
3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
Chris Voss is known as “The Master Negotiator”, a title earned throughout his time serving as the lead Crisis Negotiator for the New York City Division of the FBI, and then as the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the FBI. In 2008, Chris founded The Black Swan Group, which specializes in teaching you how to never leave money on the table by using hostage negotiation techniques. In May 2016, he published the national best-seller “Never Split The Difference: Negotiation As If Your Life Depended On It” to teach people everywhere how to apply these life-changing hostage negotiation techniques in their daily lives.In this episode, you will learn:How to use NO as a superpower to reveal informationThe importance of collaboration in every negotiationWhat you can do to protect yourself in negotiationsHow everyday negotiations can better prepare you for the important onesThe best ways to approach getting a discountFor more, go to: lewishowes.com/1300Listen to Chris Voss' previous episodes:TOP SECRET Psychological Strategies - https://link.chtbl.com/1203-podMaster the Art of Negotiation - https://link.chtbl.com/902-podNegotiating in Business & Life - https://link.chtbl.com/379-pod
Learn how to gain confidence not just in yourself, but in connecting with others, from experts in workshops and trainings.
00:00 - 01:38 (01:38)
Learn how to gain confidence not just in yourself, but in connecting with others, from experts in workshops and trainings.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
This podcast discusses the importance of recognizing when someone is saying "no" and what it means for successful negotiations.
01:38 - 07:25 (05:47)
This podcast discusses the importance of recognizing when someone is saying "no" and what it means for successful negotiations.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
This podcast discusses the importance of deal terms in negotiations and how knowing the terms beforehand can help in the negotiation process.
07:25 - 10:58 (03:33)
This podcast discusses the importance of deal terms in negotiations and how knowing the terms beforehand can help in the negotiation process.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The "Yes Momentum" in sales involves getting potential buyers to say "yes" to a series of questions or statements, but it can actually backfire if the buyer feels misled or pressured.
10:58 - 14:25 (03:27)
The "Yes Momentum" in sales involves getting potential buyers to say "yes" to a series of questions or statements, but it can actually backfire if the buyer feels misled or pressured. The approach is especially flawed when selling timeshares, where buyers often regret their decision after feeling trapped or deceived.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker highlights the importance of respecting people's time by keeping interactions brief and to the point, regardless of the context - business, personal, or even customer service.
14:25 - 17:00 (02:35)
The speaker highlights the importance of respecting people's time by keeping interactions brief and to the point, regardless of the context - business, personal, or even customer service.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
After losing his identity post-career in arena football, the speaker attends networking events in Columbus, Ohio to meet new people and simplify his job search.
17:00 - 20:31 (03:31)
After losing his identity post-career in arena football, the speaker attends networking events in Columbus, Ohio to meet new people and simplify his job search.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
By being genuinely interested in other people, you become more interesting to them as well.
20:31 - 24:50 (04:19)
By being genuinely interested in other people, you become more interesting to them as well. Joking with people and connecting with their stories can make them feel heard and inspired.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker shares tips for negotiating hotel rooms by being persistent and leveraging the hotel's unused inventory.
24:50 - 27:54 (03:03)
The speaker shares tips for negotiating hotel rooms by being persistent and leveraging the hotel's unused inventory.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Learn how to get a free suite upgrade on hotels without causing trouble to the staff through excellent customer service, collaboration, and social media review.
27:54 - 34:59 (07:05)
Learn how to get a free suite upgrade on hotels without causing trouble to the staff through excellent customer service, collaboration, and social media review.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The practice of extreme anchoring in negotiation can lead to missing out on good deals or becoming greedy for more after a deal is made.
34:59 - 39:42 (04:43)
The practice of extreme anchoring in negotiation can lead to missing out on good deals or becoming greedy for more after a deal is made.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
This podcast episode emphasizes the importance of ironing out all details before accepting a job offer instead of bringing up minor concerns afterwards.
39:42 - 42:22 (02:40)
This podcast episode emphasizes the importance of ironing out all details before accepting a job offer instead of bringing up minor concerns afterwards. It also highlights the significance of knowing when to walk away from a job offer that doesn't meet your expectations.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Learn useful negotiation strategies when purchasing expensive items such as houses, cars, and jewelry to get a better deal and avoid overspending.
42:22 - 46:47 (04:25)
Learn useful negotiation strategies when purchasing expensive items such as houses, cars, and jewelry to get a better deal and avoid overspending.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
A man expresses frustration at not being able to get the employee discount and sympathizes with workers who have to deal with customers asking for discounts.
46:47 - 50:15 (03:28)
A man expresses frustration at not being able to get the employee discount and sympathizes with workers who have to deal with customers asking for discounts.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker shares their tactics for identifying helpful and trustworthy individuals in public places like hotels, stores, and airports based on body language and overall demeanor.
50:15 - 53:23 (03:08)
The speaker shares their tactics for identifying helpful and trustworthy individuals in public places like hotels, stores, and airports based on body language and overall demeanor.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker explains how he reads people's energy and adjusts his approach depending on the person's vibe.
53:23 - 56:03 (02:40)
The speaker explains how he reads people's energy and adjusts his approach depending on the person's vibe.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of effective questioning and demonstrates the impact of well-crafted questions on real-life situations.
56:03 - 59:00 (02:57)
The speaker discusses the importance of effective questioning and demonstrates the impact of well-crafted questions on real-life situations.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The more karma you leave around you, the higher the chances of success in your life, according to a speaker.
59:00 - 1:02:28 (03:28)
The more karma you leave around you, the higher the chances of success in your life, according to a speaker. By practicing giving good karma, individuals can increase their chances of meeting helpful people and opportunities in their lives.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker shares their experience in negotiating during their time at the FBI, highlighting a specific case in the Philippines where friendly fire led to the death of hostages.
1:02:28 - 1:05:44 (03:16)
The speaker shares their experience in negotiating during their time at the FBI, highlighting a specific case in the Philippines where friendly fire led to the death of hostages.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of having a good payroll process and the necessity of confirming proof of life for certain deals.
1:05:44 - 1:11:52 (06:08)
The speaker discusses the importance of having a good payroll process and the necessity of confirming proof of life for certain deals.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The ability to negotiate well and improve one's skills requires frequent in-person interaction as well as a willingness to adapt to a virtual setting.
1:11:52 - 1:16:37 (04:45)
The ability to negotiate well and improve one's skills requires frequent in-person interaction as well as a willingness to adapt to a virtual setting. Flexible communication styles can lead to success in both environments.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Making a deal with an annoying customer can take five times longer and it's not worth the time investment for a bad deal.
1:16:37 - 1:19:30 (02:53)
Making a deal with an annoying customer can take five times longer and it's not worth the time investment for a bad deal.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker discusses tracking deals made in Dubai and identifying high risk indicators for bad customers, as well as reflecting on past relationships to improve future business interactions.
1:19:30 - 1:23:20 (03:50)
The speaker discusses tracking deals made in Dubai and identifying high risk indicators for bad customers, as well as reflecting on past relationships to improve future business interactions.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The allure of a great opportunity can be blinding if we fail to assess the journey towards success.
1:23:20 - 1:26:14 (02:54)
The allure of a great opportunity can be blinding if we fail to assess the journey towards success. In this episode, the speaker discusses the importance of carefully evaluating opportunities beyond their initial appeal.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The podcast host acknowledges Chris for providing tools and strategies to become better communicators, negotiators in ethical win-win situations, and have a more enriched life.
1:26:14 - 1:33:37 (07:23)
The podcast host acknowledges Chris for providing tools and strategies to become better communicators, negotiators in ethical win-win situations, and have a more enriched life.
Episode3 Strategies To Win ANY Negotiation In Business, Life, & Relationships w/ Chris Voss EP 1300
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Chris Holder shares his definition of greatness, in which being a gentleman is key.
1:33:37 - 1:35:08 (01:30)
Chris Holder shares his definition of greatness, in which being a gentleman is key. He emphasizes that to be a good human being and to aim to be your highest self regardless of your gender is what truly matters.