
860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
We all want to maintain our youth. Our goal is to be attractive, healthy, and energetic as we age. What if there were ways beyond basic diet and exercise regimens that could literally reverse aging? But what if we could defy our own biology? There are many ways to stay young and live a healthy, productive life. But maybe those methods aren’t enough. Maybe if we lived at the intersection of technology and health we could actually live forever. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the things you can do to maintain your health with a master biohacker: Dave Aspery. Dave Asprey is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof Coffee, host of the podcast Bulletproof Radio, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Bulletproof Diet. Dave was described by Men’s Health as a "lifestyle guru” and his body-hacking gym, Upgrade Labs, has more than 15 different technologies in two signature locations dedicated to improving mental and physical performance and recovery. His new book Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever is out on October 8th everywhere books are sold online. So get ready to learn how to maintain your health and energy as you age on Episode 860. Some Questions I Ask: What is the BulletProof diet? (12:45) What are the seven things that make you old? (17:25) How do you get a better ROI on your workout? (46:50) What are five things you can do for better health and less pain? (55:30) What are the five health killers? (01:09:35) In This Episode You Will Learn: How to get to your ultimate fitness level (9:27) How to keep your body young (16:55) Key steps on maintaining your health and energy as you get older (40:17) The power of your immune system and “killer cells” (52:00) Five simple tips to improve your overall health (55:45) Why fried food is worse than cigarettes (1:02:40) The incredible benefits of intermittent fasting (1:03:55) If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes and more at http://lewishowes.com/860 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes
In this episode, Lewis Howes talks about the importance of taking care of our body, mind and environment to optimize our life with expert biohacker, Dave Asprey.
00:00 - 01:30 (01:30)
In this episode, Lewis Howes talks about the importance of taking care of our body, mind and environment to optimize our life with expert biohacker, Dave Asprey. They discuss the latest advances in technology and what we can do to age backwards and live a more fulfilling life.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker encourages listeners to extend support to their loved ones who might be facing health issues by sharing key tips from the podcast and holding them accountable.
01:30 - 08:12 (06:41)
In this podcast, the speaker encourages listeners to extend support to their loved ones who might be facing health issues by sharing key tips from the podcast and holding them accountable. The speaker also discusses his personal experience with a nutritionist and emphasizes the importance of rest and stress management for good health.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Amyloid forms throughout the body and proteins become inflexible as humans age.
08:12 - 15:43 (07:31)
Amyloid forms throughout the body and proteins become inflexible as humans age. There are emerging strategies to break this down and prevent it from forming, which could be an important anti-aging approach for the body and brain.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Kale is high in oxalic acid which can lead to systemic inflammation, kidney stones, and gout.
15:44 - 19:57 (04:13)
Kale is high in oxalic acid which can lead to systemic inflammation, kidney stones, and gout. However, cooking kale and adding baking soda can help remove the micro crystals and reduce inflammation.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The use of stem cells in anti-aging treatments is still considered experimental and quite expensive, but people are seeing great results from it, including improved immune systems, enhanced joint health and better overall wellbeing.
19:57 - 22:55 (02:57)
The use of stem cells in anti-aging treatments is still considered experimental and quite expensive, but people are seeing great results from it, including improved immune systems, enhanced joint health and better overall wellbeing. This may become a more mainstream option with more awareness and pressure on insurance companies to provide coverage.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker talks about injecting stem cells throughout the body in every joint, the spine, face, hair, and reproductive organs to rejuvenate the body and heal old injuries with dramatic results.
22:55 - 25:26 (02:31)
The speaker talks about injecting stem cells throughout the body in every joint, the spine, face, hair, and reproductive organs to rejuvenate the body and heal old injuries with dramatic results.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Sleep hacking is possible with the help of blue-blocking glasses that are more than just a trend.
25:26 - 29:03 (03:37)
Sleep hacking is possible with the help of blue-blocking glasses that are more than just a trend. True dark glasses are patented glasses for sleep that may reduce health risks and signs of aging.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Avoid eating burned meat or vegetables, and limit sugar consumption to reduce the number of advanced glycation end products and decrease cancer risk.
29:03 - 34:32 (05:28)
Avoid eating burned meat or vegetables, and limit sugar consumption to reduce the number of advanced glycation end products and decrease cancer risk.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Learn about how peptides can help combat the effects of aging by slowing down collagen loss, leading to healthier skin and increase in energy levels for improved quality of life.
34:32 - 39:33 (05:01)
Learn about how peptides can help combat the effects of aging by slowing down collagen loss, leading to healthier skin and increase in energy levels for improved quality of life.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The key to getting the most out of exercise is to exercise in a fasted state and then consume protein and avoid excess protein to keep mTOR low.
39:33 - 47:05 (07:32)
The key to getting the most out of exercise is to exercise in a fasted state and then consume protein and avoid excess protein to keep mTOR low. Vegan diets can hinder weight loss and fitness goals.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker shares his experience of resetting his immune system by injecting two billion of his own natural killer cells back and suggests an alternative way of raising natural killer cells by using Hiroki spruce essential oil.
47:05 - 50:39 (03:33)
The speaker shares his experience of resetting his immune system by injecting two billion of his own natural killer cells back and suggests an alternative way of raising natural killer cells by using Hiroki spruce essential oil.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The reduction of aging can be associated with changes in blood flow caused by raising the height of beds at an angle by six inches.
50:39 - 57:06 (06:26)
The reduction of aging can be associated with changes in blood flow caused by raising the height of beds at an angle by six inches. The chapter on sleep hacks in the book "Superhuman" contains more information on how to get better sleep.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Monitoring sleep quality can improve awareness and help determine if one gets a good night's sleep or not.
57:06 - 1:00:55 (03:49)
Monitoring sleep quality can improve awareness and help determine if one gets a good night's sleep or not.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Research shows that the minimum necessary exercise to live a long life is 20 minutes of walking every day, which can lower the risk of various health issues.
1:00:55 - 1:06:53 (05:57)
Research shows that the minimum necessary exercise to live a long life is 20 minutes of walking every day, which can lower the risk of various health issues.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The importance of leaving book reviews and the promise of anti-aging research based on modern and traditional practices.
1:06:53 - 1:10:06 (03:13)
The importance of leaving book reviews and the promise of anti-aging research based on modern and traditional practices.
Episode860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker encourages the listener to take small actions towards optimizing their life every day, and to also acknowledge the things they are doing well in their life.
1:10:06 - 1:14:52 (04:45)
The speaker encourages the listener to take small actions towards optimizing their life every day, and to also acknowledge the things they are doing well in their life.