
738 The Fundamentals of Nutrition with Dr. Peter Osborne
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Published: Fri Dec 28 2018

THERE'S ALWAYS A PRICE TO PAY. I’ve got a huge sweet tooth. I’d love to eat candy all day. But I know that what we put into our body will affect what we can get out of it. If you want to achieve greatness in your health, you have to keep finding what works and tweak it. You need to approach nutrition the same way you approach business or athletics.Keep refining until you get to the next level. Diet is so important. That’s why, for this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Dr. Peter Osborne where he shared how what we eat affects every aspect of our lives. Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a Doctor of pastoral science, and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Often times referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior,” he is one of the most sought-after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. He says that you can cheat on your diet, but if you look at it like getting 6/7 on a test score, you’re only getting a “B.” I think we can all do better than that. Learn how your diet is affecting your health in major ways in Episode 738. In This Episode You Will Learn: The three fundamental rules of nutrition (1:00) How long it takes to find out if your diet is causing you pain (2:30) If you can have a cheat day (4:00) The relationship between food and death (6:00)

Dr. Peter Osborne, chiropractor and clinical nutritionist, shares insights into his 30-day diet plan for eliminating the root cause of chronic pain.
00:00 - 01:13 (01:13)
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Chronic Pain

Dr. Peter Osborne, chiropractor and clinical nutritionist, shares insights into his 30-day diet plan for eliminating the root cause of chronic pain. The program involves eliminating grains from your diet and includes specific guidelines for maintaining proper nutrition.

738 The Fundamentals of Nutrition with Dr. Peter Osborne
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, Lewis and his guest discuss the difficulties of transitioning into a healthier diet and how the 30 days period can help establish a direct relationship between an individual's diet and their autoimmune pain and inflammation.
01:13 - 04:09 (02:56)
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Diet, Autoimmune, Health

In this podcast, Lewis and his guest discuss the difficulties of transitioning into a healthier diet and how the 30 days period can help establish a direct relationship between an individual's diet and their autoimmune pain and inflammation.

738 The Fundamentals of Nutrition with Dr. Peter Osborne
The School of Greatness
The fourth leading cause of death can be prevented through consuming real food with no genetically manipulated ingredients, hormones or pesticides.
04:09 - 07:22 (03:13)
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Real Food

The fourth leading cause of death can be prevented through consuming real food with no genetically manipulated ingredients, hormones or pesticides. Instead of indulging in highly processed foods, opting for home-baked goods with natural ingredients can be a healthier option.

738 The Fundamentals of Nutrition with Dr. Peter Osborne
The School of Greatness