

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
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Published: Fri Aug 12 2022

Today’s episode is a masterclass around entrepreneurial origins with three experts on the topic of hustling, negotiating, and executing their ideas with little to no money.In this episode,Tony Robbins, entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 life and business strategist, shares why your past do not equal your future.Daymond John, American businessman, investor, television personality, New York Times bestselling author, and motivational speaker, explains the simple process of getting started on your first business when you’re broke.Sara Blakely, businesswoman, philanthropist, and the founder of Spanx, explains why you don’t need a lot of money in order to be ultra successful and how ten minutes of someone’s time is all you need.For more, go to: Episodes:Tony Robbins (EP 1107) - John (EP 598) - Blakely (EP 893) -

Learn how to enhance your experience with the Dell Latitude 9430, including upgrading the camera for better content creation.
00:00 - 02:00 (01:59)
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Dell Latitude 9430

Learn how to enhance your experience with the Dell Latitude 9430, including upgrading the camera for better content creation.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
The speaker believes that life is calling for him to deliver and bring something to life.
02:00 - 06:37 (04:37)
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The speaker believes that life is calling for him to deliver and bring something to life. He shares his experiences of helping people with PTSD, addiction, and building multi-billion dollar businesses, and how his actions have transformed their lives.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
Your biography does not have to define your destiny, instead it's what you decide now that will control your life.
06:37 - 13:01 (06:24)
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Your biography does not have to define your destiny, instead it's what you decide now that will control your life. Self-esteem is not defined by what others say about you, but what you experience about yourself.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
The key to experiencing a great life is to have a dominant pattern of fairness, love, power, service, and growth.
13:01 - 17:19 (04:17)
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Personal Growth

The key to experiencing a great life is to have a dominant pattern of fairness, love, power, service, and growth. Blaming outside circumstances for personal failures is not a strategy for achieving a meaningful life.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares the importance of having great mentors and how pushing oneself beyond the comfort zone can lead to personal growth and transformation for both the body and mind.
17:19 - 22:30 (05:10)
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The speaker shares the importance of having great mentors and how pushing oneself beyond the comfort zone can lead to personal growth and transformation for both the body and mind.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on how it took them years to realize they should pursue something they love, and talks about their affection for music and fashion.
22:30 - 26:47 (04:17)
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The speaker reflects on how it took them years to realize they should pursue something they love, and talks about their affection for music and fashion.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the speaker shares how he leveraged strategic relationships to succeed in entrepreneurship and highlights the importance of knowing how to use the tools of money to avoid failure.
26:47 - 34:09 (07:21)
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In this episode, the speaker shares how he leveraged strategic relationships to succeed in entrepreneurship and highlights the importance of knowing how to use the tools of money to avoid failure.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
Sara Blakely shares the story behind the creation of Spanx, how she got started, and how she overcame obstacles along the way to create a hugely successful brand.
34:09 - 38:20 (04:11)
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Sara Blakely shares the story behind the creation of Spanx, how she got started, and how she overcame obstacles along the way to create a hugely successful brand.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
Sara Blakely shares the story of how selling fax machines door to door led her to create Spanx shapewear, and clarifies that the idea started before cutting the feet out of her pantyhose.
38:20 - 42:36 (04:15)
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Sara Blakely

Sara Blakely shares the story of how selling fax machines door to door led her to create Spanx shapewear, and clarifies that the idea started before cutting the feet out of her pantyhose.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
The founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely, explains how she came up with the name for her company and the struggle she went through to get her product patented.
42:36 - 45:02 (02:25)
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The founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely, explains how she came up with the name for her company and the struggle she went through to get her product patented.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
A woman shares how she came up with the name and patent for her garment and the process that went into creating it.
45:02 - 50:00 (04:58)
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A woman shares how she came up with the name and patent for her garment and the process that went into creating it.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
Sarah needed crotches for her artwork but kept running out.
50:00 - 52:21 (02:21)
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Sarah needed crotches for her artwork but kept running out. After exhausting her options, she found a savior in Gene Bobo from a crotch company in Atlanta.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
Sarah's father created excitement over a new product by asking his friends to spread the word, causing sales to increase.
52:21 - 54:25 (02:04)
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Sarah's father created excitement over a new product by asking his friends to spread the word, causing sales to increase.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness
The founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely shares her experience of building a sales force for her product by visiting every department store in the country that sold Spanx, doing a demo and giving free products and standing in the department for a week to explain her product to the customers.
54:25 - 55:43 (01:17)
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The founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely shares her experience of building a sales force for her product by visiting every department store in the country that sold Spanx, doing a demo and giving free products and standing in the department for a week to explain her product to the customers.

The 3 Secrets To Negotiating In Life & Business [MASTERCLASS] EP 1305
The School of Greatness