True forgiveness is unconditional, whether the person deserves it or not, and may involve seeking out contact with the person. Some psychologists disagree on whether it is necessary to verbally express forgiveness to the person.
The host speaks with Shannon Curry, a clinical and forensic psychologist known for her role in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial, about trauma, violence, and relationships. The conversation delves into complex psychological concepts and evaluation procedures.
In this podcast episode, the speaker delves into how people justify their behaviors based on their past experiences and emotional trauma. Personal stories are shared to emphasize the impact childhood experiences can have on one's perspective on relationships.
This podcast discusses the concept of cognitive complexity, which refers to the amount of information a person needs to make decisions. The podcast distinguishes between those with a high or low need for cognitive complexity.
The speaker discusses their knowledge of psychology and how it can be used to manipulate people in toxic ways.
The podcast explores the basis of why individuals label someone as attractive, discussing the various social and psychological factors that come into play.
In this episode, the speaker explains the nature of fun memories, and how we tend to use the word "fun" to describe anything we do in our leisure time even if it's not enjoyable at all.
This podcast discusses the disturbing details of serial killers and their psychological profiles, including questions about how they became killers, who they target, and why.
The speaker shares their interpretation of a Rorschach inkblot test, suggesting that they immediately associate the image with the concept of semen.
Contrary to popular belief, dominance is not the only path to alpha status. Other traits that contribute to group success and effective leadership can also lead to alpha status.
This episode discusses attachment and authenticity as fundamental needs for human beings and the role of endorphins in facilitating attachment. It also explores the conflict between attachment and authenticity and how the shutdown of gut feelings can be detrimental to survival.
Our thoughts and feelings are interconnected and they dictate our actions. Thoughts are the foundation and feelings are the driving force behind how we behave in a given situation.
The threat reflex is how specific events get attached to our reflex sending a whole set of other functions into action like freezing, activation of the adrenals, activation of locus coeruleus, anti-pain system in the PAG, etc., leading to either fight or flight response depending upon how one wants to combat things that they feel threatened by.
The host discusses the psychology behind people paying for free content and the appeal of live streaming, highlighting the idea that people are willing to pay for a slightly different packaged product.
A discussion about the psychology behind confessions and how evidence plays a crucial role in determining a suspect's guilt or innocence.
The podcast discusses the impact of simple gestures such as fist bumps and high fives on the team's winning spirit, and the importance of reconnecting with the child within ourselves to regain self-love and minimize the impact of negative experiences.
The desire to fight and display masculinity is a biological instinct for many men. This instinct is often associated with psychological and physiological factors that define the male experience.
The struggle of a defendant to clear their name in front of a jury and the impact of public opinion, proven by studies and expert opinions from psychologists, on their chances of succeeding is discussed in detail on this podcast.
A discussion about the anxiety that comes with realizing you have similar flaws and traits to your parents.
The speaker discusses the effects of his childhood trauma and how it impacted his fear of authority figures.
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the implications of a belief in soulmates for our psychology and the well-being of our romantic as well as non-romantic relationships. The traditional notion of soulmates is that of a romantic partnership, but it can take many forms reflecting a special spiritual relationship with another person.
The podcast host discusses how losing to the eventual champion in sports can be a silver lining and how playing in California's ideal weather is preferred.
The human mind tends to remember negative experiences more strongly than positive ones due to a shift in attention as we age. Even though very young infants initially pay greater attention to positive facial expressions and tone of voice, this changes as they near the age of 1.
The chemical structure in our body changes when we experience nervousness or excitement, causing the famous "butterflies in the stomach" feeling. Understanding this process can help people use "confidence anchors" to alleviate anxiety and boost confidence in stressful situations.
The tolls of war extend beyond physical harm, with soldiers unprepared to handle the reality of civilian casualties and the use of human shields leading to psychological trauma.
The modulation of psychological and psychiatric disorders and conditions can be addressed through various practices such as breath, meditation, diet, and sleep rather than solely relying on medication. While traditional SSRIs work for some, there are multiple medications that can metabolically work differently and provide alternatives for those who thought medication would never be effective.
The podcast discusses the unsettling nature of the mind of a serial killer and the allure of trying to understand the behavior of such individuals.
The speaker speculates on how an infamous criminal may have developed her obsession with babies and whether it was due to abuse or societal attitudes towards infants during her upbringing.
The desire for validation is a natural human instinct, but social media has amplified this need and made it easier to seek approval from others. This can lead to a cycle of seeking external validation and feeling insecure without it.
Monkeys are trained to not climb a ladder for a banana as the entire enclosure gets sprayed with cold water whenever one of them tries.
The withholding of love can drive people to pursue power as a means of feeling safe, and for those who don't thrive in reactivity, it can be difficult to understand. The characterization of Shiv in this season of Succession explores the complex intersection of a woman's power and disempowerment in the face of scandal.
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the difficulty in differentiating between cult members who willingly join versus those who do not. Using Heaven's Gate as an example, they question the reasons why people would stay and the tragedy that often occurs within these groups.
The youngest child in a family often gets away with more, leading to resentment from their siblings and creating a long-lasting rivalry. Meanwhile, the middle child can often be forgotten in the chaos.
Podcast hosts discuss what motivates people to choose honesty over fraud, even in situations where they could easily run away with large amounts of money. Slow eye contact is noted as a sign of mutual understanding during the conversation.