
How to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
I want you to get serious about inserting fun back into the holidays this year. It might seem odd to have an entire conversation about fun. But here’s why we have to: most of us aren’t having any. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that researchers have a term for it: “a fun drought.” You’re not alone – 97% of people want to have more fun. And wouldn’t it be fabulous if you had an absolute blast with your family this holiday season? It is possible. And you’re just the person to make it happen. On the topic of family, I find it interesting that most of the advice out there is focused on toxic family dynamics and boundaries. If your family is that toxic, the only thing you need to do is make other plans. You’re not required to spend time with them. But… if you are planning to spend time with family during the holidays, make this the year you bring the fun. Fun breaks up old dynamics, fun draws people out of their shells, and fun gives you something to talk about other than the weather and how the school year is going. And laughter is not only great medicine, but it also makes you happier and strengthens your relationships with those you’re having fun with! Today you and I are getting serious about fun. In this episode, you’re going to learn the 3 things that get in the way of you having fun – the biggest one being that you don’t plan for it. So, we are going to discuss how to plan for and have more fun, and I’ll give you all kinds of ideas to consider. This is the perfect episode to listen to with your family if you’re traveling. It’s appropriate for all ages. So shake off the dread and pull out the party hats. I’m on a mission to inspire you to have more fun. Xo Mel For complete show notes, go to melrobbins.com
In this podcast, the host discusses surviving holidays with family and loved ones by setting realistic expectations and boundaries while also showing compassion towards others.
00:00 - 01:28 (01:28)
In this podcast, the host discusses surviving holidays with family and loved ones by setting realistic expectations and boundaries while also showing compassion towards others.
EpisodeHow to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
The speaker encourages listeners to let go of expectations and embrace the holiday season with open arms and a sense of fun, rather than getting caught up in mundane conversations and phone usage.
01:28 - 04:54 (03:25)
The speaker encourages listeners to let go of expectations and embrace the holiday season with open arms and a sense of fun, rather than getting caught up in mundane conversations and phone usage.
EpisodeHow to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
The speaker shares memories of fun family moments and encourages not feeling guilty about having fun during celebrations or if someone has passed away while also emphasizing the importance of coming up with ideas to have fun with loved ones.
04:54 - 09:48 (04:54)
The speaker shares memories of fun family moments and encourages not feeling guilty about having fun during celebrations or if someone has passed away while also emphasizing the importance of coming up with ideas to have fun with loved ones.
EpisodeHow to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
The hosts discuss how as adults, we should actively plan for and create fun experiences instead of passively waiting for them to happen.
09:48 - 14:13 (04:24)
The hosts discuss how as adults, we should actively plan for and create fun experiences instead of passively waiting for them to happen. By putting in the effort to plan ahead, we can ensure that we have enjoyable activities to look forward to.
EpisodeHow to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
The hosts share DIY tips for making a veil out of paper towel and flowers out of foil, as well as using rubber lids as festive dish covers.
14:13 - 18:51 (04:38)
The hosts share DIY tips for making a veil out of paper towel and flowers out of foil, as well as using rubber lids as festive dish covers. They also recount a bar crawl where they dressed as women from colonial times.
EpisodeHow to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
The speaker talks about the importance of going all out, being outgoing and making sure everyone feels comfortable when planning a party or bar crawl.
18:51 - 27:16 (08:24)
The speaker talks about the importance of going all out, being outgoing and making sure everyone feels comfortable when planning a party or bar crawl. She suggests creative ideas such as incorporating colonial costumes, providing handmade name tags and giving presents to make the event more exciting.
EpisodeHow to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays
PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast
Learn how to host a great costume party by giving your guests enough notice to order their costumes and committing to creating a fun atmosphere as the host.
27:16 - 31:15 (03:59)
Learn how to host a great costume party by giving your guests enough notice to order their costumes and committing to creating a fun atmosphere as the host.