
#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
Adam Lane Smith is a psychotherapist and an author. Adam wrote one of the best threads on Twitter which I've seen this year, our first episode on this ended up being an absolute favourite so here we go again with some more uncomfortable psychology insights. Expect to learn why RedPill alpha gurus are taking advantage of you, why "I love you but I'm not in love with you" is a red flag, how men & women bond differently during sex, why needing to be right will keep you friendless and stupid, why you should never tweet for midwits, how women in hookup culture don't realise they're being used and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to connect with me & other listeners - https://modernwisdom.locals.com/ Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours at https://www.drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a $5 discount on Magic Spoon’s amazing cereal at https://magicspoon.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get 20% discount on Reebok’s entire range including the amazing Nano X1 at https://geni.us/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Extra Stuff: Check out Adam's original Twitter Thread - https://twitter.com/TheBrometheus/status/1381710882225328135 Check out Adam's Website - https://adamlanesmith.com/ Subscribe to Adam's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBO093GsMmnA9tb8lZPhbgg Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
This podcast episode covers various subjects, including the red flags when someone says "I'm not in love with you", the differences in how men and women bond during sex, the consequences of needing to be right all the time, and more.
00:00 - 01:34 (01:34)
This podcast episode covers various subjects, including the red flags when someone says "I'm not in love with you", the differences in how men and women bond during sex, the consequences of needing to be right all the time, and more.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
Get a 20% discount on athletic wear and an energy drink subscription with code "modern wisdom" at magicspoon.com/modernwisdom.
01:35 - 07:02 (05:26)
Get a 20% discount on athletic wear and an energy drink subscription with code "modern wisdom" at magicspoon.com/modernwisdom. The Nano 11s shoes come in several colours perfect for various workouts, and Magic Spoon offers eight flavours to try.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker has treated a variety of people, from murderers to homeless addicts, and believes in understanding the root cause of their behaviour rather than judging them on their actions.
07:02 - 09:56 (02:54)
The speaker has treated a variety of people, from murderers to homeless addicts, and believes in understanding the root cause of their behaviour rather than judging them on their actions.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The idea of fixing someone in a relationship can create a constant bias towards seeking out people with problems to solve.
09:56 - 17:28 (07:32)
The idea of fixing someone in a relationship can create a constant bias towards seeking out people with problems to solve. The red pill's approach to relationships involves understanding our biological imperatives and fixing attachment issues.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The red pill space is one of the only places where men can speak openly about their perspectives on women and relationships, but the speaker believes that the main issue with this community is that many of the participants are not alpha males.
17:28 - 21:24 (03:55)
The red pill space is one of the only places where men can speak openly about their perspectives on women and relationships, but the speaker believes that the main issue with this community is that many of the participants are not alpha males.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The red pill community views women as a means to an end and often perceive them as gold diggers or unable to commit.
21:24 - 25:42 (04:17)
The red pill community views women as a means to an end and often perceive them as gold diggers or unable to commit. This perception leads to a lack of introduction to quality women by friends and family.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The cultural norm of teenagers leaving home at 18 is not feasible for every family and is largely driven by the banking system to make extended family members pay for multiple households.
25:42 - 33:03 (07:20)
The cultural norm of teenagers leaving home at 18 is not feasible for every family and is largely driven by the banking system to make extended family members pay for multiple households. Good relationships with your children are important for a healthy marriage.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The rise of fentanyl in the drug market has made heroin addicts long for the "good old days," while a spouse's "I love you but I'm not in love with you" means they don't consider the other person as a high-quality individual.
33:03 - 36:08 (03:05)
The rise of fentanyl in the drug market has made heroin addicts long for the "good old days," while a spouse's "I love you but I'm not in love with you" means they don't consider the other person as a high-quality individual. Additionally, the speaker believes that it is beneficial to kick out one's child at the age of 18 and to have them go through a cycle of medication and poor lifestyle choices.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The bonding process between a mother and a child is different from that of a father and child, as women bond through vaginal birth and release of oxytocin while men bond better through stress.
36:08 - 40:40 (04:31)
The bonding process between a mother and a child is different from that of a father and child, as women bond through vaginal birth and release of oxytocin while men bond better through stress. A man who has nothing may not earn respect from a woman, leading to a decreased sex drive in the relationship.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses the concept of stress bonding, and how it can create long-lasting friendships and relationships.
40:46 - 46:49 (06:03)
The podcast discusses the concept of stress bonding, and how it can create long-lasting friendships and relationships. It emphasizes the importance of not always feeling the need to be right, in order to truly connect with others.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
Learn how to calm your emotions and process situations logically in order to make more thoughtful decisions in your relationships.
46:49 - 54:33 (07:43)
Learn how to calm your emotions and process situations logically in order to make more thoughtful decisions in your relationships. It's important to choose to truly love someone instead of just liking the idea of loving them.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
A tweet thread can lose its sexiness when caveating every statement; people get angry when they identify themselves as exceptions to generalized statements.
54:33 - 1:01:12 (06:39)
A tweet thread can lose its sexiness when caveating every statement; people get angry when they identify themselves as exceptions to generalized statements.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, the host shares insights on how to mend a broken relationship by choosing to apologize and actively love someone.
1:01:12 - 1:07:16 (06:03)
In this episode, the host shares insights on how to mend a broken relationship by choosing to apologize and actively love someone. She emphasizes the importance of checking where we are before speaking and thinking before taking any action.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
Establishing boundaries and clear expectations in a relationship is crucial for creating a healthy and peaceful dynamic between partners.
1:07:16 - 1:13:54 (06:38)
Establishing boundaries and clear expectations in a relationship is crucial for creating a healthy and peaceful dynamic between partners. Being open about what behavior is and isn't acceptable can help reduce anxiety and game playing in the relationship.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
Research has shown that men who watch a lot of porn may have a different brain response to non-pornographic stimuli, such as images of attractive women, and may focus more on acts and body parts instead of the whole person.
1:13:54 - 1:19:32 (05:38)
Research has shown that men who watch a lot of porn may have a different brain response to non-pornographic stimuli, such as images of attractive women, and may focus more on acts and body parts instead of the whole person.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The new system built by the boomers discarded everything that previously worked and created one that focused on taking on all the debt, building tiny nuclear families, and distancing oneself from their family, producing vulnerable 12-year-old boys with moms who had multiple boyfriends.
1:19:32 - 1:26:15 (06:42)
The new system built by the boomers discarded everything that previously worked and created one that focused on taking on all the debt, building tiny nuclear families, and distancing oneself from their family, producing vulnerable 12-year-old boys with moms who had multiple boyfriends.
Episode#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast mentions discount codes and links for Magic Spoon, Reebok, and Lmnt products.
1:26:15 - 1:27:43 (01:28)
The podcast mentions discount codes and links for Magic Spoon, Reebok, and Lmnt products.