
How to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
In this episode, I discuss testosterone and estrogen hormones and how they impact the brain, body, and behavior after puberty. I also discuss how various behaviors such as exercise (resistance and endurance training) and sex or observing sex impact these hormones and their levels. I ask: "what specifically is it about such activities that impact testosterone and estrogen?"; the resounding theme is that when our nervous system is activated in particular ways, it drives our endocrine system and vascular system to activate or repress certain hormone networks in predictable ways. I also discuss peer-reviewed studies and protocols addressing (at a mechanistic level) how light, cold and heat, and respiration (breathing) can positively or negatively impact testosterone and estrogen. We discuss specific supplements and compounds that peer-reviewed studies illustrate can adjust testosterone and estrogen levels by changing their binding to other proteins, raising them directly, or changing other hormones released from the brain and pituitary. I discuss optimization in the normal reference ranges for these hormones, and I discuss pheromones, apnea, menstrual cycles, menopause and andropause. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Thesis: https://takethesis.com/huberman Supplements from Momentous https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Introduction (00:00:26) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT, Thesis, Momentous (00:05:50) Hormone Optimization (00:07:00) Salutogenesis: A Powerful Way to Conceptualize Health (00:10:03) Estrogen and Testosterone: Sources, Levels and Ratios (00:15:46) The Power of Competition, Plus: Anxiety, Persistence and Dopamine (00:20:58) Testosterone and Libido Pre-Ovulation (00:21:48) Estrogen and Sexual Receptivity; Libido In Males (00:23:10) How Sex Behavior Impacts Testosterone: Observing vs. Actual vs. Abstinence (00:26:46) Testosterone and Prolactin: Sex Seeking vs Pair Bonding (00:27:30) DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone): Effects on Levels/Ratios (00:28:45) Behaviors That Decrease Testosterone (and Cortisol): Parenting and Prolactin (00:31:24) How Illness Impacts Testosterone and Estrogen: Cytokines, e.g., IL-6 (00:33:20) How Exactly Do Behaviors Change Hormones? (00:34:18) Pheromones: Miscarriage, Menstrual Cycles, Puberty Onset, and Mate Recognition (00:43:33) Apnea: A Powerful Bi-Directional Influence On Estrogen and Testosterone (00:47:44) Mouth vs. Nose Breathing and Hormone Levels: Effects Via Sleep and Direct Effects (00:51:11) How Sleep Adjusts Cortisol/Testosterone and Cortisol/Estrogen Ratios (00:53:49) 02:CO2 Ratios, Nasal Breathing During Exercise (00:56:30) Light Viewing Patterns and Hormones: Dopamine, GnRH (00:57:44) Spring Fever: Tyrosinase, Hair Color, Mating Frequency (01:04:39) Specificity of Hormone Effects (01:06:03) Temperature: Cold and Hot Gonads (01:14:10) How To Exercise: Types, Effort Level, Sequencing (01:21:42) Cardio/Endurance vs. Resistance Training (First or Last?) Yes, It Matters (01:24:41) Estrogen and Menopause: Compounds That May Ameliorate/Reverse Symptoms (01:33:18) Nutrients That Optimize The Foundation For Hormones (01:36:00) Opioids as Severe Hormone Disruptors (01:37:23) Testes, Antlers and Ovaries (01:38:50) Creatine and Increasing DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) (01:40:14) Free and Bound Testosterone: SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), Tongat Ali (01:43:23) Nettles, Prostate, Boron, and Blood Brain Barrier (01:45:27) Hormone Related Cancers: Sometimes Reducing Estrogen and Testosterone Is Optimal (01:47:43) Ecdysteroids: Mimic Mammalian Hormones (01:51:50) Optimizing Brain Hormones: Chorionic Gonadotropin, Fadogia Agrestis (01:57:18) Additional Compounds, Liver Toxicity, Overall Milieu (01:59:17) Summary: And Note About Additional Related Topic Coverage Coming Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer
In this podcast episode, practical tools and tips are discussed for building a systematic and scientific supplementation protocol that optimizes hormones, the role of hydration and electrolytes for nerve and neuron function, and the interaction between the microbiome and health.
00:00 - 06:06 (06:06)
In this podcast episode, practical tools and tips are discussed for building a systematic and scientific supplementation protocol that optimizes hormones, the role of hydration and electrolytes for nerve and neuron function, and the interaction between the microbiome and health.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
This podcast discusses how specific types of exercise, particular patterns of cold exposure, as well as particular patterns of breathing can impact sex steroid hormones, both estrogen and testosterone, and how individuals can optimize their ratios depending on their particular life goals to improve feelings of well-being, optimism, and reduce anxiety.
06:06 - 14:45 (08:39)
This podcast discusses how specific types of exercise, particular patterns of cold exposure, as well as particular patterns of breathing can impact sex steroid hormones, both estrogen and testosterone, and how individuals can optimize their ratios depending on their particular life goals to improve feelings of well-being, optimism, and reduce anxiety.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Testosterone promotes seeking of sex in both males and females, while estrogen promotes consensual receptivity during sex in females.
14:45 - 23:54 (09:09)
Testosterone promotes seeking of sex in both males and females, while estrogen promotes consensual receptivity during sex in females. In males, estrogen is important for libido.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Studies have shown that ejaculation and sex do not reduce testosterone levels, but rather can increase it by up to 70%.
23:54 - 30:00 (06:05)
Studies have shown that ejaculation and sex do not reduce testosterone levels, but rather can increase it by up to 70%. The increase in testosterone levels depends on various individual factors like estrogen levels and aromatase levels.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
This episode discusses the Leibut, Witten, Bruce and Vandenberg effects, which are important in the modulation of sex steroid hormones.
30:00 - 39:57 (09:57)
This episode discusses the Leibut, Witten, Bruce and Vandenberg effects, which are important in the modulation of sex steroid hormones. It also focuses on Interleukin 6 and Interleukin 10 that interact with the receptors of these hormones to impact their effect.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Breathing patterns during waking hours can significantly affect sleep and reduce sleep apnea.
39:57 - 47:27 (07:30)
Breathing patterns during waking hours can significantly affect sleep and reduce sleep apnea. Additionally, breathing patterns during sleep can help to optimize estrogen and testosterone levels regardless of whether one has ovaries or testes.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Nasal breathing during the day and sleeping promotes improved gas exchange in the body and other positive effects, according to the book "Jaws."
47:27 - 54:52 (07:25)
Nasal breathing during the day and sleeping promotes improved gas exchange in the body and other positive effects, according to the book "Jaws." Dilation of the nasal passages can help improve nasal breathing and prevent negative impacts associated with mouth breathing.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Bright light viewing can have a direct effect on hormone levels and fertility.
54:52 - 1:05:10 (10:18)
Bright light viewing can have a direct effect on hormone levels and fertility. For those who naturally have ovaries, viewing bright light early in the day promotes more estrogen and subtle increases in testosterone.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Cold exposure can increase testosterone or estrogen, as it cools the neurons controlling vasoconstriction and vasodilation, shutting down the entry of blood and hormones into the gonad, leading to increased levels of GNRH, hormones, and carrier proteins, which stimulate the gonad to release more testosterone or estrogen.
1:05:10 - 1:13:34 (08:24)
Cold exposure can increase testosterone or estrogen, as it cools the neurons controlling vasoconstriction and vasodilation, shutting down the entry of blood and hormones into the gonad, leading to increased levels of GNRH, hormones, and carrier proteins, which stimulate the gonad to release more testosterone or estrogen.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Weight training with heavy loads, but not to failure, has been scientifically supported to increase testosterone levels in both men and women.
1:13:34 - 1:20:41 (07:07)
Weight training with heavy loads, but not to failure, has been scientifically supported to increase testosterone levels in both men and women. This provides a particular set of protocols for those looking to increase testosterone through exercise.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
Puraria Mirifica is a compound that is comparable to estrogen therapy in reducing the symptoms of menopause.
1:20:41 - 1:35:34 (14:53)
Puraria Mirifica is a compound that is comparable to estrogen therapy in reducing the symptoms of menopause.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
The level of free testosterone is crucial for optimizing the pro-androgenic effects of testosterone on cognitive function, with albumin playing an important role in testosterone transportation.
1:35:34 - 1:45:21 (09:47)
The level of free testosterone is crucial for optimizing the pro-androgenic effects of testosterone on cognitive function, with albumin playing an important role in testosterone transportation. The goal is not to free up all testosterone but to get free testosterone into a range that works for an individual's needs.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
The possibility of athletes faking injuries to open up the door for certain types of testosterone and hormones augmentation, and how the effects of supplementation in individuals can be feel subtle, but can improve gene expression, strength, and brain function.
1:45:21 - 1:55:53 (10:32)
The possibility of athletes faking injuries to open up the door for certain types of testosterone and hormones augmentation, and how the effects of supplementation in individuals can be feel subtle, but can improve gene expression, strength, and brain function.
EpisodeHow to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen
PodcastHuberman Lab
The production of estrogen and testosterone can be promoted through maintaining healthy levels of magnesium, D3 and zinc.
1:55:53 - 2:01:07 (05:13)
The production of estrogen and testosterone can be promoted through maintaining healthy levels of magnesium, D3 and zinc. In addition, implementing healthy lifestyle practices like good sleep hygiene and light exposure can support overall nervous system health.