
#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic Nutrition and Ancestral Health. The world which our genetics evolved in is very different to the one we exist in now. Rob's work tries to undo this by applying an evolutionary lens to our training, diet, recovery and socialisation. Expect to learn why the Guinness book of world records has banned unbroken sleep challenges, Rob's best tips for easily getting more protein into your diet, how losing just 1 hour of sleep can ruin your relationship, how Rob approaches his training methodology after 20 years in the CrossFit world and much more... Sponsors: Reclaim your fitness and book a Free Consultation Call with ActiveLifeRX at http://bit.ly/rxwisdom Get 20% discount on the highest quality CBD Products from Pure Sport at https://puresportcbd.com/modernwisdom (use code: MW20) Extra Stuff: Check out Robb's website - https://robbwolf.com/ Follow Robb on Twitter - https://twitter.com/robbwolf Get my free Ultimate Life Hacks List to 10x your daily productivity → https://chriswillx.com/lifehacks/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
Robb Wolf shares his best tips for incorporating more protein in diets, how losing sleep can impact relationships, and his training methodology for CrossFit.
00:00 - 01:44 (01:44)
Robb Wolf shares his best tips for incorporating more protein in diets, how losing sleep can impact relationships, and his training methodology for CrossFit. Plus, insight into the intense ideological world of paleo and keto diets.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the risks and benefits of extreme temperatures, citing examples from his personal life and highlighting the importance of considering the entire risk profile of a situation.
01:44 - 11:16 (09:31)
The speaker discusses the risks and benefits of extreme temperatures, citing examples from his personal life and highlighting the importance of considering the entire risk profile of a situation.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
The paleo diet and ancestral health scene can be criticized for taking a myopic view on sleep, circadian biology and gut health as they tend to draw conclusions based only on what cavemen ate, without considering other factors.
11:16 - 15:02 (03:46)
The paleo diet and ancestral health scene can be criticized for taking a myopic view on sleep, circadian biology and gut health as they tend to draw conclusions based only on what cavemen ate, without considering other factors. It is important to take a broader perspective and consider the effects on social isolation and the community as a whole.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
Shift work can program inconsistencies into your life, making it harder to build habits and perform well in tasks that require focus and attention.
15:02 - 20:37 (05:35)
Shift work can program inconsistencies into your life, making it harder to build habits and perform well in tasks that require focus and attention. While some professionals like surgeons can get away with being sleep deprived due to the repetitive nature of their work, it can be detrimental to others looking to build new habits or skills that require learning and focus.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
A mere hour of accumulated sleep deprivation can result in cognitive impairment, equivalent to the cognitive ability of a person with a 0.1% blood alcohol level.
20:37 - 27:45 (07:07)
A mere hour of accumulated sleep deprivation can result in cognitive impairment, equivalent to the cognitive ability of a person with a 0.1% blood alcohol level. The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive ability raise a question about public policies that require workers to pull shifts.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the negative effects of stress on sleep and the relationship between low-carb diets and sleep disturbances.
27:45 - 32:28 (04:42)
The speaker discusses the negative effects of stress on sleep and the relationship between low-carb diets and sleep disturbances. Additionally, he shares his personal experience with removing social media from his phone as a stress-reducing technique.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
Eating adequate protein is important to achieve satiety and nutrient density.
32:28 - 38:24 (05:56)
Eating adequate protein is important to achieve satiety and nutrient density. Whole food sources of protein are preferable to supplements like shakes.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
Getting enough protein can be difficult without overeating, but planning meals with a mix of meats and spices can help keep food interesting and manageable.
38:24 - 44:20 (05:55)
Getting enough protein can be difficult without overeating, but planning meals with a mix of meats and spices can help keep food interesting and manageable.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the challenge of finding ice cream that children enjoy but does not leave them craving more, and the importance of maintaining muscle mass.
44:20 - 48:09 (03:48)
The speaker discusses the challenge of finding ice cream that children enjoy but does not leave them craving more, and the importance of maintaining muscle mass.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
Doing full body strength training sessions twice a week can significantly reduce the loss of muscle mass as we age, even if one does not enjoy strength training in the gym, it can be done using machines with a very lightweight.
48:09 - 57:00 (08:51)
Doing full body strength training sessions twice a week can significantly reduce the loss of muscle mass as we age, even if one does not enjoy strength training in the gym, it can be done using machines with a very lightweight.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
Taking a general multivitamin may be a baseline way to ensure the body is getting adequate nutrition, however, overuse of high level B vitamins can be problematic for some people, such as those with different types of cancers.
57:00 - 1:05:36 (08:35)
Taking a general multivitamin may be a baseline way to ensure the body is getting adequate nutrition, however, overuse of high level B vitamins can be problematic for some people, such as those with different types of cancers.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
Discovering a favorite creator's backlog of content can provide a wealth of information, but it is important to remain aware of biases and differing opinions.
1:05:36 - 1:10:23 (04:46)
Discovering a favorite creator's backlog of content can provide a wealth of information, but it is important to remain aware of biases and differing opinions.
Episode#320 - Robb Wolf - Eat, Sleep & Train Like Your Ancestors
PodcastModern Wisdom
The increasing toxic political polarization in the United States can be explained through the in-group versus out-group mentality, according to Scott's theory.
1:10:23 - 1:12:33 (02:10)
The increasing toxic political polarization in the United States can be explained through the in-group versus out-group mentality, according to Scott's theory. This presents a challenge in trying to resolve political divisions within the country.