

The Connection between Work and Immune System
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33:05 - 37:11 (04:06)

Working non-stop can stimulate cortisol and adrenaline which signals the immune system to release killer cells, explaining why people who overwork and then suddenly stop may get sick.

The body triggers a set of neurons in response to stress, which sends signals throughout the body to initiate movement and promote alertness.
33:05 - 33:56 (00:51)
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The body triggers a set of neurons in response to stress, which sends signals throughout the body to initiate movement and promote alertness. Repeated exposure to stress can lead to the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands.

The Connection between Work and Immune System
1015 Hack Your Brain for Unlimited Potential w/Andrew Huberman
The School of Greatness
Cortisol is both an anti-inflammatory and inflammation system, and too much of it over an extended period of time can cause chronic inflammation and fatigue.
33:56 - 35:05 (01:08)
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Cortisol is both an anti-inflammatory and inflammation system, and too much of it over an extended period of time can cause chronic inflammation and fatigue. While there is a medical phenomenon called adrenal insufficiency syndrome, which is the incapability of the adrenals to product adrenal hormones, most serious MDs don't believe in adrenal burnout.

The Connection between Work and Immune System
1015 Hack Your Brain for Unlimited Potential w/Andrew Huberman
The School of Greatness
Overworking and then stopping abruptly can lead to sickness, as seen in post-finals phenomenon in college and caretakers.
35:05 - 36:30 (01:24)
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Overworking and then stopping abruptly can lead to sickness, as seen in post-finals phenomenon in college and caretakers. Breath hold work and adrenaline release can also affect the body.

The Connection between Work and Immune System
1015 Hack Your Brain for Unlimited Potential w/Andrew Huberman
The School of Greatness
The Wim Hof Method, a breathing technique that simulates stress response, might have a positive impact on the immune system, as shown by an experiment that induced both mindfulness meditation and the Wim Hof Method to different groups and then injected them with E. Coli.
36:31 - 37:11 (00:39)
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Wim Hof Method

The Wim Hof Method, a breathing technique that simulates stress response, might have a positive impact on the immune system, as shown by an experiment that induced both mindfulness meditation and the Wim Hof Method to different groups and then injected them with E. Coli. The group who did Wim Hof showed lesser symptoms.

The Connection between Work and Immune System
1015 Hack Your Brain for Unlimited Potential w/Andrew Huberman
The School of Greatness