
#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
Jonny and Yusef from PropaneFitness.com join me as we discuss the topic of phone addiction. The problem of excessive tech use is almost universally acknowledged by pretty much anyone with a smartphone, but very few of us are aware of the teams of software engineers, warehouses of supercomputers and decades of research goes into manipulating you to click that link, watch that video or download that app. An argument is often made that technology is neutral and that it is our decision of how we use it, but our phone's intrusion into our lives is so calculated and manipulative that the deck is stacked firmly against us making a choice we're fully in control of. I genuinely believe that Humane Technology and Ethical Persuasion will be a huge topic over the coming years, hopefully we can kickstart your interest into the subject here... On this episode, learn the tactics used by social media websites to manipulate you to stay on site, discover our favourite strategies for taking back control of your phone use and find out why you definitely shouldn't buy a dildo on Facebook Marketplace. Extra Reading: Distraction Is Destruction Podcast (YouTube) www.HumaneTech.com Newsfeed Hider For Chrome Moment App Check out everything I recommend from books to products and help support the podcast at no extra cost to you by shopping through this link - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
This podcast episode explores how social media platforms use persuasion techniques to keep you engaged on their sites and how they can manipulate your experience of the world and other people.
00:00 - 03:48 (03:48)
This podcast episode explores how social media platforms use persuasion techniques to keep you engaged on their sites and how they can manipulate your experience of the world and other people. The hosts discuss the ethical implications of this manipulation and the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The host reflects on the world of cognitive bias manipulation and persuasive techniques used by apps to keep us addicted to our phones and shares tactics to reduce phone time.
05:39 - 09:55 (04:16)
The host reflects on the world of cognitive bias manipulation and persuasive techniques used by apps to keep us addicted to our phones and shares tactics to reduce phone time.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The design of Facebook and Amazon is criticized for being simplistic and outdated, with Amazon's website requiring numerous steps to cancel an account.
09:55 - 14:03 (04:07)
The design of Facebook and Amazon is criticized for being simplistic and outdated, with Amazon's website requiring numerous steps to cancel an account.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
By adding the autoplay feature, YouTube has increased user time on site by 5-10%.
14:03 - 18:23 (04:19)
By adding the autoplay feature, YouTube has increased user time on site by 5-10%. However, for individuals who value efficiency and productive use of their time, it's important to find a balance for how much time to spend on the platform.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses a monkey study where random rewards led to the development of strange rituals, leading to a discussion of how social media platforms like Instagram use the same concept to keep users engaged.
18:23 - 21:15 (02:51)
The podcast discusses a monkey study where random rewards led to the development of strange rituals, leading to a discussion of how social media platforms like Instagram use the same concept to keep users engaged.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast discusses the negative effects of social media on our daily lives, focusing on how it manipulates our dopamine levels and steals our time and attention.
21:15 - 23:01 (01:45)
This podcast discusses the negative effects of social media on our daily lives, focusing on how it manipulates our dopamine levels and steals our time and attention.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses the impact of social media on mental health and highlights how logging in to such platforms can mitigate the sense of missing out on any updates.
23:01 - 25:13 (02:12)
The podcast discusses the impact of social media on mental health and highlights how logging in to such platforms can mitigate the sense of missing out on any updates. It also delves into the issue of time wastage on social media and its negative effects.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast discusses the best tactics to use your phone less and avoid social media addiction, including tips for battling the insidious Snapstreak feature in Snapchat.
25:13 - 27:15 (02:02)
This podcast discusses the best tactics to use your phone less and avoid social media addiction, including tips for battling the insidious Snapstreak feature in Snapchat.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how breaking a long streak on MyFitnessPal and losing money like buying a pricey item or activity can cause a sense of loss that lasts forever.
27:16 - 30:23 (03:07)
The speaker discusses how breaking a long streak on MyFitnessPal and losing money like buying a pricey item or activity can cause a sense of loss that lasts forever.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast discusses how YouTube's one billion hours of monthly viewing time has become a celebration of wasted human time, especially in comparison to the simplicity of the driving test in Egypt.
30:23 - 32:41 (02:17)
This podcast discusses how YouTube's one billion hours of monthly viewing time has become a celebration of wasted human time, especially in comparison to the simplicity of the driving test in Egypt.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
Consuming outrage online can change your mental environment and mood over time, similar to how eating sweets can make you regretful in the future.
32:41 - 35:44 (03:03)
Consuming outrage online can change your mental environment and mood over time, similar to how eating sweets can make you regretful in the future. Facebook's algorithm used to prioritize articles with the word "Trump" regardless of user preferences.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The conversation covers fascinating ground as they discuss the dangers of echo chambers, how Facebook segregates its users, and the potential damage of watching too much pornography.
35:45 - 38:32 (02:47)
The conversation covers fascinating ground as they discuss the dangers of echo chambers, how Facebook segregates its users, and the potential damage of watching too much pornography.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The attention economy in Silicon Valley means that revenue is directly related to time on site.
38:32 - 43:07 (04:35)
The attention economy in Silicon Valley means that revenue is directly related to time on site. Tristan Harris argues that if businesses were rewarded based on how much value they add to someone's life rather than their time on site, they would change in a heartbeat.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
In 2017, there were 120 million video votes on porn hub, and it is unknown how many people subscribe to the premium version.
43:07 - 47:13 (04:05)
In 2017, there were 120 million video votes on porn hub, and it is unknown how many people subscribe to the premium version.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker offers a simple hack for charging your phone overnight and also explains the importance of being in an inertial frame of reference to keep your phone charged.
47:13 - 50:38 (03:25)
The speaker offers a simple hack for charging your phone overnight and also explains the importance of being in an inertial frame of reference to keep your phone charged.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the downsides of social media and group chats and shares their experience of buying a basic phone to disconnect from technology and live a more balanced life.
50:40 - 55:05 (04:25)
The speaker discusses the downsides of social media and group chats and shares their experience of buying a basic phone to disconnect from technology and live a more balanced life.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The latest episode of the podcast "Sleepwalkers" explores the benefits of being bored, including increased creativity and improved mental health.
55:05 - 58:58 (03:52)
The latest episode of the podcast "Sleepwalkers" explores the benefits of being bored, including increased creativity and improved mental health.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how navigating Facebook with a blocked news feed is similar to using menu items.
58:58 - 1:02:20 (03:21)
The speaker discusses how navigating Facebook with a blocked news feed is similar to using menu items. They also mention the only time their firm makes a noise is when their calendar reminders go off.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses the dangers of using phones while driving and wonders why the police are not intervening more aggressively to stop people from recording themselves breaking the law.
1:02:21 - 1:05:02 (02:41)
The podcast discusses the dangers of using phones while driving and wonders why the police are not intervening more aggressively to stop people from recording themselves breaking the law.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker suggests setting boundaries for social media use, such as only allowing oneself 30 minutes in the evening to check it and not looking at one's phone in the morning.
1:05:02 - 1:08:00 (02:57)
The speaker suggests setting boundaries for social media use, such as only allowing oneself 30 minutes in the evening to check it and not looking at one's phone in the morning.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
The Moment app helps reduce phone usage by showing the user their screen time percentage and encouraging them to not check their phone constantly.
1:08:01 - 1:11:17 (03:15)
The Moment app helps reduce phone usage by showing the user their screen time percentage and encouraging them to not check their phone constantly.
Episode#009 - A Hacker In Your Pocket - How Your Smartphone Is Short Circuiting Your Brain
PodcastModern Wisdom
Learn how to quickly search for files on your device by typing the letter of the app you want and beginning the search process.
1:11:17 - 1:12:56 (01:39)
Learn how to quickly search for files on your device by typing the letter of the app you want and beginning the search process.