
23. Realities People Like To Hide
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The culture of pretending like you don't know how you got where you are or how you got what you have can mess with people's heads.
00:00 - 01:47 (01:47)
The culture of pretending like you don't know how you got where you are or how you got what you have can mess with people's heads. Everyone is acting like they're not trying or being intentional behind their actions.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker shares seven areas for individuals who are working towards their goals and feeling like they are struggling.
01:47 - 05:39 (03:51)
The speaker shares seven areas for individuals who are working towards their goals and feeling like they are struggling. She deconstructs and sheds some light on these areas, offering insights from personal experience and Gary Vee's advice.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The idea of manifestation involves a lot of intentional effort behind the process, despite the popular belief that it involves simply thinking about something and it will become your reality.
05:39 - 11:17 (05:38)
The idea of manifestation involves a lot of intentional effort behind the process, despite the popular belief that it involves simply thinking about something and it will become your reality.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker highlights the efforts people put in to make their social media videos perfect including adjusting their clothes and appearance to look good on camera.
11:17 - 18:41 (07:24)
The speaker highlights the efforts people put in to make their social media videos perfect including adjusting their clothes and appearance to look good on camera. They emphasize on the different aspects involved in creating a video that can be deemed perfect by audiences.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
Even trust fund individuals have concerns around money and stress about their future.
18:41 - 21:38 (02:57)
Even trust fund individuals have concerns around money and stress about their future. There is a societal connotation surrounding money that affects everyone.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The excuses people give are often just that - excuses.
21:38 - 24:26 (02:48)
The excuses people give are often just that - excuses. If someone gives you a weak excuse for not hanging out, they probably just don't want to.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker goes on a rant about people who have tough-looking tattoos or dress like witches, stating that they look stupid.
24:26 - 31:58 (07:32)
The speaker goes on a rant about people who have tough-looking tattoos or dress like witches, stating that they look stupid.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
This podcast episode features a discussion about fitness and body positivity.
31:58 - 35:29 (03:30)
This podcast episode features a discussion about fitness and body positivity. The speakers talk about their approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how they prioritize their well-being over societal beauty standards.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
In this podcast, the speaker shares their experience with extreme fitness and nutrition and their obsession with counting calories and making sure they hit their protein goal.
35:29 - 40:02 (04:33)
In this podcast, the speaker shares their experience with extreme fitness and nutrition and their obsession with counting calories and making sure they hit their protein goal.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker shares her experiences in studying when she was in real estate school and how she discovered efficient ways of studying.
40:02 - 44:53 (04:51)
The speaker shares her experiences in studying when she was in real estate school and how she discovered efficient ways of studying.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
In this episode, the speaker emphasizes that people who have a positive mindset are often more intentional about being positive than others realize.
44:54 - 47:50 (02:56)
In this episode, the speaker emphasizes that people who have a positive mindset are often more intentional about being positive than others realize. She encourages listeners to be intentional in cultivating a positive outlook.
Episode23. Realities People Like To Hide
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker is looking to work with individuals who are serious about transforming their lives and have been struggling to find answers or solutions.
47:50 - 49:20 (01:30)
The speaker is looking to work with individuals who are serious about transforming their lives and have been struggling to find answers or solutions. They specialize in working with action takers that have been unsuccessful with their previous attempts and aim to provide guidance and support.