
17. Why You Aren't Happy
My 3 theories and realizations around happiness and how to create more of it. And you know with me, it's never that cookie cutter bullshit everyone else tells you. Hope this episode helps! Watch the Podcast on YouTube!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgs8c2Z_97gA_1TkJos18w/videosBook a 1-on-1 call with me 👇🏻https://leoskepicoaching.com/client-applicationSupport the podcast with a donation : https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/46556b98-73da-47be-a3bd-a5646af9f8c5Instagram: @theleoskepiPodcast Instagram: @awareandaggravated TikTok accounts: @LeoSkepi@NotLeoForLegalReasons My app Positive Focus:Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/positive-focus/id1559260311Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.positivefocusapp
The host shares three simple yet effective theories on happiness and why people tend to be unhappy.
00:00 - 01:11 (01:11)
The host shares three simple yet effective theories on happiness and why people tend to be unhappy. This episode is packed with helpful tips and tricks.
Episode17. Why You Aren't Happy
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The more we try to stop caring about something, the more we focus our energy on it, leading us to a cycle of wanting to stop caring but being unable to.
01:11 - 05:15 (04:03)
The more we try to stop caring about something, the more we focus our energy on it, leading us to a cycle of wanting to stop caring but being unable to. In order to make real changes, we need to confront the root cause of our desire to stop caring.
Episode17. Why You Aren't Happy
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker shares their own struggle with self-doubt and realizing the impact they have on their listeners, and expresses their desire for quick solutions to overcome the fear of failure.
05:15 - 09:12 (03:56)
The speaker shares their own struggle with self-doubt and realizing the impact they have on their listeners, and expresses their desire for quick solutions to overcome the fear of failure.
Episode17. Why You Aren't Happy
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker shares their experience of finding purpose in creating TikTok content and pursuing a career as a life coach.
09:12 - 16:33 (07:21)
The speaker shares their experience of finding purpose in creating TikTok content and pursuing a career as a life coach. They discuss the importance of identifying activities that drain energy versus those that bring fulfillment.
Episode17. Why You Aren't Happy
PodcastAware & Aggravated
In this episode, the speaker emphasizes the importance of getting in touch with one's feelings and the present moment.
16:34 - 18:54 (02:20)
In this episode, the speaker emphasizes the importance of getting in touch with one's feelings and the present moment.
Episode17. Why You Aren't Happy
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and how the mindset of wanting immediate results can lead to disappointment and discouragement.
18:54 - 23:54 (05:00)
The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and how the mindset of wanting immediate results can lead to disappointment and discouragement.
Episode17. Why You Aren't Happy
PodcastAware & Aggravated
The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a purpose or goal when taking actions, and not getting too disheartened if some actions don't go as planned.
23:54 - 26:41 (02:47)
The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a purpose or goal when taking actions, and not getting too disheartened if some actions don't go as planned. Instead, one should focus on finding the fun in the process.