Listen to this podcast if you need help with going through a breakup or any other tough situation. The speaker shares personal experiences and words of wisdom to encourage listeners to keep going.
The best way to move on after a breakup is to put away all the mementos from the relationship, write a letter acknowledging why it probably wasn't meant to be, and allow yourself to feel sad in order to move through the stage faster.
In this episode, Logan Ury shares some tips on how to move on from a breakup faster, such as doing activities that you enjoy alone or with friends and setting deadlines for yourself. She also mentions that journaling and focusing on your personal goals can be helpful, and recommends her book "How to Not Die Alone" for more advice on dating and relationships.
A woman discusses how changing her behavior, such as stopping online searches about her ex-boyfriend and not making up assumptions about his life, helped her move on from a breakup.
In order to take their power back after a breakup, people should not be hard on themselves for not healing as fast as they would like to as it is a process. People should invest in themselves by meditating, going no contact with their ex, writing a list of qualities they want to see in their future self and become that person, taking up a new hobby, and changing up their routine.