

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
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Published: Wed Aug 05 2020

“With great vulnerability comes great connection and courage.”Lewis chats with Kati Morton, a clinical psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, and viral YouTube personality whose mission is to decrease the stigma around mental health issues. They discuss the steps to overcoming loneliness, the value of vulnerability, how to recognize and combat depression, and so much more.The Power of Erotic Intelligence with Esther Perel: Lasting Love with Matthew Hussey:

In this episode of the School of Greatness, Louis Howes interviews Katie Morton, a clinical psychologist and licensed marriage and family therapist.
00:00 - 01:31 (01:31)
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Mental Health

In this episode of the School of Greatness, Louis Howes interviews Katie Morton, a clinical psychologist and licensed marriage and family therapist. They discuss ways to overcome mental health issues and the root causes of loneliness.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the top 10 most stressful things in life and how to cope with them, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging negative experiences while also focusing on the positive ones.
01:31 - 08:28 (06:57)
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The speaker discusses the top 10 most stressful things in life and how to cope with them, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging negative experiences while also focusing on the positive ones.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares her experience of overcoming loneliness by spending deep, quality time with herself, falling in love with her own company, and by challenging herself to experience deep pain to truly know herself.
08:28 - 12:02 (03:34)
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The speaker shares her experience of overcoming loneliness by spending deep, quality time with herself, falling in love with her own company, and by challenging herself to experience deep pain to truly know herself.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The podcast talks about how recognizing the reasons behind toxic relationships can be helpful in avoiding them.
12:02 - 15:19 (03:17)
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Toxic Relationships

The podcast talks about how recognizing the reasons behind toxic relationships can be helpful in avoiding them. The podcast also mentions how secrets and fear can be a reason why individuals have toxic relationships.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker believes that we can improve our intelligence by being aware of our thoughts and changing them.
15:19 - 18:40 (03:20)
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Personal Growth

The speaker believes that we can improve our intelligence by being aware of our thoughts and changing them. We should avoid teaching ourselves negative things and instead embrace the idea of learning new things every day and changing our beliefs.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares some simple techniques to tackle loneliness, including keeping a positive outlook, expressing gratitude, and avoiding the pursuit of negativity.
18:40 - 24:34 (05:54)
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The speaker shares some simple techniques to tackle loneliness, including keeping a positive outlook, expressing gratitude, and avoiding the pursuit of negativity.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
Michael Phelps discusses the importance of men opening up about their trauma and emotions instead of brushing it off with "tough love", sharing his own journey towards healing after opening up about his sexual abuse as a child.
24:34 - 31:09 (06:35)
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Mental Health

Michael Phelps discusses the importance of men opening up about their trauma and emotions instead of brushing it off with "tough love", sharing his own journey towards healing after opening up about his sexual abuse as a child.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The accumulation of small traumas can have a significant impact on our mental health, leading to reactive behavior and potentially even conditions like adrenal fatigue.
31:09 - 36:28 (05:19)
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Mental Health

The accumulation of small traumas can have a significant impact on our mental health, leading to reactive behavior and potentially even conditions like adrenal fatigue.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
Creating a trauma narrative to process and remember experiences through storytelling can support addiction recovery and emotional growth.
36:28 - 39:28 (03:00)
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Creating a trauma narrative to process and remember experiences through storytelling can support addiction recovery and emotional growth. By acknowledging that our trauma is valid, we can break down the barriers that hold us back and find empathy for ourselves and others.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
By creating and storing evidence to support positive thoughts and ideas, it is possible to overcome doubts.
39:28 - 43:59 (04:31)
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Mental Health

By creating and storing evidence to support positive thoughts and ideas, it is possible to overcome doubts. This tactic can be particularly useful when it comes to mental health.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
In this podcast episode the guest refers to PTSD as an illness, she also talks about the physical symptoms that can come along with it if left untreated.
44:00 - 48:20 (04:20)
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In this podcast episode the guest refers to PTSD as an illness, she also talks about the physical symptoms that can come along with it if left untreated.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The podcast host reflects on the importance of therapy, comparing it to a regular checkup with a family doctor.
48:20 - 54:36 (06:16)
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The podcast host reflects on the importance of therapy, comparing it to a regular checkup with a family doctor. She also shares her experience with exposure therapy and its effectiveness in overcoming anxiety.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about the challenges of categorizing anxiety disorders and how patterns of behavior can be a better indicator than strict timelines or diagnostic criteria.
54:36 - 58:27 (03:51)
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Anxiety Disorders

The speaker talks about the challenges of categorizing anxiety disorders and how patterns of behavior can be a better indicator than strict timelines or diagnostic criteria.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about how he believes it's important to keep evolving and working towards something different as he recounts how many of his college friends decided not to change their lifestyle.
58:27 - 1:01:53 (03:25)
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The speaker talks about how he believes it's important to keep evolving and working towards something different as he recounts how many of his college friends decided not to change their lifestyle.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
This episode discusses how setting boundaries can help reduce stress and trauma response.
1:01:53 - 1:05:30 (03:37)
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Stress Management

This episode discusses how setting boundaries can help reduce stress and trauma response. It also emphasizes the importance of relationships and how they can act as an antidote for our fight flight freeze response.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The importance of communication in relationships and how taking the time to actively listen and share vulnerably can improve the chances of a successful relationship and potentially prevent breakups.
1:05:30 - 1:09:47 (04:17)
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The importance of communication in relationships and how taking the time to actively listen and share vulnerably can improve the chances of a successful relationship and potentially prevent breakups.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses how grief can occur in relationships when we grieve the loss of what we thought the relationship was going to be, and offers advice on how to gain control during times of emotional distress.
1:09:48 - 1:13:11 (03:23)
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The speaker discusses how grief can occur in relationships when we grieve the loss of what we thought the relationship was going to be, and offers advice on how to gain control during times of emotional distress.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
Finding ways to get our needs met and connecting with others can help us cope with the challenges of the "new normal."
1:13:11 - 1:16:22 (03:11)
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Finding ways to get our needs met and connecting with others can help us cope with the challenges of the "new normal."

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness
Lewis House encourages people to focus on love and taking more time to create meaningful content.
1:16:23 - 1:19:05 (02:42)
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Content creation

Lewis House encourages people to focus on love and taking more time to create meaningful content. He offers a motivational and inspirational message by texting the word "podcast" to 614-350-3960 and encourages listeners to share the link to this episode for the ability to transform and improve someone's life.

989 A Mental Health Toolkit: Defeat Loneliness & Learn to Love Yourself w/Kati Morton
The School of Greatness