

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
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Published: Tue Mar 01 2022

Oops all meat: How a '50s bodybuilder, a Grateful Dead roadie and an unreadable professor accidentally launched one of America's wildest fad diets. Here's Mike's "Cancel Culture" video! Note: In our discussion of Jordan Peterson’s political correctness lecture, I made a sarcastic comment about looking “slim in this dress.” After the episode came out, we started hearing from listeners that my comment reminded them of fatphobic jokes they’d heard in the past and didn’t feel consistent with the message of the show. They were right! It was a bad joke and we've removed it from the episode. We'll be discussing this and our approach to handling feedback and editing past episodes in more detail soon. Thanks to everyone who wrote in to let us know! — MikeSupport us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreLinks!Joe Rogan Experience #1070 - Jordan PetersonAtlantic article on the all-beef dietJordan Peterson, Custodian of the PatriarchyIs Jordan Peterson the stupid man's smart person?How dangerous is Jordan B. Peterson?The Intellectual We DeserveJordan Peterson & Fascist MysticismThe Pronoun WarriorJordan Peterson’s Gospel of MasculinityThe Bizarre Fad Diet Taking the Far Right by StormInside the World of the 'Bitcoin Carnivores'Human Ancestors Were Nearly All VegetariansMy carnivore diet: what I learned from eating only beef, salt and waterThe Inuit ParadoxWhy Right Wingers Are Going Crazy About MeatOwsley “The Bear” Stanley’s Active Low-Carber Forum PostsThanks to Doctor Dreamchip for our lovely theme song!Support the show

The podcast hosts dive into the beef grifting environment surrounding Jordan Peterson and his controversial views on cancel culture and gender politics.
00:00 - 03:51 (03:51)
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Jordan Peterson

The podcast hosts dive into the beef grifting environment surrounding Jordan Peterson and his controversial views on cancel culture and gender politics.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The pressure to succeed can create a narrative of personal responsibility that ignores systemic barriers.
03:51 - 12:59 (09:07)
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Personal Responsibility

The pressure to succeed can create a narrative of personal responsibility that ignores systemic barriers. This podcast explores the role of biology and moral absolutes in this narrative.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The transcript discusses the challenge of understanding a lecture filled with jargon and inaccurate descriptions of various cultures and myths, while still acknowledging the speaker's well-respected reputation and interesting insights.
12:59 - 18:52 (05:52)
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Cultural Studies

The transcript discusses the challenge of understanding a lecture filled with jargon and inaccurate descriptions of various cultures and myths, while still acknowledging the speaker's well-respected reputation and interesting insights. The conversation also touches on how hearing people's personal stories can change hearts and minds on issues such as immigration.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The podcast discusses the controversy surrounding Jordan Peterson's lectures which sparked a national debate in various venues across the country, despite being perceived by some as "shitty lecture" and "shit post advice."
18:52 - 24:41 (05:49)
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Jordan Peterson

The podcast discusses the controversy surrounding Jordan Peterson's lectures which sparked a national debate in various venues across the country, despite being perceived by some as "shitty lecture" and "shit post advice."

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The desire to repackage personal beliefs and anxieties in academic language to appear as challenges against dogmas is discussed.
24:41 - 30:05 (05:23)
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Jordan Peterson, academic language, opposing views, personal beliefs

The desire to repackage personal beliefs and anxieties in academic language to appear as challenges against dogmas is discussed. The usage of academic language to create a seemingly valid critique is prevalent in the discussion of opposing views, one of which includes Jordan Peterson's controversial statements.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The true meaning behind conservative rhetoric can be difficult to grasp due to its vague and roundabout phrasing that takes time to decode.
30:05 - 33:20 (03:14)
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The true meaning behind conservative rhetoric can be difficult to grasp due to its vague and roundabout phrasing that takes time to decode. This approach allows speakers to push a fake definition without actually saying anything of substance.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
Michaela attempts an unconventional diet after being desperate to find relief for her complex illnesses.
33:20 - 39:04 (05:43)
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Michaela attempts an unconventional diet after being desperate to find relief for her complex illnesses. The diet was suggested by a commenter on a forum who was a roadie for the Grateful Dead.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
A subset of Silicon Valley's cryptocurrency enthusiasts have adopted an all-meat diet, citing a rebellion against "fiat food" parallels to their revolt against traditional currency.
39:04 - 43:19 (04:15)
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Silicon Valley, Bitcoin, Carnivorous Diet

A subset of Silicon Valley's cryptocurrency enthusiasts have adopted an all-meat diet, citing a rebellion against "fiat food" parallels to their revolt against traditional currency.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The carnivore diet has been gaining popularity, but critics argue that it lacks proper nutrients and is not a sustainable long-term option.
43:19 - 50:17 (06:58)
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carnivore diet

The carnivore diet has been gaining popularity, but critics argue that it lacks proper nutrients and is not a sustainable long-term option. The Inuits' adaptation to an all-meat diet does not prove its efficacy for all humans, and it may be contradictory for those who prioritize "clean eating" and detoxification.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
Grass-fed beef has more omega-3s than normal beef, making it a healthier option.
50:17 - 54:32 (04:14)
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Grass-fed Beef

Grass-fed beef has more omega-3s than normal beef, making it a healthier option. However, the idea of an all beef diet breaks down because the grass-fed beef doesn't fit the biological parameters being sought after.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The meat-eating hypothesis challenges the idea that early humans were vegetarian, with some scientists pointing to the enzymes found in saliva that could break down starches.
54:32 - 1:03:54 (09:21)
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Meat-eating hypothesis

The meat-eating hypothesis challenges the idea that early humans were vegetarian, with some scientists pointing to the enzymes found in saliva that could break down starches. However, other research suggests that cooking could have been responsible for this shift in diet, and even the scientist who originally proposed the meat-eating hypothesis questions the effectiveness of the paleo diet.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase
The dangers of an all-meat diet are discussed as many people try it despite its derangement.
1:03:54 - 1:08:44 (04:50)
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meat diet

The dangers of an all-meat diet are discussed as many people try it despite its derangement. The diet is debunked for increasing the risk of cholesterol, heart attacks, and not being sustainable.

Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet
Maintenance Phase