

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
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Published: Fri May 21 2021

“Your people matter most. If you’re going to go to the grave for something, go for your relationships. That’s what will last.”Today's guest is Jen Hatmaker, who is a best-selling author of 12 books, host of the podcast called, For the Love! She is also a sought-after speaker who tours the country every year speaking to women. She’s written a new book called FIERCE, FREE, AND FULL OF FIRE: THE GUIDE TO BEING GLORIOUS YOU. The book provides a detailed roadmap to reconciling our inner convictions and outer presentations. Jen poses tough questions and provides thoroughly researched psychological tools with the goal of helping women live lives that are honest and ultimately, culturally transformative.In this episode Lewis and Jen discuss the lessons Jen learned after leaving a 26 year marriage, how to take control of your emotional well-being, how to not rob yourself and those around you of your true value, how to become vulnerable within all areas of your life so that you can grow, and so much more!For more go to: Jen’s new book: Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious YouCheck out her podcast: For the Love!The Power of Erotic Intelligence with Esther Perel: Lasting Love with Matthew Hussey:

Bestselling author, speaker and podcast host Jen Hatmaker shares her personal journey of leaving a 26 year marriage, the importance of emotional well-being, vulnerability and personal growth.
00:00 - 02:21 (02:21)
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Personal Growth

Bestselling author, speaker and podcast host Jen Hatmaker shares her personal journey of leaving a 26 year marriage, the importance of emotional well-being, vulnerability and personal growth. This episode provides practical tools to help women live authentic and transformative lives.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on how going through a series of losses, including the pandemic, taught her that everything she believed about the human spirit and healthy community is true, as it was tested in times of adversity.
02:21 - 08:44 (06:22)
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The speaker reflects on how going through a series of losses, including the pandemic, taught her that everything she believed about the human spirit and healthy community is true, as it was tested in times of adversity.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses a bit she used to do as a way to avoid personal responsibility in a cutesy way, and talks about adulting and shopping.
08:44 - 11:18 (02:34)
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Personal Responsibility

The speaker discusses a bit she used to do as a way to avoid personal responsibility in a cutesy way, and talks about adulting and shopping.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The host reflects on how her views on financial responsibility have evolved, particularly as it applies to women, and emphasizes the importance of financial literacy for all individuals.
11:18 - 13:59 (02:41)
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Financial literacy

The host reflects on how her views on financial responsibility have evolved, particularly as it applies to women, and emphasizes the importance of financial literacy for all individuals.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares their realization that even as an independent business person, author, and leader, they still need to work on financial literacy.
13:59 - 17:24 (03:24)
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Personal Development

The speaker shares their realization that even as an independent business person, author, and leader, they still need to work on financial literacy. They emphasize the importance of personal development in this area for women who are in charge of the financial stability in their homes.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The pandemic has caused a lot of people to reevaluate their relationships and identities.
17:24 - 20:51 (03:27)
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Personal Growth

The pandemic has caused a lot of people to reevaluate their relationships and identities. It has forced them to confront their issues and work towards personal growth and emotional healing.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the difficulty of accepting and confronting hard or negative experiences, and the importance of listening and learning from them instead of avoiding them.
20:51 - 23:54 (03:02)
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The speaker discusses the difficulty of accepting and confronting hard or negative experiences, and the importance of listening and learning from them instead of avoiding them.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
Ruthie Lindsey shares the importance of being honest in a relationship, even if it means confronting uncomfortable emotions and risking the response of the other person in the relationship.
23:54 - 29:54 (06:00)
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Ruthie Lindsey shares the importance of being honest in a relationship, even if it means confronting uncomfortable emotions and risking the response of the other person in the relationship.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of being true to oneself and achieving inner peace while building a successful business.
29:54 - 34:08 (04:13)
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The speaker discusses the importance of being true to oneself and achieving inner peace while building a successful business. They touch on the role of family and social media in maintaining one's authenticity.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
Codependency is about trying to control outcomes that aren't yours to control, and taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility for someone else's behavior.
34:08 - 36:34 (02:26)
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Codependency is about trying to control outcomes that aren't yours to control, and taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility for someone else's behavior. This can lead to trying to control somebody else's choices and outcomes, which is ultimately futile.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The fear of hurting someone, loneliness, or change can keep us in unfulfilling relationships or patterns for far too long.
36:34 - 41:38 (05:03)
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The fear of hurting someone, loneliness, or change can keep us in unfulfilling relationships or patterns for far too long. Instead, we should focus on choosing growth over comfort and being open to learning and change.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares how listening to a small group of people who know and love you best can help in moving towards a healthier space when dealing with shame and building self-worth.
41:38 - 46:48 (05:09)
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The speaker shares how listening to a small group of people who know and love you best can help in moving towards a healthier space when dealing with shame and building self-worth. She also acknowledges that shame is one of the greatest enemies of self-compassion and living out of our own identity.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
By helping someone else, our self-worth increases, even with small acts of kindness like smiling or hugging.
46:48 - 51:26 (04:38)
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By helping someone else, our self-worth increases, even with small acts of kindness like smiling or hugging. Being vulnerable and listening to others will help us establish deeper connections and grow together.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on their experience growing up in middle Ohio and being taught to suppress emotions as a young boy.
51:26 - 55:42 (04:16)
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Toxic Masculinity

The speaker reflects on their experience growing up in middle Ohio and being taught to suppress emotions as a young boy. They acknowledge the societal constructs of toxic masculinity and the importance of allowing young boys to express emotion in a healthy way.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses how opening up and sharing vulnerabilities can lead to emotional hangovers, particularly for men who may not have a model for vulnerability.
55:42 - 59:42 (03:59)
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The speaker discusses how opening up and sharing vulnerabilities can lead to emotional hangovers, particularly for men who may not have a model for vulnerability. Positive contagion from seeing others share vulnerably can help overcome the hangovers.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
Women, particularly women of color, face various challenges and pay disparity even after their late 20s.
59:42 - 1:04:38 (04:55)
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Women, pay disparity, women of color, generation

Women, particularly women of color, face various challenges and pay disparity even after their late 20s. Having their voices at the table will bring absolute change, and watching these women make shifts in real-time is an inspiration for a generation.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
Elizabeth Lesser shares her experience of holding onto limiting beliefs and the impact they had on her life, as well as the practices she embraces to help her let go of them.
1:04:38 - 1:08:45 (04:06)
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Elizabeth Lesser shares her experience of holding onto limiting beliefs and the impact they had on her life, as well as the practices she embraces to help her let go of them.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The younger generation is moving towards spiritual practices of their own rather than being in the church system.
1:08:45 - 1:13:16 (04:30)
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Spiritual Deconstruction

The younger generation is moving towards spiritual practices of their own rather than being in the church system. The system is steeped in white supremacy, misogyny, power, privilege, and hierarchy, resulting in many people going through spiritual deconstruction.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about how they taught themselves a fascinating book that inspired and entertained them.
1:13:18 - 1:16:02 (02:44)
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Personal Growth

The speaker talks about how they taught themselves a fascinating book that inspired and entertained them. They also mention being a guest on a related podcast.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
A reminder to not worry too much and have more fun in life, as we won't regret it when we're old.
1:16:02 - 1:18:05 (02:03)
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A reminder to not worry too much and have more fun in life, as we won't regret it when we're old.

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness
The School of Greatness podcast offers a weekly inspiring text message service that helps individuals stay motivated and on track with their goals.
1:18:06 - 1:21:00 (02:54)
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School of Greatness

The School of Greatness podcast offers a weekly inspiring text message service that helps individuals stay motivated and on track with their goals. Listeners can also share the podcast with friends or access it through the link

Build A New Identity, Own Your Truth & Love Your Life w/Jen Hatmaker EP 1113
The School of Greatness