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In a study on the effects of metformin supplementation on the lifespan of Fisher 344 rats, no significant lifespan extension was observed.
52:27 - 54:31 (02:04)
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In a study on the effects of metformin supplementation on the lifespan of Fisher 344 rats, no significant lifespan extension was observed. While it's important to standardize dosage, it may be more effective to mix metformin into the animals' food rather than injecting them with it directly.

The Pros and Cons of Metformin Use for Diabetes Management
#188: Dom D'Agostino on Disease Prevention, Cancer, and Living Longer
The Tim Ferriss Show
The likelihood of having a severe reaction to the SARS coronavirus is higher (10 to 15 times) for people over 65 and those who smoke a pack a day (at least 3500 cigarettes per year).
31:34 - 33:09 (01:34)
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Coronavirus Risk Factors

The likelihood of having a severe reaction to the SARS coronavirus is higher (10 to 15 times) for people over 65 and those who smoke a pack a day (at least 3500 cigarettes per year). Three potential risk factors for coronavirus have been identified.

The Severity of COVID-19 and its Impact on Specific Demographics
E0: COVID-19 Political, Economic & Social Ramifications featuring The Production Board's David Friedberg (frmly Founder/CEO, The Climate Corporation)
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
LDL cholesterol below 30 or an APO-B below 40 mg/dL for a long time means the risk of suffering ASCVD is low.
56:12 - 1:00:02 (03:50)
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LDL cholesterol below 30 or an APO-B below 40 mg/dL for a long time means the risk of suffering ASCVD is low. By late 30s or early 40s, APO-B should be lowered to below the 20th percentile, especially for patients with significant genetic abnormalities like familial hypercholesterolemia.

Evidence-Based Optimal Levels of APOB for Cardiovascular Health
#599: New Insights from Sam Harris, Dr. Peter Attia, Ramit Sethi, and Elizabeth Gilbert
The Tim Ferriss Show
In 1979, famous logo designer Saul Bass created an updated trefoil version of the original Girl Scout cookie logo, which has remained the basis of the design to this day.
38:24 - 41:10 (02:46)
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Girl Scout Cookies

In 1979, famous logo designer Saul Bass created an updated trefoil version of the original Girl Scout cookie logo, which has remained the basis of the design to this day.

The Tale of Samoas, or Caramel Delights
Girl Scouts: More than cookie sellers
Stuff You Should Know
The likelihood of a global catastrophic event, such as a pandemic or nuclear war, is higher than most of us would like to believe, with a 20% risk of causing hundreds of millions of deaths.
1:11:36 - 1:13:36 (02:00)
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Catastrophic Event

The likelihood of a global catastrophic event, such as a pandemic or nuclear war, is higher than most of us would like to believe, with a 20% risk of causing hundreds of millions of deaths.

The Slow Pace of Change in Technology
#512 - Will MacAskill - How Long Could Humanity Continue For?
Modern Wisdom
In this episode, the hosts discuss the lab leak hypothesis for the pandemic and the possible origins of Bitcoin.
08:41 - 09:50 (01:09)
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Lab Leak, Bitcoin

In this episode, the hosts discuss the lab leak hypothesis for the pandemic and the possible origins of Bitcoin. They explore the idea of an individual designing Bitcoin and the likelihood of external influences, such as the NSA, being involved.

The Evolution of the Bitcoin Community
#196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideas
My First Million
Learn how to check the temperature, appearance, texture, and smell of your compost to determine if it's done and ready to use as soil amendment.
51:16 - 52:31 (01:14)
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Learn how to check the temperature, appearance, texture, and smell of your compost to determine if it's done and ready to use as soil amendment. A diverse microbial population and an earthy smell are good indicators that the composting process is complete.

Benefits of Letting Compost Cure
Selects: Composting: Nature's Most Interesting Process
Stuff You Should Know
The United States is experiencing a step prior to job losses, where people's 401ks are being destroyed, and wages are hit hard by inflation and high food and gas prices, while home sales are holding up historically.
26:02 - 30:26 (04:23)
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United States

The United States is experiencing a step prior to job losses, where people's 401ks are being destroyed, and wages are hit hard by inflation and high food and gas prices, while home sales are holding up historically.

The Impact of Inflation and Supply-Side Issues on Average Consumers
E86: Macro outlook: jobs, housing, inflation + Dutch farmers protests & EU climate missteps
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Venus flytraps grow in areas that get cold in the winter, so if you're growing one in a terrarium during November to February, take it out and place it in a cold area.
39:32 - 42:34 (03:02)
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Venus Flytraps

Venus flytraps grow in areas that get cold in the winter, so if you're growing one in a terrarium during November to February, take it out and place it in a cold area. Also, don't trigger the plant's closures for fun as it will only shorten its lifespan.

Growing and Caring for Cymbidium Orchids
Venus Flytraps: Plant or Monster?
Stuff You Should Know
The importance of starting to invest at a young age is discussed, referencing a successful businessman who started at 21 years old and saw impressive growth over time through a simple strategy.
27:40 - 29:14 (01:34)
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The importance of starting to invest at a young age is discussed, referencing a successful businessman who started at 21 years old and saw impressive growth over time through a simple strategy.

Discussing the Valuation of Social Networks
"Sara's List" Update: 12 Startups Where Stock Grants Will Make You A Millionaire
My First Million
Social media use has a correlation of 0.15 which can potentially explain the mental health epidemic affecting millions of children, according to Jonathan Haidt.
29:51 - 30:35 (00:43)
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Social Media

Social media use has a correlation of 0.15 which can potentially explain the mental health epidemic affecting millions of children, according to Jonathan Haidt.

Social Media Use and Mental Health in Kids
#291 – Jonathan Haidt: The Case Against Social Media
Lex Fridman Podcast
Climate-related disaster deaths have decreased by 98% over the last century, with very little attention given to the commendable technologies and strategies that have helped reduce these deaths.
1:05:17 - 1:07:10 (01:53)
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Climate Change

Climate-related disaster deaths have decreased by 98% over the last century, with very little attention given to the commendable technologies and strategies that have helped reduce these deaths.

Debunking Malaria’s Decrease by Analogizing it to Climate Change
#324 - Alex Epstein - Can Fossil Fuels Save The World?
Modern Wisdom
The speaker discusses their strategy for making a comfortable income in tech, without having to rely on a traditional salary job.
49:06 - 50:58 (01:52)
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Tech Careers

The speaker discusses their strategy for making a comfortable income in tech, without having to rely on a traditional salary job. They suggest reading tech news and keeping up to date on new platform launches to find opportunities to make money.

Bootstrapping Product Hunt with Ryan Hoover
Greatest Hits #4 - How To Sell Your Company for $750M - Meet Vungle's Jack Smith
My First Million
Early detection of cancer has better outcomes than treating the same cancer later on down the line with the same cocktail of drugs.
1:55:39 - 2:00:30 (04:51)
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Cancer treatment
A father describes how he used myceliated rice to get rid of carpenter ants in his home, thanks to his daughter's toy dish.
28:53 - 30:58 (02:04)
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A father describes how he used myceliated rice to get rid of carpenter ants in his home, thanks to his daughter's toy dish.

The Science of Bugs and Fungi
#340: Paul Stamets — How Mushrooms Can Save You and (Perhaps) the World
The Tim Ferriss Show
The speaker discusses managing wealth and the risks involved in investing in individual stocks.
55:06 - 56:42 (01:36)
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Wealth Management
While certain molecules and blood components can be accurately measured with a small droplet of blood using sophisticated machines, the technology to replace comprehensive blood panels used in routine check-ups is not yet within reach.
11:53 - 17:47 (05:53)
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Healthcare Technology

While certain molecules and blood components can be accurately measured with a small droplet of blood using sophisticated machines, the technology to replace comprehensive blood panels used in routine check-ups is not yet within reach.

What Can We Detect From a Single Drop of Blood Today?
E62: Elizabeth Holmes verdict, fraud origins & takeaways, navigating "The Great Markdown" & more
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Despite common belief, studies show no link between sugar and hyperactivity in children at a population level.
14:40 - 17:31 (02:50)
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Sugar, Hyperactivity, Alcohol, Culture

Despite common belief, studies show no link between sugar and hyperactivity in children at a population level. Additionally, cultural differences affect how alcohol consumption is perceived and can lead to varying social behaviors and violence.

Myth Busting: Sugar and Hyperactivity
The Trouble with Sugar
Maintenance Phase
This podcast discusses the hidden inflation of the US dollar, which has been approximately 7% a year for the past century, though this figure is never acknowledged by government or conventional economists.
26:50 - 31:29 (04:38)
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US Dollar

This podcast discusses the hidden inflation of the US dollar, which has been approximately 7% a year for the past century, though this figure is never acknowledged by government or conventional economists.

The Relationship between Money Supply Expansion and Investment Returns
#276 – Michael Saylor: Bitcoin, Inflation, and the Future of Money
Lex Fridman Podcast
Asset allocation might not matter much for your investment unless there are exceptional scenarios like the current drop in the tech stocks or Bitcoin.
17:21 - 19:35 (02:14)
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Asset allocation might not matter much for your investment unless there are exceptional scenarios like the current drop in the tech stocks or Bitcoin.

Practicality of Savings and Investing During Bitcoin Volatility
#462 - Nick Maggiulli - The Best Way To Build Your Personal Wealth
Modern Wisdom