

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
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Published: Mon Apr 24 2023

14:24 new job vs partner, 26:45 pre marital advice, 42:18 topic of discussion, 1:10:29 No Subject (what if both people work for traditional values), 1:16:07 Religion and DS, 1:34:37 New listener what if the woman makes more, 1:56:33 Relationship advice, fixed mindset over growth mindset

In this episode, the hosts celebrate their growing YouTube subscriber count, currently at 46,781, and joke about it being 4/20.
00:00 - 01:14 (01:14)
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In this episode, the hosts celebrate their growing YouTube subscriber count, currently at 46,781, and joke about it being 4/20.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker is planning to have a custom shelf built for their window and is figuring out how to block out the window and decorate it with prints.
01:14 - 04:29 (03:15)
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Home Decor

The speaker is planning to have a custom shelf built for their window and is figuring out how to block out the window and decorate it with prints.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The hosts discuss plans to revamp their schedules and podcast content to focus on clean and curated topics.
04:29 - 10:45 (06:16)
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The hosts discuss plans to revamp their schedules and podcast content to focus on clean and curated topics. They also consider purchasing unique lighting setups for their recording space.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker acknowledges that dedicating a significant amount of time to a hobby may not always allow for recording about it.
10:45 - 14:02 (03:16)
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The speaker acknowledges that dedicating a significant amount of time to a hobby may not always allow for recording about it. They express admiration for the mutual respect and love shared between the hosts of the podcast, and discuss the concept of having a designated leader in a relationship.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
It's important to consider the long-term impacts of income differences in a relationship when thinking about moving in together or making major decisions.
14:03 - 21:05 (07:01)
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It's important to consider the long-term impacts of income differences in a relationship when thinking about moving in together or making major decisions. This includes potential changes in income and how your partner may react to them down the line.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking opportunities for increased income, such as a job promotion, instead of relying on uncertain ways of earning like starting an OnlyFans account.
21:05 - 25:06 (04:00)
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The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking opportunities for increased income, such as a job promotion, instead of relying on uncertain ways of earning like starting an OnlyFans account.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
In this episode, the hosts discuss the fear of losing control and how it can manifest in relationships.
25:06 - 28:08 (03:02)
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In this episode, the hosts discuss the fear of losing control and how it can manifest in relationships. They touch on the topic of financial control and how it can be a tool for manipulation.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
This podcast segment discusses the expectation for women to work and earn money while also expecting a man to financially support them.
28:08 - 32:51 (04:42)
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This podcast segment discusses the expectation for women to work and earn money while also expecting a man to financially support them. It argues that if a woman wants to be fully taken care of, she should quit her job and focus on being a stay-at-home wife.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker talks about his experience with living with his son and the importance of communicating expectations and responsibilities to avoid conflicts.
32:51 - 37:58 (05:06)
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The speaker talks about his experience with living with his son and the importance of communicating expectations and responsibilities to avoid conflicts.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker explains that when one partner puts aside their emotions to deal with the other's, it can cause them to not properly address their own emotions which can result in frustration and anger.
37:58 - 41:02 (03:04)
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Emotional Intelligence

The speaker explains that when one partner puts aside their emotions to deal with the other's, it can cause them to not properly address their own emotions which can result in frustration and anger.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The importance of counseling for a partner exhibiting inappropriate behavior and trusting your instincts in a relationship.
41:02 - 45:06 (04:04)
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The importance of counseling for a partner exhibiting inappropriate behavior and trusting your instincts in a relationship.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
Fading intimacy in a relationship can lead to partners feeling insecure and paranoid about their significant other's attraction to others.
45:06 - 52:30 (07:24)
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Fading intimacy in a relationship can lead to partners feeling insecure and paranoid about their significant other's attraction to others. However, it is natural for one's attention to be focused elsewhere if the physical and emotional attraction with their partner starts to fade.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
It's crucial to work through past trauma before being in a relationship because holding onto bitterness and resentment can make you miserable and create issues for both you and your partner.
52:30 - 56:39 (04:08)
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It's crucial to work through past trauma before being in a relationship because holding onto bitterness and resentment can make you miserable and create issues for both you and your partner. Toxic behavior can lead to a lack of trust and the potential for infidelity.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
Two individuals discuss the challenges of living with a partner who chews loudly and complains frequently.
56:39 - 1:01:59 (05:19)
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Two individuals discuss the challenges of living with a partner who chews loudly and complains frequently. They express the desire for a fulfilling relationship that includes intimacy and support.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
A podcast participant discusses inappropriate behavior from a past partner including sending pictures of other women and porn recommendations.
1:01:59 - 1:05:14 (03:14)
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A podcast participant discusses inappropriate behavior from a past partner including sending pictures of other women and porn recommendations. The host comments on the motivations behind consuming pornography.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The fear of uncertainty and doubt can hold you back from reaching your full potential and finding true fulfillment.
1:05:14 - 1:09:52 (04:38)
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Personal Growth

The fear of uncertainty and doubt can hold you back from reaching your full potential and finding true fulfillment. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences and relationships can lead to personal and emotional growth.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The importance of dividing household tasks equally in a relationship, regardless of who works longer hours, to prevent resentment in the future is discussed.
1:09:52 - 1:16:50 (06:58)
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Relationship Advice

The importance of dividing household tasks equally in a relationship, regardless of who works longer hours, to prevent resentment in the future is discussed.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
A woman discusses her experience being in a long-distance relationship for three years and how they have been able to keep their relationship strong despite the distance.
1:16:50 - 1:20:09 (03:18)
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Long-Distance Relationships

A woman discusses her experience being in a long-distance relationship for three years and how they have been able to keep their relationship strong despite the distance.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
This episode discusses the challenges people with borderline personality disorder face with identity issues.
1:20:09 - 1:22:38 (02:29)
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Borderline Personality Disorder

This episode discusses the challenges people with borderline personality disorder face with identity issues. They discuss how quickly people with BPD can develop a sense of self based on their surroundings or the people they are with.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The conversation explores the topic of kinky sexual practices within the context of Christianity, discussing whether they are compatible, the importance of consent, and how to navigate the potential judgment of others.
1:22:37 - 1:28:01 (05:23)
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The conversation explores the topic of kinky sexual practices within the context of Christianity, discussing whether they are compatible, the importance of consent, and how to navigate the potential judgment of others.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The hosts of this podcast discuss their personal struggles with mental health and how they navigate them as a couple, helping listeners to better communicate with their partners and work through their own issues.
1:28:01 - 1:32:00 (03:59)
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Mental Health

The hosts of this podcast discuss their personal struggles with mental health and how they navigate them as a couple, helping listeners to better communicate with their partners and work through their own issues. The podcast provides relatable insights for those struggling with long-distance relationships and mental health challenges.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker discusses the importance of owning your privacy on the internet and how it allows you to have your own space without the fear of judgment from others, regardless of what you choose to do with it.
1:32:00 - 1:35:18 (03:17)
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The speaker discusses the importance of owning your privacy on the internet and how it allows you to have your own space without the fear of judgment from others, regardless of what you choose to do with it.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker talks about how some people are improving their relationships by showing appreciation and gratitude, but some are bitter and hating on their way of life.
1:35:19 - 1:39:34 (04:15)
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The speaker talks about how some people are improving their relationships by showing appreciation and gratitude, but some are bitter and hating on their way of life. She acknowledges that she is a submissive housewife and that others may call her "fetishizing" it, but she loves what she's doing.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The hosts discuss the expectation of sharing household chores equally between partners regardless of their work status or income level.
1:39:36 - 1:44:17 (04:41)
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Household Chores

The hosts discuss the expectation of sharing household chores equally between partners regardless of their work status or income level.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The physical exhaustion of hard labor jobs, such as digging ditches, can be intense, leaving workers with aching muscles and little energy for other activities outside of work, making it important to acknowledge and respect the effort put in by those in these jobs.
1:44:17 - 1:50:18 (06:01)
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Hard Labor

The physical exhaustion of hard labor jobs, such as digging ditches, can be intense, leaving workers with aching muscles and little energy for other activities outside of work, making it important to acknowledge and respect the effort put in by those in these jobs.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
The speaker reflects on the importance of downtime and not overworking, while also mentioning the availability of extra content on YouTube compared to the podcast streaming services.
1:50:19 - 1:56:25 (06:06)
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Work-life balance

The speaker reflects on the importance of downtime and not overworking, while also mentioning the availability of extra content on YouTube compared to the podcast streaming services.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses the importance of taking breaks during work, using his personal experience as an example.
1:56:25 - 2:00:37 (04:12)
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In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses the importance of taking breaks during work, using his personal experience as an example. He acknowledges that some may perceive his approach as arrogant, but he emphasizes the benefits it brings him.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
With exponential growth comes the need for additional manpower to handle production demands.
2:00:37 - 2:05:18 (04:40)
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Podcast Production

With exponential growth comes the need for additional manpower to handle production demands. The host discusses his plans to eventually hire a team to handle editing and other related tasks.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
When one partner is struggling with mental illness, it is important for the other partner to support them while also encouraging growth and change.
2:05:18 - 2:09:45 (04:26)
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Mental Health

When one partner is struggling with mental illness, it is important for the other partner to support them while also encouraging growth and change. However, it is important for the individual with mental illness to also take responsibility for their own healing journey.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
Taking care of your own physical and mental health is crucial before being able to take care of others.
2:09:45 - 2:14:50 (05:04)
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Mental Health

Taking care of your own physical and mental health is crucial before being able to take care of others. It's important to take action towards your well-being, even if it may be difficult in the moment.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better
During episode 19 of the podcast, one of the cameras overheated and shut off, interrupting the recording.
2:14:50 - 2:15:57 (01:07)
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During episode 19 of the podcast, one of the cameras overheated and shut off, interrupting the recording. The hosts briefly discuss the importance of supporting your partner's hobbies and interests and mention that their air conditioner is not working.

2 Be Better Ep.19 - Lots of talks of jobs in the relationships
2 Be Better