

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
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Published: Sun Sep 25 2022

The concept of having a “body clock” is a familiar one, but less widespread is the awareness that our body contains several biological clocks. Understanding their whims and functions may help us optimize our lives and lead to better overall health, according to scientists.Every physiological system is represented by a clock, from the liver to the lungs, and each one is synced “to the central clock in the brain like an orchestra section following its conductor,” writes Kim Tingley, a New York Times journalist who explored the effect this knowledge has on how conditions are treated, and spoke to scientists about how misalignment or deregulation of these clocks can have a profound effect on our health.Exploring the components that dictate our lives, and how they work together like the “gears in a mechanical watch,” Ms. Tingley builds a case for the importance of paying attention to all our circadian rhythms — and not just when it comes to monitoring our sleep.This story was written by Kim Tingley and recorded by Audm. To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android.

Circadian rhythms control many aspects of our bodily functions, and dysregulation of these rhythms have been linked to various health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
00:00 - 03:44 (03:44)
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Circadian rhythms control many aspects of our bodily functions, and dysregulation of these rhythms have been linked to various health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Despite their importance, our understanding of these rhythms is still in its early stages.

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
The Daily
Advances in the ability to detect gene activity reveal that cell clocks are organized into separate clock systems for each physiological system.
03:44 - 12:38 (08:53)
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circadian rhythms

Advances in the ability to detect gene activity reveal that cell clocks are organized into separate clock systems for each physiological system.

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
The Daily
Morning blue light can help people recover from brain injuries and concussions, as it promotes falling asleep an hour earlier and waking up an hour earlier, which appears to be a better time for brain repair.
12:53 - 28:47 (15:53)
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Brain Injuries and Sleep Rhythms

Morning blue light can help people recover from brain injuries and concussions, as it promotes falling asleep an hour earlier and waking up an hour earlier, which appears to be a better time for brain repair. Maintaining healthy circadian rhythms in the brain has also been linked to better sleep, improved neural function, and a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
The Daily
Circadian medicine can improve common chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline by synchronizing internal clocks.
28:47 - 36:33 (07:45)
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Circadian Medicine

Circadian medicine can improve common chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline by synchronizing internal clocks. Consistent sleep wake times and eating within a six to eight-hour window can improve health outcomes.

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
The Daily
Cancer drugs infused at certain times of day can reduce toxicity and boost effectiveness against cancer cells.
36:33 - 51:23 (14:49)
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Circadian rhythms

Cancer drugs infused at certain times of day can reduce toxicity and boost effectiveness against cancer cells. Exploiting circadian rhythms may improve the efficacy and reduce the side effects of treatments for diseases, especially cancer.

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
The Daily
Researchers have established a sleep and circadian medicine center at a hospital to diagnose complex cases and are utilizing genetic profiling to find correlations.
51:23 - 53:59 (02:36)
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Researchers have established a sleep and circadian medicine center at a hospital to diagnose complex cases and are utilizing genetic profiling to find correlations. Meanwhile, a new study has found that the manipulation of certain genes in mice could alter their circadian rhythm, a revelation that could be used to create drugs for humans.

The Sunday Read: ‘The Quest by Circadian Medicine to Make the Most of Our Body Clocks’
The Daily