

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
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Published: Fri Dec 21 2018

 Join us for a special Christmas Episode as we roll around in festive cheer, reflecting upon 2018 and reviewing our best hacks & fails from the last 12 months before setting some goals for the coming year. Discover why a chestnut didn't kill Jonny, what our individual approaches to new year's resolutions are, and why Yusef decided to take his pants off halfway through this recording (for real). Extra Stuff: 6 Minute Diary - Check out everything I recommend from books to products and help support the podcast at no extra cost to you by shopping through this link - - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Email:

Johnny, Youssef and the host review their favorite life hacks and life fails of the year and share plans for moving into 2019.
00:00 - 01:58 (01:58)
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Life Hacks

Johnny, Youssef and the host review their favorite life hacks and life fails of the year and share plans for moving into 2019.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker shares their personal experience of dealing with multiple infections and weight loss, including having to ask friends to use their toilet, and then discusses life hacks for surviving illnesses.
01:58 - 06:12 (04:13)
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Life Hacks

The speaker shares their personal experience of dealing with multiple infections and weight loss, including having to ask friends to use their toilet, and then discusses life hacks for surviving illnesses.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker talks about different types of bread with the crust off with various fillings and the sensation of pins and needles in the mouth after eating them.
06:12 - 09:46 (03:34)
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The speaker talks about different types of bread with the crust off with various fillings and the sensation of pins and needles in the mouth after eating them. They also mention their reluctance to try homemade apple strudel in front of their girlfriend's grandmother.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker shares a personal experience of a previous anaphylactic reaction and discusses the importance of Epipens in stabilizing someone experiencing anaphylaxis.
09:46 - 13:30 (03:44)
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The speaker shares a personal experience of a previous anaphylactic reaction and discusses the importance of Epipens in stabilizing someone experiencing anaphylaxis.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the importance of creating productive routines and highlights the benefits of having daily habits.
13:30 - 15:53 (02:22)
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The speaker discusses the importance of creating productive routines and highlights the benefits of having daily habits. He shares some of his favourite routines and talks about how they have positively impacted his life.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
In this podcast episode, the speaker shares his process for taking effective notes and how to avoid mindlessly accumulating information.
15:53 - 19:10 (03:17)
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In this podcast episode, the speaker shares his process for taking effective notes and how to avoid mindlessly accumulating information. He also mentions the Feynman technique as a helpful tool for note-taking.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
A person describes their morning routine and how they've managed to cultivate a reading habit through setting a timer for 20-25 minutes.
19:10 - 22:49 (03:38)
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A person describes their morning routine and how they've managed to cultivate a reading habit through setting a timer for 20-25 minutes.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
Small changes in your habits can greatly impact your future reality.
22:49 - 27:55 (05:06)
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Small changes in your habits can greatly impact your future reality. It's important to recognize that your current reality is temporary and to focus on making positive changes to create the future you want.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker shares their experience doing a 30-day tea challenge where they only consumed tea for the whole month.
27:55 - 33:39 (05:44)
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The speaker shares their experience doing a 30-day tea challenge where they only consumed tea for the whole month.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker discusses their routine during exam time which included eating water crackers as a snack and spending time in a sauna for better recovery.
33:39 - 39:24 (05:45)
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The speaker discusses their routine during exam time which included eating water crackers as a snack and spending time in a sauna for better recovery.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker recalls one of the first commercially available protein powders, which was a scoop of very thick powder and how it was consumed despite being unpleasant.
39:24 - 43:08 (03:43)
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protein powders

The speaker recalls one of the first commercially available protein powders, which was a scoop of very thick powder and how it was consumed despite being unpleasant.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
A physical therapist discusses helping others overcome barriers to creating online content, such as speaking to the camera and doing live videos.
43:08 - 47:27 (04:19)
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Physical Therapy

A physical therapist discusses helping others overcome barriers to creating online content, such as speaking to the camera and doing live videos.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker shares their thoughts on New Year's resolutions and why they value the opportunity to reset and reflect.
47:27 - 50:54 (03:26)
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New Year's Resolutions

The speaker shares their thoughts on New Year's resolutions and why they value the opportunity to reset and reflect. They also mention their dislike for writing and the importance of having an end to the year.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The podcaster discusses the issue of procrastination, self-doubt, and fear of starting something new.
50:54 - 58:32 (07:38)
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The podcaster discusses the issue of procrastination, self-doubt, and fear of starting something new. The conversation is inspired by the movie 'American Beauty' and the book 'Happy' by Darren Brown.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
Avoid waiting until January 1st to start working on your resolutions; take the time beforehand to plan and prepare for what you want to accomplish.
58:32 - 1:01:38 (03:05)
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New Year's Resolutions

Avoid waiting until January 1st to start working on your resolutions; take the time beforehand to plan and prepare for what you want to accomplish.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker suggests setting a goal in a different way on January 1st, using the time leading up to it to reflect and write ambitiously about a perfect day.
1:01:38 - 1:04:32 (02:54)
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Personal Development

The speaker suggests setting a goal in a different way on January 1st, using the time leading up to it to reflect and write ambitiously about a perfect day. The recommendation is to avoid treating the day as an arbitrary thing and instead use it as an opportunity to set a meaningful goal.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The podcast hosts discuss the societal pressures that affect personal productivity such as the need to impress others, and the importance of being able to deeply focus on one task until it is completed.
1:04:32 - 1:08:25 (03:53)
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The podcast hosts discuss the societal pressures that affect personal productivity such as the need to impress others, and the importance of being able to deeply focus on one task until it is completed. They reference a quote about how relaxation can actually increase productivity.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
The speaker talks about how Vipassana meditation can help individuals take control of their day and be more productive.
1:08:25 - 1:12:23 (03:57)
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Vipassana Meditation

The speaker talks about how Vipassana meditation can help individuals take control of their day and be more productive. Additionally, he notes how the practice of Vipassana is treated like a competitive sport amongst practitioners.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
This podcast episode discusses the lessons learned from training the mind and body together, emphasizing that the mind gives up before the body and the importance of building up slowly to avoid over training.
1:12:23 - 1:18:36 (06:13)
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This podcast episode discusses the lessons learned from training the mind and body together, emphasizing that the mind gives up before the body and the importance of building up slowly to avoid over training.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom
Two people discuss experiencing hearing loss during intense workouts, including a specific cough called Fran cough in CrossFit.
1:18:36 - 1:19:34 (00:57)
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Health and Fitness

Two people discuss experiencing hearing loss during intense workouts, including a specific cough called Fran cough in CrossFit. They also wish their listeners a Merry Christmas.

#044 - Christmas Special - Hacks, Fails & New Year Plans
Modern Wisdom