
E165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
Rory Sutherland is the author of Alchemy, a senior advertising executive, and the man who understands why some ideas connect with people and some ideas don’t. He’s a columnist, an innovator and a trailblazer in the world of marketing and advertising. Rory doesn’t have time for business platitudes, but rather looks for the unconventional crazy ideas that really stand out. This is why he devoted years of his life to looking at business from a human behavioural perspective, to understand not just why people should do things, but why they actually do them. Rory always seeks out the outlier and the unexplainable phenomena. He’s become an expert on why certain emotional triggers cause us to behave irrationally, how you can be aware of yourself when you aren’t making smart decisions, and how you can deploy those triggers when you’re trying to sell something yourself. Rory blessed us with his one of a kind knowledge to make this one of the most memorable conversations we’ve had with an author for a while. Topics: The concept of how we value things Recursive Trends The brain's marketing function: Signalling technology making location irrelevant making something bad to give it value Scarcity of product personalisation how to deliver a product to the world Why business are focusing on the wrong thing Personal branding Why do you think you successful The last guest question Rory: https://twitter.com/rorysutherland?s=20&t=4azefUUEPFOUa986gpwmeg Rory’s book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alchemy-Surprising-Power-Ideas-Sense/dp/0753556529 Watch the episodes on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Follow us on Telegram: https://t.me/diaryofaceo Sponsors: Huel - https://my.huel.com/Steven Crafted - https://bit.ly/3JKOPFx
The use of a map in the taxi industry shows that perceived value is a more important indicator of quality than quantitative measures.
00:00 - 06:47 (06:47)
The use of a map in the taxi industry shows that perceived value is a more important indicator of quality than quantitative measures. Creating meaning and imbuing a product with this value can be more environmentally friendly than simply making the product bigger or faster.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Conditions of entry into professions helps to ensure honesty because being thrown out of the guild or losing a license is not worth the effort put into it; this is why honest cab drivers would go through the lengthy process of getting licensed.
06:47 - 13:22 (06:34)
Conditions of entry into professions helps to ensure honesty because being thrown out of the guild or losing a license is not worth the effort put into it; this is why honest cab drivers would go through the lengthy process of getting licensed.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
The better understanding of the human brain's marketing function will be central to understanding how to solve environmental crisis and overconsumption.
13:22 - 25:12 (11:49)
The better understanding of the human brain's marketing function will be central to understanding how to solve environmental crisis and overconsumption. It's important to recognize that the human brain itself has quite a large marketing function.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
In this podcast, the speaker discusses how wearing designer clothes or carrying luxury brands could be a status play and how it proves the opposite today.
25:12 - 30:52 (05:40)
In this podcast, the speaker discusses how wearing designer clothes or carrying luxury brands could be a status play and how it proves the opposite today. He also shares his experience of shifting from luxury cars to electric cars.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
In times of crisis such as the pandemic, occasional disruptions can lead to businesses becoming less risk-averse and more innovative.
30:52 - 37:55 (07:02)
In times of crisis such as the pandemic, occasional disruptions can lead to businesses becoming less risk-averse and more innovative. On the other hand, too much planning and detail can take away the spontaneity that is often required for one to have a good time.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
High school math encourages us to believe that there's a single optimal answer, but sometimes the opposite of a good idea is another good idea.
37:55 - 46:04 (08:09)
High school math encourages us to believe that there's a single optimal answer, but sometimes the opposite of a good idea is another good idea. We can learn from the examples of nutritionally complete but bad-tasting bars and the strategy of wearing chinos to work on Fridays to reduce laundry costs.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
The worst thing a company can do is to create underappreciated value, where they manufacture something without allowing people to realize how great it is.
46:04 - 54:11 (08:07)
The worst thing a company can do is to create underappreciated value, where they manufacture something without allowing people to realize how great it is. Some companies get it worryingly wrong by essentially playing back to people things that they shouldn't know or didn't need to know, which can attach more significance to the results.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
The experience of an e-commerce buyer typically gets uncomfortable, as soon as something goes wrong with the delivery or a customer has to cancel something.
54:11 - 1:03:22 (09:10)
The experience of an e-commerce buyer typically gets uncomfortable, as soon as something goes wrong with the delivery or a customer has to cancel something. E-commerce businesses need to have a packaging strategy as it is the point where a product first becomes a brand, takes on a personality, and gets its identity.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Advertising can be an effective way to reach the 97% of potential customers who are not actively looking for your product or service, according to this podcast.
1:03:22 - 1:13:35 (10:13)
Advertising can be an effective way to reach the 97% of potential customers who are not actively looking for your product or service, according to this podcast. Direct marketing can be difficult, and advertising can increase response rates to direct mail campaigns by uncovering new customers.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Marketing is essential in branding because people will perceive and form an impression of your business regardless of anything you do; presenting your product in a convincing, appealing, and attractive way is crucial in building a great brand.
1:13:35 - 1:19:13 (05:37)
Marketing is essential in branding because people will perceive and form an impression of your business regardless of anything you do; presenting your product in a convincing, appealing, and attractive way is crucial in building a great brand. Personal branding also includes realizing one's limitations and making use of personal networks to provide suggestions and recommendations instead of aspiring to be something one is not suited for.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
The speaker believes that classics in schools are important for language learning because one cannot decide which language to learn in advance.
1:19:13 - 1:25:13 (06:00)
The speaker believes that classics in schools are important for language learning because one cannot decide which language to learn in advance. The speaker also highlights the importance of unconventional thinking and maintaining multiple points of reference for inspiration.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Andy Puddicombe discusses offering discounted university places or reserving university spots for those who work before attending school, in order to create a social norm around not attending university before starting work.
1:25:13 - 1:34:11 (08:57)
Andy Puddicombe discusses offering discounted university places or reserving university spots for those who work before attending school, in order to create a social norm around not attending university before starting work.
EpisodeE165: The Marketing Secrets Apple & Tesla Always Use: Rory Sutherland
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
The speaker highly recommends a book that provides applicable principles for any industry, expresses gratitude towards the interviewer for their perception, and praises John Lloyd's success in advertising and television comedy.
1:34:11 - 1:38:13 (04:02)
The speaker highly recommends a book that provides applicable principles for any industry, expresses gratitude towards the interviewer for their perception, and praises John Lloyd's success in advertising and television comedy.