The speaker discusses the ineffectiveness of politicians randomly spending money to buy votes and emphasizes the need for practical solutions to problems such as the spread of Omicron.
Author Dr. Gabor Maté discusses how trauma can influence an individual's behavior and decision-making, and how it may be used to explain certain actions of political figures such as former president Donald Trump and his opponent Hillary Clinton.
The speaker discusses feeling apathetic towards getting involved in politics despite wanting to contribute to meaningful conversations. They express a desire for rational discourse and the importance of participating in voting.
The original liberal slant on politics was all about class but has recently shifted to university politics, resulting in working class people voting for the Tories.
The Republicans have protected the President and this might lead to impeaching Presidents based on HR issues. The conversation around Mayor Pete sparked a discussion about advancing our vision of future Presidents, leading us to an obscure President James Buchanan.
The speaker talks about a tool that could be used for politicians in interviews, mentions Ron and makes a comment about racism and folk singer Ron being born in 1921.
The speaker promises to wage war with the deep state and describes their journey to achieving this goal, expressing disdain for the Republican party's past leadership.
The speaker is jokingly discussing Joe Biden's long career in politics and the state he was senator of, while also commenting on the Democratic primaries.
The tendency to demonize individuals in politics often leads to the rejection of all ideas associated with that person, contributing to a divisive discourse that reinforces party lines instead of promoting constructive dialogue.
The book 'Leadership In Turbulent Times' by Doris Kearns Goodwin traces the political lineage of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson, illustrating how their politicians' heroes became their role models.
A former KGB member noted Putin's support for Trump's re-election and the consequences for America and democracy. The activist reflects on his opposition to authoritarian government and the danger to his life that it poses.
The current political class prioritizes short-term profit maximization over helping people thrive, which is what government should be for. The antidote to a politics of fear is a politics of love, and we must have the courage to follow our hearts and make the necessary changes for a better future.
The hosts introduce their special guest, an eight-time congressperson from Illinois, and discuss their weekly guest invitations.
Learn how Congress members sneak in riders into bills and how it affects political campaign spending disclosure rules.
The speaker shares their perspective on the information discussed in Trump's tax returns, specifically focusing on the refund aspect and how he was able to take advantage of previous years to reduce his tax bill.
The Blading County Board of Commissioners race is happening, where Cogdale is running for re-election against a black and white opponent, which could signify a split in the black vote influenced by Minnie Price.
During an event in Iowa, political candidates focused on the topic of the southern U.S. border, election integrity, and preparations for natural disasters. Meanwhile, a local group, the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, invited about 20 candidates to speak at a fundraising event.
Exclusive interviews, commentary, and humor on politics can be found in the Useful Idiots podcast hosted by Katie Halper and Erin Mate. In this episode, the hosts discuss an unconfirmed allegation about a partner being breastfed by their mother as told by wedding planner, Georgia Mitchell.
The conversation revolves around the stark divide between political leanings and how cultural resentments are built into that divide. The focus is primarily on economic issues, but these other factors invariably impact political outlooks.
The host discusses the intersection of branding and authenticity in politics, using a recent statement made by a black pastor running for office as an example.
The former political advisor reflects on the positive qualities of the former president and first lady. Additionally, the discussion touches on the impact of corn-based ethanol on developing nations and the potential for biofuel from alternative sources.
The speaker understands why people would have mixed feelings about the release of a merchant of death for a basketball player, while also acknowledging being happy that an American is home. However, he suggests that the merchant of death should lay low and catch up on Hulu to avoid any potential trouble in the future.
The speaker criticizes politicians who worked at pizza parlors in the past and comments that everyone loves pizza. The discussion then shifts to a joke made by Mark Cuban about not giving politicians jobs at Dairy Queen, which caused offense to Dairy Queen employees.
This podcast discusses Colin Powell's approach to the Iraq War, including his willingness to go along with the war despite his reluctance and his ultimate efforts to preserve his reputation by distancing himself from its disastrous consequences.
In this podcast episode, the speaker admits to stealing votes and making a joke about it, highlighting an absurd situation. The speaker also discusses the irony of a lawsuit against them in Finland, where they are being held responsible for potential copyright infringements by Pirate Bay.
The speaker makes an unclear and vague political message that is difficult to understand and lacks coherence. The message involves a voting decision and a possible endorsement for a hair doctor.
A conversation about political support from the president, with mentions of a hypothetical situation involving an older mentor and the president's respect for Logan.
The President reflects on terrorism and the Constitution's amendments, with a rambling speech that includes a strange reference to a discreet package at the listener's door.
Don't miss the interview with Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal lawyer, on their Friday interview show launching every Saturday morning on Meanwhile, they discuss hate crimes and the misconception that Trump was responsible for the surge.
The speaker argues that if we judged people based on the way they vote for their own selfishness and not for their altruism, everything would make sense. The speaker uses 50 cent as an example who knows that the majority of his base is black people, but may still support Trump because there's no record that shows the Democrats care more about black people.
This podcast discusses how the increasing polarization in politics and the adoption of a "us vs. them" mentality can lead to dangerous and violent outcomes. It also touches on the example of Rush Limbaugh's extreme rhetoric and the different treatment of politicians from opposing parties.
The only thing that will harm Trump's reputation is his support of vaccines, as many of the Republicans who support him are against them.
Polling shows some Democrats are considering voting for a Republican candidate in the 2024 election, as President Biden nears the expected launch of his re-election campaign.
In this podcast episode, the host expresses their views on how proposing technical solutions to social and political problems is like expecting magical hate crime juice to solve them, and feels disappointed that these problems are only getting worse. There was an advertisement for celery juice in the transcript.
The conversation explores the relevance of local elections, dart throwing tricks, and the subreddit Never Tell Me The Odds, highlighting how we can't reduce politics only to presidential or party voting.
The podcast discusses how politicians can become out of touch as they age and how the current system gives lawyers control over judges. The younger generation is pushing for change and wants younger politicians to bring fresh perspectives to politics.
The government not only needs evidence but also must show that the crime charged is a routine one that is normally charged in order to differentiate from a show trial. Selective prosecution requires treating people equally and without stretching laws.
The host recounts a time when he spoke to the Director of the CIA about the cancelation of the White House Correspondents Dinner and the importance of maintaining a healthy democracy.