
965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
"If you are constantly stepping into unfamiliar situations in your life, that means you are growing at a rapid pace."Lewis sits down with influential yogi, mystic, and visionary Sadhguru to learn how to transform your approach to thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in order to live a more fulfilling, less painful life. They discuss the problem with taking our existence too seriously, why mindfulness is the wrong way to think about meditation, and how adults can unlock the joy we all experience in childhood.For more, check out lewishowes.com/965. And text 614-350-9360 to start a conversation with Lewis.
In this podcast episode, Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic, author, and meditation guide, shares wise insights on returning to a happy state of mind, the misconceptions surrounding mindfulness and meditation, achieving enlightenment and wisdom, and tips for controlling anger while functioning at your best with just three hours of sleep.
00:00 - 02:42 (02:42)
In this podcast episode, Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic, author, and meditation guide, shares wise insights on returning to a happy state of mind, the misconceptions surrounding mindfulness and meditation, achieving enlightenment and wisdom, and tips for controlling anger while functioning at your best with just three hours of sleep.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker shares insights on death as a reminder to live in the present moment and not take life too seriously, given the vastness of the cosmos and the impermanence of human existence.
02:42 - 06:43 (04:01)
The speaker shares insights on death as a reminder to live in the present moment and not take life too seriously, given the vastness of the cosmos and the impermanence of human existence.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The key to increasing pulmonary function and improving overall health lies in effectively organizing one's time and energy, rather than trying to do everything unnecessarily.
06:43 - 11:46 (05:02)
The key to increasing pulmonary function and improving overall health lies in effectively organizing one's time and energy, rather than trying to do everything unnecessarily.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
This episode explores the importance of data in our daily lives.
11:46 - 15:40 (03:53)
This episode explores the importance of data in our daily lives. It looks at how the human brain processes data, how loss of data can affect our stability, and how data is important for us to function effectively.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this episode, the host discusses the importance of learning from mistakes and how it's become fashionable in today's society.
15:40 - 19:26 (03:45)
In this episode, the host discusses the importance of learning from mistakes and how it's become fashionable in today's society. They also touch on the current state of the world and the impact of past mistakes on personal and collective well-being.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayanan discusses the root of suffering as being obsessive self-centric thinking and argues that to explore human potential our faculties must be enhanced and sharpened to increase our perception.
19:26 - 24:38 (05:11)
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayanan discusses the root of suffering as being obsessive self-centric thinking and argues that to explore human potential our faculties must be enhanced and sharpened to increase our perception.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The podcast discusses redirecting thoughts and emotions in a world filled with frustration and anger, prompting listeners to question whether things should happen their way or someone else's way.
24:38 - 30:46 (06:08)
The podcast discusses redirecting thoughts and emotions in a world filled with frustration and anger, prompting listeners to question whether things should happen their way or someone else's way. The episode emphasizes the importance of managing emotions when faced with anger, resentment, or frustrations and redirecting these in a positive direction.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In an Inner Engineering course with Sadhguru, he discusses how our mind can jump all over the place just like our bodily functions.
30:47 - 32:43 (01:55)
In an Inner Engineering course with Sadhguru, he discusses how our mind can jump all over the place just like our bodily functions. Learning to control our thoughts is an important aspect of controlling our lives.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this excerpt, the speaker discusses the importance of being free from suffering and fear in order to fully explore and understand one's life.
32:43 - 37:59 (05:15)
In this excerpt, the speaker discusses the importance of being free from suffering and fear in order to fully explore and understand one's life. He compares the intellect to a sharp knife and warns against seeking a comfort zone in the face of external stimulation.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of choosing love to create change and how individuals need to detach their emotions from external factors in order to feel empowered.
37:59 - 42:44 (04:45)
The speaker discusses the importance of choosing love to create change and how individuals need to detach their emotions from external factors in order to feel empowered.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Sadhguru discusses how despite the diversity of gods in India, people are still plagued with psychological problems, and how this is due to their inner engineering being broken by their thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
42:45 - 46:36 (03:50)
Sadhguru discusses how despite the diversity of gods in India, people are still plagued with psychological problems, and how this is due to their inner engineering being broken by their thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The guest explains how having too many fixed beliefs can block the natural curiosity and seeking that humans have, and encourages listeners to write down three truths they have learned from their life experiences.
46:36 - 52:27 (05:51)
The guest explains how having too many fixed beliefs can block the natural curiosity and seeking that humans have, and encourages listeners to write down three truths they have learned from their life experiences. The episode also touches on offering free resources for frontline workers during COVID-19.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Learn about natural ways to boost your immune system including spending time barefoot in the garden and drinking a turmeric and honey mixture.
52:27 - 57:40 (05:12)
Learn about natural ways to boost your immune system including spending time barefoot in the garden and drinking a turmeric and honey mixture.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Sadhguru is acknowledged for the incredible gift he is to the world and the example he sets every day for the people around him by demonstrating love, peace, and childlike joy.
57:40 - 1:01:01 (03:21)
Sadhguru is acknowledged for the incredible gift he is to the world and the example he sets every day for the people around him by demonstrating love, peace, and childlike joy.
Episode965 Sadhguru on Creating Happiness & Ending Personal Suffering
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this podcast, the importance of continuous transformation and moving from form to no form state is discussed, along with a reminder to not take our physical and psychological form too seriously.
1:01:01 - 1:04:33 (03:31)
In this podcast, the importance of continuous transformation and moving from form to no form state is discussed, along with a reminder to not take our physical and psychological form too seriously.