

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
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Published: Mon Mar 08 2021

“The love that you have for yourself is the only predictor of the love you can receive.”Today's guest is Dr. Laura Berman, who is a leading expert in the field of sex and relationship therapy. She is a New York Times bestselling author of many books, including her latest “Quantum Love.” She is an award-winning radio host and has her own podcast “The Language of Love.” In this episode Lewis and Dr. Berman discuss how to become more connected with your partner, ending a relationship in a healthy way, developing your self-worth, healing trauma and how she was able to handle the grief of losing her son, and so much more!For more go to: to Dr. Berman’s new podcast: The Language of LoveCheck out her website: The Power of Erotic Intelligence with Esther Perel: Lasting Love with Matthew Hussey:

Laura and a guest discuss topics including improving communication with a partner, ending relationships in a healthy way, self-worth, and more.
00:00 - 04:08 (04:08)
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Relationship Advice

Laura and a guest discuss topics including improving communication with a partner, ending relationships in a healthy way, self-worth, and more.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The host points out that dissociating from one's body is a common coping strategy to survive sexual abuse, but it hinders healing and pleasure.
04:08 - 07:39 (03:30)
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Sexual Trauma

The host points out that dissociating from one's body is a common coping strategy to survive sexual abuse, but it hinders healing and pleasure. Being present in one's body and identifying feelings can help overcome inhibitions and anxieties related to sexuality.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
This podcast episode talks about somatic experiencing and the amazing work of different people like John Levine, helping people connect with their bodies in order to heal from their past experiences and become more connected with others.
07:40 - 10:56 (03:15)
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Somatic Experiencing

This podcast episode talks about somatic experiencing and the amazing work of different people like John Levine, helping people connect with their bodies in order to heal from their past experiences and become more connected with others.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses how trauma can impact love, self-worth, and the trajectory of life.
10:57 - 17:33 (06:36)
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The speaker discusses how trauma can impact love, self-worth, and the trajectory of life. She also explores ways in which individuals can create a safe space in their mind and body to process trauma and improve overall wellbeing.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The act of forgiving should be done for oneself as it releases feelings of hurt and resentment.
17:34 - 21:27 (03:53)
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The act of forgiving should be done for oneself as it releases feelings of hurt and resentment. Writing a letter of forgiveness can help in acknowledging the wrongs done and thanking oneself for showing up in a powerful way.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The best advice for someone who has ended a serious relationship is to wait for half the amount of time that they were in the relationship.
21:28 - 26:23 (04:55)
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The best advice for someone who has ended a serious relationship is to wait for half the amount of time that they were in the relationship. It's important to fully heal and let go of the past before entering into a new relationship to break a pattern of dating the wrong person.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
According to the speaker, having better sex can lead to a stronger overall sense of connection in a relationship, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, as people typically react differently to sex and stress.
26:24 - 31:20 (04:56)
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According to the speaker, having better sex can lead to a stronger overall sense of connection in a relationship, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, as people typically react differently to sex and stress.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the effects of social media on young women and how it influences their behavior and relationships with others, including mimicking the behaviors they see online.
31:21 - 35:07 (03:46)
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Social Media

The speaker discusses the effects of social media on young women and how it influences their behavior and relationships with others, including mimicking the behaviors they see online.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The fear of being alone and abandoned often leads people to stay in unhealthy relationships for too long.
35:07 - 39:27 (04:19)
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The fear of being alone and abandoned often leads people to stay in unhealthy relationships for too long. It's important to acknowledge and work through this fear to find true happiness and model healthy relationships for children.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
Women are also watching porn but just like men, they should not think that's what women want or what turns them on.
39:27 - 45:23 (05:56)
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Porn Addiction

Women are also watching porn but just like men, they should not think that's what women want or what turns them on. Sexual addiction, whether it's acting out sexually or porn or whatever, is just like any other addiction and could be more relational than porn.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses the importance of having a partner who is open to learning and taking feedback.
45:23 - 50:21 (04:57)
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Somatic Experiencing

The podcast discusses the importance of having a partner who is open to learning and taking feedback. Somatic experiencing is recommended for those who find it hard to articulate their feelings or are in emotional pain.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The process of healing from emotional pain is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process of peeling away the layers of the onion and releasing emotional pain from the body.
50:21 - 56:03 (05:42)
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Emotional pain

The process of healing from emotional pain is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process of peeling away the layers of the onion and releasing emotional pain from the body. Going on a week-long supported journey can help to jumpstart this process.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
Self-worth is recognizing one's inherent value as a unique expression of the universe's light, while self-esteem relates more to external validation.
56:03 - 1:00:08 (04:05)
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Self-worth is recognizing one's inherent value as a unique expression of the universe's light, while self-esteem relates more to external validation. It is important to understand this difference in order to cultivate a healthy relationship with oneself.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The true value in personal growth and healing is found through connecting to your essential self, which is a lovingly detached source of immense size.
1:00:08 - 1:04:04 (03:56)
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Personal Growth

The true value in personal growth and healing is found through connecting to your essential self, which is a lovingly detached source of immense size. While tapping and positive thinking may help, the real healing work involves confronting and facing your shame and recognizing those parts of yourself that just want to be seen.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The feeling of unworthiness characterizes those with insecure attachment styles, leading them to prioritize their partner's needs over their own.
1:04:04 - 1:07:12 (03:08)
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Insecure Attachment

The feeling of unworthiness characterizes those with insecure attachment styles, leading them to prioritize their partner's needs over their own. This phenomenon is observed in individuals who lack self-worth but deeply care for their partner.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the historical reluctance of couples to seek help before it's too late, and emphasizes the importance of open communication and resolving issues as they arise in a relationship.
1:07:12 - 1:10:37 (03:24)
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The speaker discusses the historical reluctance of couples to seek help before it's too late, and emphasizes the importance of open communication and resolving issues as they arise in a relationship.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares about her experience with grief and codependency, talking about the waves of it and how it's hard for her to receive support from others.
1:10:37 - 1:18:26 (07:49)
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Grief and Codependency

The speaker shares about her experience with grief and codependency, talking about the waves of it and how it's hard for her to receive support from others.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares her experience of receiving daily check-ins from friends to cope with her grief, and encourages others to be supportive without invading the person's space.
1:18:26 - 1:25:18 (06:51)
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The speaker shares her experience of receiving daily check-ins from friends to cope with her grief, and encourages others to be supportive without invading the person's space.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the concept of "The Wound" in Rumi's poetry and how it relates to embracing and seeking out light in one's life.
1:25:18 - 1:28:35 (03:16)
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Rumi, Light, Poetry

The speaker discusses the concept of "The Wound" in Rumi's poetry and how it relates to embracing and seeking out light in one's life.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The process of grieving is a difficult journey that requires many skills, tools and practice that are developed over time.
1:28:35 - 1:31:49 (03:14)
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Grief and Loss

The process of grieving is a difficult journey that requires many skills, tools and practice that are developed over time. Coping with loss and grief involves serving others, grieving yourself and navigating stress and uncertainty.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness
The podcast host offers a subscription for weekly inspirational messages and encourages listeners to share the podcast with others for greater impact.
1:31:49 - 1:34:11 (02:22)
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The podcast host offers a subscription for weekly inspirational messages and encourages listeners to share the podcast with others for greater impact.

1081 How to Create a Lasting Relationship & Build Intimacy w/Dr. Laura Berman
The School of Greatness