

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
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Published: Fri Mar 26 2021

"If you're struggling, struggle is normal, and breath into it. I think it's very powerful to think of who we want to be in this moment."Today's guest is Dr. Susan David, who is one of the world’s leading management thinkers and an award-winning Harvard Medical School psychologist. She’s the author of the bestselling book, "Emotional Agility," which describes the psychological skills critical to thriving in times of complexity and change.In this episode Lewis and Susan discuss what emotional agility is and how to develop it, the science behind values and why they’re so important, the biggest misconception people have about creating change in their lives, and so much more!For more go to: Susan David's previous episode: out her website: www.susandavid.comThe Wim Hof Experience: Mindset Training, Power Breathing, and Brotherhood: Scientific Guide to Living Longer, Feeling Happier & Eating Healthier with Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Science of Sleep for Ultimate Success with Shawn Stevenson:

Dr. Susan David emphasizes the importance of emotional agility in our daily lives, especially in times of change and complexity.
00:00 - 02:33 (02:33)
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Emotional Agility

Dr. Susan David emphasizes the importance of emotional agility in our daily lives, especially in times of change and complexity. As an award-winning psychologist and author of the bestselling book, Emotional Agility, she shares psychological skills to help us thrive in these situations.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
We have thousands of thoughts, emotions, and stories about ourselves every day, and forcing positivity can undermine our resilience and agility.
02:33 - 14:47 (12:14)
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Emotional agility

We have thousands of thoughts, emotions, and stories about ourselves every day, and forcing positivity can undermine our resilience and agility. It's time to embrace and explore our emotions instead of pushing them aside to improve our psychological capacity and adapt to challenging situations.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
The process of processing one’s emotions involves acknowledging them instead of forcing positivity, which can lead to “toxic positivity”.
14:47 - 24:38 (09:50)
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Emotional wellbeing

The process of processing one’s emotions involves acknowledging them instead of forcing positivity, which can lead to “toxic positivity”. Instead, individuals can write out their emotions and what they may signal about their needs or values on one side of a piece of paper, and on the other side, write what they are grateful for to balance out their perspective.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
The practice of compassionate connection and gentle acceptance with your inner self can help you become more in tune with your needs and feelings.
24:38 - 35:14 (10:36)
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The practice of compassionate connection and gentle acceptance with your inner self can help you become more in tune with your needs and feelings. Gentle acceptance is not giving up or being passive, but it is a way to approach yourself with kindness rather than self-criticism.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
This episode discusses the importance of agility and the magic of the human moment in our relationships, as we often get stuck in our stories and ways of thinking.
35:14 - 44:09 (08:55)
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This episode discusses the importance of agility and the magic of the human moment in our relationships, as we often get stuck in our stories and ways of thinking. The speaker shares personal anecdotes and experiences to discuss the topic further.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
By connecting with our emotions in a more granular way, we are grounding ourselves in ourselves, which is important when it comes to avoiding being swept away by peer pressure.
44:09 - 54:49 (10:39)
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By connecting with our emotions in a more granular way, we are grounding ourselves in ourselves, which is important when it comes to avoiding being swept away by peer pressure.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
Perspective taking allows us to move beyond our own emotional space and into the emotional space of another person, providing an opportunity for empathy and new insights.
54:49 - 1:02:33 (07:43)
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perspective taking

Perspective taking allows us to move beyond our own emotional space and into the emotional space of another person, providing an opportunity for empathy and new insights. This skill can be useful both in therapy and everyday life situations.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
The speaker explains the importance of setting goals that derive out of the individual's values, known as want two goals, as it leads to more sustained behavior change compared to goals that are based on obligation or have to's.
1:02:33 - 1:08:09 (05:36)
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The speaker explains the importance of setting goals that derive out of the individual's values, known as want two goals, as it leads to more sustained behavior change compared to goals that are based on obligation or have to's.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about ways to connect with our values, such as tweaking our goals and finding projects that feel more aligned with our values, and reflecting on our daily accomplishments.
1:08:09 - 1:15:48 (07:39)
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The speaker talks about ways to connect with our values, such as tweaking our goals and finding projects that feel more aligned with our values, and reflecting on our daily accomplishments. She also dispels the misconception that big changes are necessary for powerful change.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
Spending a little bit of time thinking about personal values before going into a challenging situation can lead to profound insight, resilience, and a sense of authenticity.
1:15:49 - 1:26:36 (10:47)
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Personal development

Spending a little bit of time thinking about personal values before going into a challenging situation can lead to profound insight, resilience, and a sense of authenticity. One can develop their values based on the uncomfortable emotions that arise from difficult experiences to shape their desired world.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the speaker discusses the importance of prioritizing personal health and values while building a team and navigating the stresses of running a business, and how investing in accountability can help alleviate the burden of feeling overwhelmed.
1:26:36 - 1:32:45 (06:08)
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In this episode, the speaker discusses the importance of prioritizing personal health and values while building a team and navigating the stresses of running a business, and how investing in accountability can help alleviate the burden of feeling overwhelmed.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
The guest, Susan David, emphasizes the importance of consuming content that supports us to reflect on our values and react from a place of peace rather than negativity.
1:32:45 - 1:38:26 (05:40)
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Emotional Agility

The guest, Susan David, emphasizes the importance of consuming content that supports us to reflect on our values and react from a place of peace rather than negativity. She also states the significance of emotional agility in times of stress and recommends her book, "Emotional Agility," to learn more.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness
The speaker offers inspirational reminders to appreciate the present moment and quotes Will Durant to encourage taking action towards current goals.
1:38:26 - 1:40:01 (01:35)
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The speaker offers inspirational reminders to appreciate the present moment and quotes Will Durant to encourage taking action towards current goals. The audience is directed to subscribe and leave ratings and reviews for the podcast.

1089 How to Overcome & Take Back Control of Your Emotions w/Dr. Susan David
The School of Greatness