
#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
Jonny & Yusef join me for the first episode of the new year as we ask each other what would we tell ourselves 10 years ago. If you were given a 30 second phone call to yourself 10 years ago, what would you say? Buy Bitcoin? Learn to meditate? End that relationship? Do not dye your hair blonde? Today you get to hear us crack under the pressure of an imaginary phone call to our younger selves and then reflect on everything we've learned. Extra Stuff: Take a break from alcohol and upgrade your life - https://6monthssober.com/podcast Check out everything I recommend from books to products - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
In this episode, the hosts reflect on the lessons they have learned over the last 10 years and give advice to their 18 year old selves.
00:00 - 01:08 (01:08)
In this episode, the hosts reflect on the lessons they have learned over the last 10 years and give advice to their 18 year old selves. They discuss their unique and common lessons and even give themselves the opportunity to call their younger selves for 30 seconds.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast host gives advice for his younger self and encourages listeners to share the episode with others who may benefit.
01:08 - 04:33 (03:25)
The podcast host gives advice for his younger self and encourages listeners to share the episode with others who may benefit.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker reflects on how in your 20s you realize that anything is possible if you don't know what you're doing.
04:33 - 07:17 (02:44)
The speaker reflects on how in your 20s you realize that anything is possible if you don't know what you're doing. They recall their own experience of going on a post-school holiday and thinking they will become a completely different person, only to find out it's not that simple.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker shares their experience with flipping between extreme diets, including consuming super low volume, super high volume, and super low calorie foods, all while trying to retain their body weight, as part of Ramadan.
07:17 - 10:03 (02:45)
The speaker shares their experience with flipping between extreme diets, including consuming super low volume, super high volume, and super low calorie foods, all while trying to retain their body weight, as part of Ramadan.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this podcast, the speaker describes his rocky journey of self-discovery, from lacking confidence and struggling with his weight to trying extreme mental challenges.
10:03 - 15:21 (05:18)
In this podcast, the speaker describes his rocky journey of self-discovery, from lacking confidence and struggling with his weight to trying extreme mental challenges.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
This person shares their experiences of prioritizing social success and attachment to it, while coming to the realization that their self-worth had become tied to aspects outside of themselves.
15:21 - 18:55 (03:33)
This person shares their experiences of prioritizing social success and attachment to it, while coming to the realization that their self-worth had become tied to aspects outside of themselves.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about his experience with relationships and how not having enough relationship experience earlier on caused issues in his dating life later.
18:55 - 21:55 (03:00)
The speaker talks about his experience with relationships and how not having enough relationship experience earlier on caused issues in his dating life later.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The guest speaker shares their tips for a simple morning routine and emphasizes the importance of having experiences rather than accumulating or buying things.
21:57 - 25:51 (03:54)
The guest speaker shares their tips for a simple morning routine and emphasizes the importance of having experiences rather than accumulating or buying things.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast host reflects on a conversation where he considers how much could have been made if they had shorted oil during a two-year period of tanking oil.
25:51 - 28:28 (02:36)
The podcast host reflects on a conversation where he considers how much could have been made if they had shorted oil during a two-year period of tanking oil.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
Nonlinear periodisation means a light week, medium week, heavy week and D-load that focuses on the core lifts with progressive overload.
28:28 - 33:48 (05:20)
Nonlinear periodisation means a light week, medium week, heavy week and D-load that focuses on the core lifts with progressive overload. It's a better approach to blending fitness into everyday life and can lead to generating personal insights and building a rich experience to create content.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The ease of coding as a skill may increase as new tools become available; the value of coding as a future skill remains to be seen and may depend on what skills are in demand five years from now.
33:48 - 37:01 (03:12)
The ease of coding as a skill may increase as new tools become available; the value of coding as a future skill remains to be seen and may depend on what skills are in demand five years from now.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, the speaker discusses recognizing winning scenarios and the importance of doubling down on those scenarios.
37:01 - 39:32 (02:30)
In this episode, the speaker discusses recognizing winning scenarios and the importance of doubling down on those scenarios.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker recommends assessing and reviewing all relationships to determine which ones are valuable and which should be let go, rather than making large cuts across the board.
39:32 - 41:59 (02:27)
The speaker recommends assessing and reviewing all relationships to determine which ones are valuable and which should be let go, rather than making large cuts across the board. Nothing should be grandfathered in from year to year.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this excerpt, the speaker highlights the problem of spreading yourself too thin and explains how it limits your potential by dividing your talents across multiple areas.
41:59 - 46:20 (04:20)
In this excerpt, the speaker highlights the problem of spreading yourself too thin and explains how it limits your potential by dividing your talents across multiple areas.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
Being multi-skilled, specifically in both selling and coding, is valuable in the future-proofing of oneself.
46:20 - 49:26 (03:06)
Being multi-skilled, specifically in both selling and coding, is valuable in the future-proofing of oneself. Even in the apocalypse, there will always be a need for multi-skilled people.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
In today's internet age where everything seems to revolve around social media, email still remains an essential tool for companies ranging from Netflix to Amazon.
49:26 - 51:49 (02:22)
In today's internet age where everything seems to revolve around social media, email still remains an essential tool for companies ranging from Netflix to Amazon. Despite numerous platforms, the one thing that remains constant in all of them is email.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
This episode discusses the potential difficulties of being in a long-term relationship without experiencing freedom, as well as the importance of being aware of your calorie intake for fitness and nutrition.
51:49 - 54:45 (02:56)
This episode discusses the potential difficulties of being in a long-term relationship without experiencing freedom, as well as the importance of being aware of your calorie intake for fitness and nutrition.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speakers discuss the potential issues that can arise when your job is a turn-off for your partner and how to navigate these challenges.
54:45 - 59:51 (05:05)
The speakers discuss the potential issues that can arise when your job is a turn-off for your partner and how to navigate these challenges.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the need for advice and suggests looking at your own life to see what advice you may need.
59:51 - 1:04:01 (04:10)
The speaker discusses the need for advice and suggests looking at your own life to see what advice you may need. They also mention a text they received asking if birthday cake can be eaten for carb back loading.
Episode#131 - What I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, the speaker expresses his concern regarding the possibility of looking back and realizing that all the things he said were wrong.
1:04:01 - 1:06:58 (02:56)
In this episode, the speaker expresses his concern regarding the possibility of looking back and realizing that all the things he said were wrong. He advises not to pressure oneself in trying to have all the answers and instead focus on making progress little by little.