
#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
Matt Johnson PhD is a Neuroscientist and Prince Ghuman is a Neuro-Marketer. Combining the insights of Neuroscience & Consumer Psychology can help us to understand our own behaviour and how marketing affects us in unique and sometimes counterintuitive ways. Expect to learn why our brains don't experience reality directly, how you can make dog food taste like pate, the role of impulse in decision making, what neuroscience's definition of surprise is, how pleasure & pain affect our drive to buy and much more... Sponsor: Shop Eleiko’s full range at https://www.shop.eleiko.com (enter code MW15 for 15% off everything) Extra Stuff: Buy Blindsight - http://getbook.at/blindsight Follow Prince & Matt on Twitter - https://twitter.com/pop_neuro Check out Prince & Matt's Website - https://www.popneuro.com/ Watch Prince's Tedx Talk - https://youtu.be/LpJvuPOG40M Take a break from alcohol and upgrade your life - https://6monthssober.com/podcast Check out everything I recommend from books to products - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
This podcast episode explores how our brains do not experience reality directly, the role of impulse in decision-making, and how pleasure and pain affect our drive to buy.
00:00 - 03:04 (03:04)
This podcast episode explores how our brains do not experience reality directly, the role of impulse in decision-making, and how pleasure and pain affect our drive to buy.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Marketing expert talks about the importance of understanding brain function in accomplishing marketing goals and the difference between people's explicit responses and their actual behavior.
03:04 - 11:47 (08:43)
Marketing expert talks about the importance of understanding brain function in accomplishing marketing goals and the difference between people's explicit responses and their actual behavior. Written for consumers interested in understanding the impact of marketing on the brain.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Our brain's mental model provides us with our own internal subjective experience, which is a best guess of the information we receive from our senses.
11:47 - 19:25 (07:37)
Our brain's mental model provides us with our own internal subjective experience, which is a best guess of the information we receive from our senses.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Perception plays a big role in how we taste food and drink.
19:25 - 25:52 (06:27)
Perception plays a big role in how we taste food and drink. Studies show that even the appearance or name on a label can impact our enjoyment of a product, regardless of its actual taste.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast delves into how humans deal with various signals coming at them by needing reference points to anchor their understanding.
25:52 - 33:02 (07:10)
This podcast delves into how humans deal with various signals coming at them by needing reference points to anchor their understanding. They discuss the role of biases and heuristics in marketing and self-help.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Our understanding of memory and what it actually is, versus what we feel like it is, can be a major chasm.
33:03 - 42:18 (09:14)
Our understanding of memory and what it actually is, versus what we feel like it is, can be a major chasm. Different types of memory, such as explicit and implicit memory, can also impact our attention.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Memories can be easily manipulated and implanted even if they never actually happened, as the accuracy of memory recall can be unreliable.
42:18 - 48:06 (05:47)
Memories can be easily manipulated and implanted even if they never actually happened, as the accuracy of memory recall can be unreliable.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
It is possible to make a painful experience feel less painful by making it last longer, according to scientific research.
48:06 - 54:19 (06:13)
It is possible to make a painful experience feel less painful by making it last longer, according to scientific research. However, this raises the ethical question of whether it is okay to give someone additional pain for this purpose.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The way we perceive the ending of something often overshadows the enjoyment we had during the experience, and the normalization of what was once considered new and unsafe is how culture evolves.
54:19 - 1:02:38 (08:19)
The way we perceive the ending of something often overshadows the enjoyment we had during the experience, and the normalization of what was once considered new and unsafe is how culture evolves.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Adam discusses how our desire for pleasure on social media platforms may not necessarily correlate with our actual happiness, using a study that examined the relationship between owning a dog and overall life satisfaction as an example.
1:02:38 - 1:06:12 (03:33)
Adam discusses how our desire for pleasure on social media platforms may not necessarily correlate with our actual happiness, using a study that examined the relationship between owning a dog and overall life satisfaction as an example.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The desire to run faster marathons has created a culture of meticulous training, nutrition, and discussion, all fueled by advances in technology and the desire to improve human performance, but there are some physical limitations that we cannot ignore.
1:06:12 - 1:09:51 (03:39)
The desire to run faster marathons has created a culture of meticulous training, nutrition, and discussion, all fueled by advances in technology and the desire to improve human performance, but there are some physical limitations that we cannot ignore.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The experience of buying a product involves a balance between the pain it takes to achieve it and the pleasure received from the purchase.
1:09:51 - 1:14:24 (04:32)
The experience of buying a product involves a balance between the pain it takes to achieve it and the pleasure received from the purchase. To increase sales, businesses need to either turn up the pleasure or turn down the pain associated with purchasing their products.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The goal of communication is to create similar brain activity in both the speaker and listener.
1:14:24 - 1:20:30 (06:06)
The goal of communication is to create similar brain activity in both the speaker and listener. The more a person comprehends a story, the more similar their brain activity is to the brain of the speaker.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
Anticipation and the uncertain element of a pleasurable experience can drive compulsive behavior as it activates our pleasure centers.
1:20:30 - 1:28:39 (08:09)
Anticipation and the uncertain element of a pleasurable experience can drive compulsive behavior as it activates our pleasure centers. Effective communication also plays a key role in neural coupling and building connections with others.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The psychological impact of technology is important to consider, but consumers should still be able to use the products they love.
1:28:39 - 1:39:43 (11:03)
The psychological impact of technology is important to consider, but consumers should still be able to use the products they love. Paying for privacy and understanding our unconscious wants and needs can lead to a more liberated way of living.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses how biases, such as the contrast effect, can impact our perception of happiness, using the example of the Hummer as a status symbol.
1:39:43 - 1:46:21 (06:37)
The podcast discusses how biases, such as the contrast effect, can impact our perception of happiness, using the example of the Hummer as a status symbol. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of these biases to maintain a level-headed perspective on our own happiness levels.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
In the future, there will be a resurgence of providing individual moment-to-moment experiences that cannot be commodified.
1:46:21 - 1:52:03 (05:42)
In the future, there will be a resurgence of providing individual moment-to-moment experiences that cannot be commodified. Musicians are currently stepping up their game in providing incredible moment-to-moment experiences, which can't be replicated in the digital space.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The hosts share their passion for extreme sports and how they appreciate the effort of people involved in making it happen.
1:52:03 - 1:57:37 (05:33)
The hosts share their passion for extreme sports and how they appreciate the effort of people involved in making it happen. They also urge their listeners to read their book and learn more about user experience.
Episode#180 - Prince Ghuman & Matt Johnson - How Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
PodcastModern Wisdom
The hosts thank their guests and recommend a book by Rory Sutherland on the topic.
1:57:37 - 1:58:17 (00:40)
The hosts thank their guests and recommend a book by Rory Sutherland on the topic. They encourage listeners to engage with their content and express their thoughts.