speaking?34:00: Feeling imposter syndrome? You’re not alone. Here’s what you need.40:15: Come on stage with me at the Dallas Convention Center.40:40: I’m going to face my biggest fear next year for Oakley’s 18th birthday.42:00: When you do something that scares the pants off you, remember this.44:30: Tool #3 is based on research from Harvard - here’s what you tell yourself.50:00: You don’t feel butterflies when you’re nervous because you’re going to screw up. Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
In this episode, you’re learning a simple but powerful way to take control of your mindset. You need to get serious about your mindset. The way you think and talk to yourself has serious consequences.Your thoughts become your beliefs.Your beliefs turn into actions.Your actions become habits.And your habits determine who you are and what you achieve in life, or not.That’s why you need a Mindset Reset.Imagine if your thoughts were positive, empowering, clear, and encouraging. Imagine if your beliefs inspired the best in you.If you’re tired of listening to a voice that beats you down, fills you with doubt, and argues against your goals and dreams, it’s time to change your thinking.Today, you’ll learn how to do it for yourself and start programming a more positive, empowering, and confident mindset.So pull up a seat as I coach two people through the process.I’m so confident you’re going to be fired up after listening to this episode that I have a free gift to help you take your current mindset to the next level.I have a brand new, free, 3-part training called "Take Control with Mel Robbins."It will provide you with the coaching, structure, and support you need to hit reset, take control, and level up your life.It features 3 brand-new training videos, two hours of research-backed curriculum taught by me, and a 21-page workbook. Plus you’ll be with hundreds of thousands of other students taking the course for free around the world.All at zero cost to you. Why? Because you deserve it, and it’s my way of thanking you for being here with me.You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Why not take advantage of this opportunity? I’ll see you in the course!Xo Mel In this episode, you will learn: 5:00: What does your default critical soundtrack sound like in your mind?7:30: Here’s the mantra I want you to start your day with. 9:45: This is one of my easiest and favorite tools for dealing with a critical voice.16:00: This is the #1 hit playlist I want you to put on repeat. 17:30: Drop this word if you want to improve your relationship with others.22:30: Work on the most important relationship of all first.24:15: What if your critics are the voices of your boss, partner, and friends?26:25: This trauma response is very common when you live in a state of anxiety.30:15: Here’s why telling yourself that you love yourself doesn’t work for you.32:00: Yes, your boss may be a douche, but you don’t have to let that ruin you.35:00: Don’t leave today without taking away this message. Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
This episode blew my freakin’ mind.After you meet our expert today and learn her revolutionary approach to simplifying your life, you will never approach the topic of picking up, cleaning up, or organizing the same way again.Whether it’s your desk or closet that is overwhelming you, or like me, you are guilty of constantly starting projects and putting things in piles, only to run out of time or get flustered, creating bigger projects to deal with in the future, today’s episode will change your entire life.I had no idea how simple it could be to feel organized and in control.I learned from our expert today that I was attacking organization completely wrong, and that was the problem.Her 5 steps are so life-changing that from the moment I finished talking to her, I started putting them into practice, and the results are incredible.Get ready to laugh and learn as I confess the details of what a disaster I am (my husband even rats me out).Luckily, the incredible Dana K. White, founder of the hit blog, A Slob Comes Clean, and author of How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind, is here to help us all.And that's not all.Don’t forget to sign up for "Take Control with Mel Robbins."It’s free. It’s my gift to you for supporting this podcast.It features 3 brand-new training videos, two hours of research-backed curriculum taught by me, and a detailed 21-page workbook.This training will provide you with the coaching, structure, and support you need to hit reset, take control, and level up your life.And if you combine this training with Dana’s advice about decluttering, you, my friend, won’t even recognize yourself in a week.All at zero cost to you. Why? Because you deserve it, and it’s my way of thanking you for being here with me.You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. So why not take advantage of this opportunity?Sign up for free at melrobbins.com/takecontrol now.In this episode, you’ll learn: 2:00: What Chris thinks about living with a slob. 😂4:40: Wait. Organizing and decluttering are NOT the same thing?6:20: Focus this way on organizing, and it will change your life.7:30: Why doesn’t it work to buy all those organizing containers?9:45: How do you know what your “clutter threshold” is?12:15: We’ve gotten the purpose of containers all wrong!17:40: Use “the visibility rule” before you do anything.20:00: This is why you begin with a BLACK trash bag.23:30: This part is still pretty easy. I can do this and you can, too.25:00: Here’s why you don’t want a fancy “donate” box.26:30: The decluttering question you’ve never heard before.30:45: Here’s what REALLY happens with those organized piles.31:50: No piles. Here’s what you do instead.34:15: This is why we always put off organizing in the first place.37:35: The second decluttering question you’ve never heard before.39:00: Stop making organizing seem so big!43:30: Spoiler alert: avoiding clutter doesn’t make it go away.48:30: So how DO you live with a partner who’s a slob? Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
Today’s episode is my gift to you and anyone in your life who struggles with anxiety.I created this exclusive series, "The Toolkit for Healing Anxiety," because of the number of questions I am receiving from listeners asking for more resources on this topic. Part 1 is packed with tactical takeaways and features Dr. Russell Kennedy, one of the world's most respected medical experts on anxiety. Dr. Kennedy is a medical doctor and neuroscientist who has a revolutionary and effective approach to helping his patients understand and heal anxiety.(He's also been our most popular expert on the podcast to date.)Dr. Kennedy teaches you the truth about where anxiety comes from and the mistake that most therapists make when treating it. You’ll also have a front-row seat as he coaches listeners on the critical difference between "coping with anxiety" and his protocol for "healing it" once and for all.I can’t wait for you to listen and apply the advice in this life-changing series.And for anyone in your life who may be struggling, please share this exclusive series generously; it could provide the answers and guidance they need.If you have follow-up questions, send them to me in the DMs or through the podcast topic link on melrobbins.com/podcast. We read them and use them to program future episodes (this toolkit is an example of that).This episode is not meant as a replacement for therapy, but if you’ve been seeing a therapist for a while and aren’t seeing yourself improve, you may want to forward this series to them for guidance too.Xo Mel Didn’t get to listen to Dr. Kennedy’s first interview? Check that out here.In this episode, you’ll learn: · 5:00: I bet you haven’t heard this definition of anxiety before. . · 6:15: So where exactly does anxiety come from?· 7:30: This is a revolutionary way of thinking about how to heal anxiety.· 8:45: If you’re waking up this way, that’s a red flag. · 9:45: A trauma response isn’t directed outward- it’s here instead.· 12:00: Have you tried everything to deal with your anxiety? · 14:45: Forget what you’ve tried so far, THIS is what will actually heal you.· 19:00: This sign of anxiety may surprise you. · 22:00: Anxiety happens because of this and addictions “fix” it· 24:00: I think there are these three layers to healing your anxiety.· 27:15: What the hell does “inner child” mean and why does it matter?· 30:00: There’s a difference between drama and trauma. · 34:00: Dr. Kennedy tried everything, but only this healed his anxiety.· 37:00: Okay, what’s one specific and tangible tool we can use?· 40:30: Do this together with me now.· 44:00: Here’s why play is so important for healing trauma.· 47:00: Healing will take time. Here’s why and what you need. Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
Today, you and I are calling BS on partners, friends, siblings, colleagues, and roommates who ride on your coattails, mooch off your generosity, and love the fact that you do everything. (While they do next to nothing.…) It’s time to take your power back with 5 actionable takeaways to get people in your life to step up and do their part. I’m not messing around. The first person you’ll meet in this episode is tired of being the only one holding her family together. And during the second coaching session I get even more intense with a woman whose boyfriend hasn’t had a job in three years. Hear me loud and clear: by enabling other people, you are part of the problem. There are 5 things you need to know that will change this dysfunction now. Clear your schedule for the next hour because you and I have an appointment where you, my friend, will learn how to lay down the law and start putting yourself first. Xo Mel Can’t ask for what you need? Listen to “How to Speak Up for Yourself.” In this episode, you will learn: 3:00: Do you have people in your life who rely on you a little too much?4:30: Maybe you’re being used or maybe it’s this instead.7:00: Is it time for you to be the parent now?10:00: This is how to get your entire family on the same page.14:00: Your siblings will understand your expectations if you do this.17:15: Do this to make people feel that they’re doing the right thing.21:30: Have a partner that isn’t pulling their weight? You need to hear this.35:00: This is how you start a conversation when it’s time to set boundaries.38:30: In a toxic partnered relationship? This is the truth bomb you need.40:15: Has it become more important to be loved than to love yourself?44:45: Let me coach you through this exercise to help you change your future.48:00: Another truth bomb you need to hear today, no matter what you’re doing.51:45: Listen to Brooke set a courageous boundary for the first time.54:00: Keep little ears away, because this is what tough f’n love sounds like.56:30: Stop letting your patterns make choices for you and step up.1:00:45: Use this word instead of “ultimatum” when it’s time for that. Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
In this episode, you and I are talking about how to protect your peace. You already spend a lot of time trying to be positive - so today I want to remind you that it is just as important to protect your energy from people and situations who suck it dry. You know the ones. The friend who is so n-e-g-a-t-i-v-e, about everything! The rude person at the coffee shop. The colleague who’s always stirring the pot.The toxic dynamic with certain family members. Negative people are like dogs who have just jumped into a muddy pond. They come running up to you smelling all nasty and as soon as they get next to you - boom - they shake all that crap all over you. It’s time to protect yourself. Today’s podcast episode will teach you six super easy science-backed strategies to help you create an impenetrable force field against bad energy (and muddy dogs). You can’t allow that crap to get on you - because your positive life force deserves your protection! And today I’m teaching you how. Force fields up! Positive energy out! Because that, my friend, is something to feel great about! Xo Mel In this episode, you’ll learn: 2:00: Jumping right in with Veronica’s question about emails that ruin her day.3:50: You probably have your own stories of entitlement like this one.7:30: This technique I use when somebody’s mood is getting all over me.9:15: The “snow globe” works best when you’re getting attitude.12:30: I know this about people when they explode into a tantrum.14:30: Science explains why our bodies stress when we’re around bad moods.17:20: Work in a toxic environment? You have these two choices.22:40: Dealing with a curmudgeon? I got you. Use the law of reciprocity.26:00: Here’s how I melted the ice when I became a legal analyst with CNN.29:30: Gossip is bad for your brain and body. Here’s why.31:30: Here’s the #1 strategy to stop your gossip today.33:30: Once you see triangulation, you’ll look at your relationships differently.36:00: This one simple strategy can brighten someone’s day right now. Have you been betrayed? Listen to “What to do when you’ve been cheated on.”Need a confidence boost? Here’s your “Confidence Toolkit.” Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
In today’s episode, I’m finally answering the #1 personal question that I get asked: What’s the story behind my tattoo on my right wrist? Pull up a seat to laugh along with us as Chris and I share our tattoo adventure - complete with anxiety, jealousy, intention, love, a huge mistake on my part, and the most incredible moments of synchronicity. But it’s not just a story; there’s a much more profound topic we are discussing today. Because tattoos aren’t really about tattoos. They are an example of a powerful, positive force that habit researchers call an “environmental trigger.” They’re also an example of another tool that you can use to create a more powerful and resilient mindset. Because a lot of tattoos are also “meaningful mantras.” Today, you will learn how to create and use positive triggers and meaningful mantras to improve your life and to remind you of either a deeper purpose or the values you want to live by. This goes way beyond etching ink onto your body. By the end of this episode, you’ll not only be inspired to create your own meaningful mantra, you will have several specific examples of how you can create a positive environmental trigger using things you have around your house. One thing’s for sure, this episode will leave a lasting impression. 😄 Xo Mel In this episode, you’ll learn: 6:00: I’m answering this personal question so many of you have been asking.8:30: Chris shares his powerful story for the tattoo he etched on his forearm.12:00: The inspiration for my own tattoo came from this.15:00: You won’t believe what happened on our 15th wedding anniversary.18:00: Here’s how I beat myself up while Chris was getting his tattoo.19:00: You might know this already, but a tattoo isn’t just a tattoo. 21:00: I just love the synchronicity behind this entire tattoo event.24:30: Chris’s tattoo has become a lifeline for him, especially now.30:30: Rule #1: a mantra will only work for you if you have this first.32:15: Need an idea for your own mantra? I’ve got a bunch of them for you.34:30: Here’s how to figure out your own powerful mantra.36:30: This is what scientists think about why tattoos are so powerful.38:15: Here’s what Chris did that gets him emotional every time he sees it.41:00: Are you a busy mom? Then this mantra might work for you.42:40: Maybe you need to shift your thinking about a mantra this way. Learn more about “How & Why Synchronicity Can Improve Your Life.”Want more about finding your purpose? “Stop Searching and Do This Instead.” Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
In this episode, you’re learning how to speak up for yourself and make sure that you are heard. Whether you want to be more influential and visible at work or there’s a hard conversation that you’ve been avoiding with a family member, this episode will empower you to have a breakthrough. Most of us have never been taught the skills we need to have challenging conversations or to better advocate for our needs. The good news is that these are skills, and you are going to learn them in a very entertaining and relatable format today. You’re invited to listen in on multiple coaching sessions with listeners just like you and me who are struggling to find the words or the courage to say what needs to be said. So today I’m unpacking my formula, step by step, for handling challenging conversations. This is an excellent episode to send to people in your life who you really wish saw their own value and worth and could communicate it better. I can’t wait to hear how these very clear steps have helped you have those conversations you’ve been putting off and to show up differently at work and school. Xo Mel Want me to answer your question on the podcast? Submit it here. In this episode, you’ll learn: 3:00: Listen to Claudia’s question about how to set boundaries in friendships.5:30: Here are 3 reasons why we avoid difficult conversations in the first place.14:40: Do you have a friend who criticizes you? Listen to this.17:30: Make sure you are ready with THIS before you start your conversation.19:45: This is a prime example of a time when I was being a crappy friend.23:30: Here’s what you should assume before you have a conversation.25:30: Never do this or you’ll put the other person on the defensive.26:45: If you can, PLEASE have your conversation this way.30:40: Here’s my favorite visual when it’s my turn to listen.33:40: Do you have to communicate with an ex? Listen to Erica.35:50: You’ve got to learn how to “gray rock” when dealing with difficult people.36:40: See the petty people in this ridiculous way and it will help!39:30: Like it or not, you have to have this conversation for your kids’ sake.40:30: Here is what anger and pettiness actually is.41:15: One of two things will happen when you handle conversations like this.43:30: How do you handle combative people in your life? Listen to Candace.46:00: Here’s what a person with anxious attachment needs to hear from you.49:00: Need to have a conversation with someone who’s triggered easily? Is it time to let go of your relationship? If so, then listen to “How to Let Go.” Learn about “The 4 Attachment Styles for Healthy Relationships.” Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
I made you an appointment with one of the world’s leading doctors in functional medicine.Dr. Mark Hyman has written an incredible 14 (!!!) New York Times best sellers. He is the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, and Head of Strategy and Innovation at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine.His latest book, Young Forever, teaches you science-backed, actionable steps to slow down the aging process and even reverse disease.An appointment like this would cost $$$ in person, but today, it’s free for you.Seriously, you will be floored by what you hear.No matter how old you are, you have more control over your health than you may think, and it’s never too early or too late to start making simple yet profound changes.Having trouble sleeping? We've got you.Brain fog and headaches messing up your day? Check.Low energy? We hear you.Anxiety and ADHD running your life? We’re covering that too.In this episode, we are breaking everything down point by point so that you get the specific, actionable steps you need to start changing your life in real time.Grab a notebook because the doctor is in and he will see you now.Get ready to take charge of your health like never before.Xo MelCheck out research and other resources at melrobbins.com/podcast. In this episode, you’ll learn: 9:30: Food is not just food; here’s what it becomes once you eat it.12:30: So what’s the connection between gut health and overall health?14:45: What exactly is inflammation and what’s causing it?16:30: Okay, so then what does a healthy gut look like?19:30: Put these foods on your plate for 10 days and see what happens.23:30: The big fat lie we’re being fed every day.25:30: Can changing my gut heal my anxiety?27:15: This simple tool will improve digestion and calm your nerves.28:30: Phenomenal story of ADHD that was healed in two months.31:30: The difference between two main types of allergies.34:00: Holy sh*t! What Dr. Hyman said that reminded me of Oakley.37:45: The 5 major things in your life that cause inflammation.40:00: Simple tips to help you start sleeping better.42:40: If we could cure this, we’d extend our lives by more than 7 years.44:45: These are the supplements you and I should be taking.48:15: Here’s what causes your body to dump too much magnesium.50:50: Trouble with your hormones? You need to hear this.55:00: Do this if you want a clear picture of your health.59:45: What probiotics help reset your gut? Want me to answer your question on the podcast? Submit it here.Start your day off with focus using “A Toolkit for the Perfect Morning Routine.”Here are more “Simple Ways to Improve Your Brain Health.” Disclaimer
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
In this episode, you and I are tackling overwhelm together as I coach five listeners just like you who are tired of feeling so stressed. I promise this will be helpful, fun, and full of powerful tools you can put to use immediately. You need that because you’re drowning in your to-do lists, taking care of everyone else but yourself, and you’re saying yes to every commitment that enters your inbox. That’s why simple solutions are the answer. And I need these solutions too. I feel like my to-do list is overflowing and the demands are piling up. But that’s okay, because with The Mel Robbins Podcast, you get to show up exactly as you are. And today, we will start breaking down the two types of overwhelm so you can understand exactly what it is you’re dealing with. But we don’t stop there. You’re also getting three simple but profound strategies to help you eliminate the overwhelm from your life. So that you start feeling energized again. And I so want that for you. Xo Mel Check out research and other resources at melrobbins.com/podcast.In this episode, you’ll learn: 3:30: If you’re a parent or caregiver, you’ll recognize yourself in Laura’s question.8:00: Knowing the two types of overwhelm has profoundly impacted my life.9:00: What my talk show mentor taught me that I’ll never forget.11:45: When it comes to dealing with legitimate overwhelm, start here.14:45: Can you have a morning routine when your life is overwhelmed?17:00: When life seems insanely busy, you have to stop telling yourself this lie.18:00: Here’s my #1 strategy for dealing with overwhelm.23:30: Are you someone who says yes to everything? Then this is for you.28:40: The Rule of Three saves me every time.32:35: This truth about procrastination will make you see it in a whole new way.38:15: Procrastinating on paying your bills? You need to listen to Michelle. Want me to answer your question on the podcast? Submit it here.Don’t know how to say no? Listen to “Start Putting Yourself First.”And I know you will like “The Only Way to Stop Procrastinating.” Disclaimer