

Coping with Emotions
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01:58 - 03:42 (01:44)

The speaker explains how using "I feel" statements instead of identifying with the emotion itself, can help individuals realize that they still have control over their actions despite their emotions.

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03:42 - 05:34 (01:52)
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The approach of looking at emotions as a part of oneself and caring for that specific part, instead of feeling overwhelmed, is discussed using the Internal Family Systems model.

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Recording your emotional journey can help you track your progress and see how much you've grown, even if it doesn't always feel like it in the moment.
29:29 - 31:06 (01:37)
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Personal Development

Recording your emotional journey can help you track your progress and see how much you've grown, even if it doesn't always feel like it in the moment. It's important to take a step back and reflect on past hardships to appreciate how far you've come.

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It is crucial to prioritize your own needs and feelings in a relationship while also taking your partner into consideration.
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It is crucial to prioritize your own needs and feelings in a relationship while also taking your partner into consideration. Waiting for someone to hurt you before leaving the relationship is not necessary, as your own feelings are enough to justify a breakup.

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The human brain's executive functions continue to develop until our late 20s or early 30s, which may impact how we experience depression and build our identities during our 20s.
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Human Brain Development

The human brain's executive functions continue to develop until our late 20s or early 30s, which may impact how we experience depression and build our identities during our 20s. College provides a safety net and a community cheering us on as we navigate this crucial period of growth.

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Understanding one's pain is important, even if it's destabilizing because it gives them a sense of direction.
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Understanding one's pain is important, even if it's destabilizing because it gives them a sense of direction. Lack of sovereignty, low agency, and unsuccessful attempts at upward mobility lead to increased support for socialism and government-provided solutions to problems.

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