
#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
Ben Bergeron is the Owner of CrossFit New England, Founder of CompTrain and an author. Ben has tested his high-performance philosophy on the biggest stage in the world having been the coach behind 6 CrossFit Games Championships. Today we get to go through some great insights for how to take charge of your direction and reach full potential in work, sport, family and life. Expect to learn Ben's process for deciding how to make changes in life, how to turn your inner critic into a coach, why trusting your gut is a superpower, what Ben thinks about Dave Castro's recent exit from CrossFit, how you get a team to respect their leader, how Ben dealt with recent big name exits from his gym and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to connect with me & other listeners - https://modernwisdom.locals.com/ Get 20% discount on Mission’s high performance teas at https://missionuk.com (use code MW20) Get 15% discount on the amazing 6 Minute Diary at https://bit.ly/diarywisdom (use code MW15) Extra Stuff: Buy Unlocking Potential - https://amzn.to/3rSRo1l Follow Ben on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/benbergeron Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
Ben White, CEO of Mission, shares his process for making changes in life, turning your inner critic into a coach, the power of trusting your gut, and much more.
00:00 - 05:19 (05:19)
Ben White, CEO of Mission, shares his process for making changes in life, turning your inner critic into a coach, the power of trusting your gut, and much more. Mission's products provide sustainable energy without making you feel jittery or causing crashes and are enjoyed by athletes, business leaders, and self-improvers worldwide.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
The prefrontal cortex allows humans to think about their thoughts and reflect on their life's purpose.
05:19 - 10:52 (05:32)
The prefrontal cortex allows humans to think about their thoughts and reflect on their life's purpose. Taking risks to live a fulfilling life is essential and becoming more in tune with oneself can help make difficult decisions easier.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
Jenna Zoe encourages people to live a fulfilling and passionate life where they are excited about what they do every single day by listening to their gut and leaving complacency behind.
10:52 - 16:49 (05:57)
Jenna Zoe encourages people to live a fulfilling and passionate life where they are excited about what they do every single day by listening to their gut and leaving complacency behind.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of prioritizing activities that bring joy and fulfillment to life rather than neglecting them in favor of work or obligations.
16:49 - 31:56 (15:06)
In this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of prioritizing activities that bring joy and fulfillment to life rather than neglecting them in favor of work or obligations. They touch on the topic of Crossfit and the differing perspectives of Glassman and Eric.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
The arts and music offer a way for individuals to find joy and self-awareness by tapping into their consciousness.
31:57 - 42:42 (10:44)
The arts and music offer a way for individuals to find joy and self-awareness by tapping into their consciousness. Being an introvert shouldn't limit one's access to the benefits of the arts.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
When setting business goals, it's important to consider the feeling you want to create for your customers rather than just achieving a transactional outcome.
42:42 - 53:28 (10:46)
When setting business goals, it's important to consider the feeling you want to create for your customers rather than just achieving a transactional outcome. Focusing on targeting heartstrings and creating ways for customers to genuinely want to stay is key to building a successful business.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how they approach sharing new ideas with their colleagues who fit into three categories: those who are good-looking and popular, those who are athletic, and those who derive their self-worth from their intelligence.
53:29 - 1:02:20 (08:51)
The speaker discusses how they approach sharing new ideas with their colleagues who fit into three categories: those who are good-looking and popular, those who are athletic, and those who derive their self-worth from their intelligence.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
The body language of team members before, during and after a competition can reveal a lot about their attitude and potential success.
1:02:20 - 1:21:48 (19:28)
The body language of team members before, during and after a competition can reveal a lot about their attitude and potential success. Leaders also need to show outstanding competence in order to earn respect from their team members.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, the speaker explains how trying too hard to grasp a difficult situation can actually make it harder and recommends focusing on the one thing that will have the highest impact to overcome it.
1:21:49 - 1:31:15 (09:26)
In this episode, the speaker explains how trying too hard to grasp a difficult situation can actually make it harder and recommends focusing on the one thing that will have the highest impact to overcome it.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast episode discusses how music has the ability to induce a flow state for performers and listeners, as long as they maintain an open and positive mindset.
1:31:16 - 1:39:18 (08:02)
This podcast episode discusses how music has the ability to induce a flow state for performers and listeners, as long as they maintain an open and positive mindset. The flow state is a state of pure enlightenment and joy, free from good or bad judgments.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
The reality is that not everything in life is going to line up the way we want it to, and we can't expect everyone to act, think, and behave exactly like we want them to.
1:39:19 - 1:53:26 (14:07)
The reality is that not everything in life is going to line up the way we want it to, and we can't expect everyone to act, think, and behave exactly like we want them to.
Episode#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this podcast, Chris Williamson interviews author and entrepreneur Ben Berger on his new book "Unlocking Potential" and talks about his training platform Comtrain and his podcast "Chasing Excellence."
1:53:27 - 1:55:01 (01:33)
In this podcast, Chris Williamson interviews author and entrepreneur Ben Berger on his new book "Unlocking Potential" and talks about his training platform Comtrain and his podcast "Chasing Excellence." There is also a mention of a discount for Mission high-performance teas and gratitude journals.