
#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
Inside Tracker are a company from Boston MA who provide bloodwork analysis to athletes and the general public. The world is increasingly moving toward a focus on inner health, micro gains and a higher resolution view of our body's internal state. Inside Tracker are at the forefront of this analytical movement. After sitting down with Professor David Sinclair at Harvard Medical School I went straight to meet with Inside Tracker HQ Execs Jonathan Levitt & Carrie Kolb to talk through the trends they're seeing worldwide from thousands of bloodwork samples. Extra Stuff: Inside Tracker - https://www.insidetracker.com Check out everything I recommend from books to products and help support the podcast at no extra cost to you by shopping through this link - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
Tom Brady and Professor David Sinclair speak about blood work being done by Inside Tracker.
00:00 - 01:10 (01:10)
Tom Brady and Professor David Sinclair speak about blood work being done by Inside Tracker. Carrie and Jonathan from Inside Tracker HQ reveal what the largest database of healthy people in the world is identifying with regards to trends in people's diets, exercise, and blood work levels, taking the wellness movement to a new level.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses the importance of analytics in health monitoring and how people are questioning their own longevity in order to avoid potential health issues in the future.
01:21 - 05:33 (04:12)
The podcast discusses the importance of analytics in health monitoring and how people are questioning their own longevity in order to avoid potential health issues in the future.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
InsideTracker provides personalized nutrition and wellness tracking for athletes, catering to all types of fitness levels and goals.
05:33 - 13:05 (07:32)
InsideTracker provides personalized nutrition and wellness tracking for athletes, catering to all types of fitness levels and goals. Their services aim to help individuals compare their progress with their personal goals and lifestyles.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The key inputs that affect our blood work includes sleep, training, diet, and supplementation, and it is possible to manipulate them to improve our health.
13:06 - 18:42 (05:36)
The key inputs that affect our blood work includes sleep, training, diet, and supplementation, and it is possible to manipulate them to improve our health. However, it is important to have realistic recommendations that people can implement in their everyday lives rather than complex instructions that are difficult to follow.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The founder of a science-based company shares the initial mission of the company was to help people have more energy or better sleep.
18:42 - 25:39 (06:57)
The founder of a science-based company shares the initial mission of the company was to help people have more energy or better sleep. Despite being a back-end expert in academia, he realized that starting a company would be more impactful than just publishing papers.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The importance of evidence-based nutrition is discussed.
25:39 - 32:31 (06:52)
The importance of evidence-based nutrition is discussed. People tend to only use supplements or make dietary changes once scientific studies prove their effectiveness.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
Dr. Molly Maloof discusses the benefits of biomarker testing for optimal health and how it can reveal specific areas for improvement such as sleep and diet.
32:31 - 37:12 (04:41)
Dr. Molly Maloof discusses the benefits of biomarker testing for optimal health and how it can reveal specific areas for improvement such as sleep and diet.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
Low Faradan levels can negatively impact your physical goals, making even everyday tasks difficult and draining.
37:12 - 39:54 (02:42)
Low Faradan levels can negatively impact your physical goals, making even everyday tasks difficult and draining. Checking your inner age can indicate whether or not your body is ready for the physical demands you want to place on it.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The pursuit of success has given rise to hustle culture, which pushes people to work harder and constantly grind.
39:54 - 46:20 (06:26)
The pursuit of success has given rise to hustle culture, which pushes people to work harder and constantly grind. However, this culture often ignores the importance of rest and recovery, leading to burnout and health problems down the line.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker highlights the struggles people face with taking time off or sleeping in during quarantine.
46:20 - 52:51 (06:31)
The speaker highlights the struggles people face with taking time off or sleeping in during quarantine. Through the advancement of technology, one can either go deep into self-care or start with simple acts such as looking at your iPhone.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
A discussion on the use of data analytics by sports teams and trainers to optimize athlete performance and health, including dietary and travel recommendations based on collected data.
52:51 - 57:13 (04:22)
A discussion on the use of data analytics by sports teams and trainers to optimize athlete performance and health, including dietary and travel recommendations based on collected data.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The belief that one is not susceptible to market trends in their diet choices can lead to a disservice in one's health and fitness goals, as many traditional foods and habits still remain prevalent.
57:13 - 1:00:18 (03:05)
The belief that one is not susceptible to market trends in their diet choices can lead to a disservice in one's health and fitness goals, as many traditional foods and habits still remain prevalent.
Episode#067 - Inside Tracker - The Largest Database Of Healthy People In The World
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how companies and individuals in the health industry can encourage people to have a higher resolution understanding of their health and how it can improve their overall well-being.
1:00:19 - 1:03:17 (02:58)
The speaker discusses how companies and individuals in the health industry can encourage people to have a higher resolution understanding of their health and how it can improve their overall well-being.