

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
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Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
Description - Order a copy of my new book The Greatness Mindset today!In today’s masterclass, three experts will walk you through different methods and tactics for how you can continue to heal your mind and find your true self. In this episode, you will learn:Gabor Mate, a renowned speaker and best-selling author, gets you thinking on why you might feel lost in life & how to find your path forward. Mariel Buque, a Columbia University-trained Psychologist & intergenerational trauma expert, teaches how you can regulate your nervous system & heal your soul. Muniba Mazari, an artist, humanitarian, and global Motivational Speaker, explains how you can become the source of your own joy & find true self love. For more, go to Episodes:Gabor Mate - Buque - Mazari -

The Greatness Mindset book, written by an expert, offers science-backed strategies, powerful stories, and step-by-step guidance, helping readers design and turn their dream life into a reality.
00:00 - 01:50 (01:50)
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The Greatness Mindset book, written by an expert, offers science-backed strategies, powerful stories, and step-by-step guidance, helping readers design and turn their dream life into a reality.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares a personal story of their upbringing and surviving through depression, highlighting the importance of seeking help and medication.
01:50 - 05:51 (04:00)
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Mental Health

The speaker shares a personal story of their upbringing and surviving through depression, highlighting the importance of seeking help and medication.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the guest speaker talks about the impact of childhood trauma on the emotional well-being of an individual and how it can trigger negative emotions.
05:51 - 10:31 (04:39)
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Childhood Trauma, Emotional Transformation

In this podcast, the guest speaker talks about the impact of childhood trauma on the emotional well-being of an individual and how it can trigger negative emotions. He also talks about taking responsibility for one's own well-being, letting go of toxic beliefs, and embracing love and peace.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
The use of pornography can be a way to falsely feel wanted, valued, and loved.
10:31 - 16:53 (06:21)
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The use of pornography can be a way to falsely feel wanted, valued, and loved. It can also create unhealthy identity patterns that make a person feel powerless and unlovable.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the hosts discuss the Gospel of Thomas, a gospel that was written at the same time as the other gospels, and delve into the teachings of Jesus within the gospel.
16:53 - 19:30 (02:36)
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Gospel of Thomas

In this episode, the hosts discuss the Gospel of Thomas, a gospel that was written at the same time as the other gospels, and delve into the teachings of Jesus within the gospel.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the speaker emphasizes that telling someone "no big deal" can be harmful as it can invalidate their feelings and experiences, especially for individuals who have survived trauma.
19:30 - 24:11 (04:41)
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Mental Health

In this episode, the speaker emphasizes that telling someone "no big deal" can be harmful as it can invalidate their feelings and experiences, especially for individuals who have survived trauma.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
By attaching a different meaning to negative experiences and having a more positive outlook on life, healing from trauma can be easier and reduce mental challenges associated with it.
24:11 - 28:46 (04:35)
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Trauma Healing

By attaching a different meaning to negative experiences and having a more positive outlook on life, healing from trauma can be easier and reduce mental challenges associated with it.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
Advice on how to manage and overcome big fears; learning to feel safe in the body to explore the depths of the mind; reframing negative experiences to find positive meaning.
28:46 - 35:21 (06:34)
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overcoming fears

Advice on how to manage and overcome big fears; learning to feel safe in the body to explore the depths of the mind; reframing negative experiences to find positive meaning.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
This discussion explores strategies to not allow external circumstances to impact your self-worth and why it is important to let go of toxic relationships.
35:21 - 39:15 (03:54)
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This discussion explores strategies to not allow external circumstances to impact your self-worth and why it is important to let go of toxic relationships. They emphasize the need to overcome the fear of abandonment to achieve personal growth.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares their experience on the balance of strength and vulnerability, and how it has impacted people's lives through their TED talk and social media presence.
39:15 - 43:05 (03:50)
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The speaker shares their experience on the balance of strength and vulnerability, and how it has impacted people's lives through their TED talk and social media presence.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the host talks with disability rights activist and model, Jillian Mercado, about the importance of representation for people with disabilities in fashion, media, and society as a whole.
43:05 - 46:08 (03:02)
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In this episode, the host talks with disability rights activist and model, Jillian Mercado, about the importance of representation for people with disabilities in fashion, media, and society as a whole.

Heal Your Mind & Find Yourself [MASTERCLASS] EP 1384
The School of Greatness