

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
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Published: Mon Jun 27 2022

Today's episode is a masterclass from impactful episodes all about health to help you understand and improve your body’s ecosystem.In this episode, you will learn:The top 3 foods that boost your immune system.How and where to have your biological age analyzed through a blood test.Why blood sugar management is one of the key factors to your health.How our eating habits affect our energy levels.For more, go to: Episodes:Dr. William Li: Means: David Sinclair:

The podcast discusses the structure of medieval forts and how people eat a lot more sugar now than they did a hundred years ago.
00:00 - 03:02 (03:02)
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The podcast discusses the structure of medieval forts and how people eat a lot more sugar now than they did a hundred years ago. Real scientists focus on what they don't know rather than what they do know.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
Consuming cacao can increase the number of stem cells in your bloodstream, by having two cups of hot chocolate made with 80% high flavonol chocolate.
03:02 - 09:37 (06:35)
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Cacao, Stem Cells

Consuming cacao can increase the number of stem cells in your bloodstream, by having two cups of hot chocolate made with 80% high flavonol chocolate. These natural chemicals found in cacao can trigger a reaction in your body for the stem cells to begin regeneration.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
Dr. Emron Mayor explains the gut-immune connection, where gut bacteria communicates with the immune system through the walls of the gut, comparing it to the jelly inside a jelly roll.
09:37 - 13:22 (03:45)
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Gut-Immune Connection

Dr. Emron Mayor explains the gut-immune connection, where gut bacteria communicates with the immune system through the walls of the gut, comparing it to the jelly inside a jelly roll.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
The gut bacteria can influence the brain through the vagus nerve, although the mechanism is not fully understood yet.
13:22 - 16:30 (03:07)
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Gut-Brain Connection

The gut bacteria can influence the brain through the vagus nerve, although the mechanism is not fully understood yet.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
The telomere is like the little plastic cap at the end of a shoelace that protects our DNA.
16:30 - 21:00 (04:30)
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Science of Aging

The telomere is like the little plastic cap at the end of a shoelace that protects our DNA. Leafy greens and polyphenols can help lengthen telomeres, while our immune system is our fifth defense in the aging process.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
The analogy of a cheese factory dealing with an excessive amount of milk can be applied to the human body when it consumes too much sugar that can be beneficially transformed using natural ingredients like turmeric and broccoli sprouts as demonstrated in a study involving the flu shot.
21:00 - 29:04 (08:03)
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The analogy of a cheese factory dealing with an excessive amount of milk can be applied to the human body when it consumes too much sugar that can be beneficially transformed using natural ingredients like turmeric and broccoli sprouts as demonstrated in a study involving the flu shot.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
Blood sugar spikes after consuming high glycemic foods can lead to inflammation in the body, making it important to regulate blood sugar levels for overall health.
29:04 - 35:49 (06:44)
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Blood sugar

Blood sugar spikes after consuming high glycemic foods can lead to inflammation in the body, making it important to regulate blood sugar levels for overall health.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
Learning how to balance out your glucose levels can help improve your daily life and avoid energy crashes.
35:49 - 38:55 (03:06)
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Glucose Levels

Learning how to balance out your glucose levels can help improve your daily life and avoid energy crashes. Services are available to help you track your glucose levels and determine your biological age.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
Beer raises uric acid levels, a protein breakdown product that can affect overall health and aging.
38:55 - 42:35 (03:40)
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Beer raises uric acid levels, a protein breakdown product that can affect overall health and aging.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses the science behind longevity and how genetics, lifestyle habits, and certain advantages in sports can affect how we age.
42:35 - 48:22 (05:47)
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The podcast discusses the science behind longevity and how genetics, lifestyle habits, and certain advantages in sports can affect how we age.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
This podcast discusses the concept of eating one main meal a day and its effects on hunger and overall health.
48:22 - 50:30 (02:08)
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This podcast discusses the concept of eating one main meal a day and its effects on hunger and overall health.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
The belief that a meat-only diet leads to a longer life is not backed by credible research studies that have been conducted on thousands of people.
50:30 - 53:08 (02:38)
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Meat-only diet

The belief that a meat-only diet leads to a longer life is not backed by credible research studies that have been conducted on thousands of people. There is a lack of evidence to support this belief.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness
Stress can cause hair to turn gray-brown as shown in clinics, and people with high levels of stress are at risk for chronic illness.
53:08 - 55:42 (02:34)
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Stress can cause hair to turn gray-brown as shown in clinics, and people with high levels of stress are at risk for chronic illness.

A MASTERCLASS On Health: How To Heal Your Body, Prevent Diseases & Live Longer EP 1285
The School of Greatness