
5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
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Published: Fri Jul 02 2021

“The one piece of life I was missing was having the courage to face myself.” - David Goggins Today’s episode is a special one. Over the years we’ve had guests share incredible stories about creating a new life for themselves and developing the motivation and discipline to follow through. So today we wanted to bring together some of our favorite moments from episodes to inspire you and show you how to take your life to the next level whether you’re in a tough spot right now or starting to feel complacent. We believe in you and we're excited to share these messages with you.In this episode Lewis and the guests discuss how to unlock your potential with David Goggins, the 5 second rule to change your life with Mel Robbins, how to go from rock bottom to living a life of purpose with Lisa Nichols, the mindset model to become limitless with Jim Kwik, how Rich Diviney trained himself to be motivated as a Navy Seal, and so much more!For more go to: www.lewishowes.com/1131Previous episodes of each guest:David Goggins: www.lewishowes.com/715Mel Robbins: www.lewishowes.com/970Jim Kwik: www.lewishowes.com/947Lisa Nichols: www.lewishowes.com/979Rich Diviney: www.lewishowes.com/1058

This episode is a compilation of motivational stories shared by different guests to inspire and provide tips on developing discipline and motivation to achieve success in life.
00:00 - 04:20 (04:20)
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This episode is a compilation of motivational stories shared by different guests to inspire and provide tips on developing discipline and motivation to achieve success in life.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker emphasizes the importance of hard work and dedicating more hours than your competition.
04:22 - 08:35 (04:13)
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The speaker emphasizes the importance of hard work and dedicating more hours than your competition. He also mentions that many people neglect the importance of recovery in their fitness journey.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares how facing challenges and continuing to work on personal growth can help build confidence, citing their own experience with learning how to read and write.
08:35 - 12:00 (03:25)
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The speaker shares how facing challenges and continuing to work on personal growth can help build confidence, citing their own experience with learning how to read and write.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The guest shares his personal story of going from being a fit and active person to someone who couldn't get out of bed due to illness, as well as growing up in poverty after his mom left his dad.
12:00 - 14:13 (02:12)
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The guest shares his personal story of going from being a fit and active person to someone who couldn't get out of bed due to illness, as well as growing up in poverty after his mom left his dad.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares a personal experience of being happy despite thinking she is dying, but also discusses the importance of avoiding insecurities in order to reach a higher standard.
14:13 - 19:05 (04:52)
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Self Improvement

The speaker shares a personal experience of being happy despite thinking she is dying, but also discusses the importance of avoiding insecurities in order to reach a higher standard.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on how, when faced with fear, many individuals tend to choose the easiest path when in reality, the path to overcoming fear is a difficult one.
19:05 - 21:36 (02:30)
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overcoming fear

The speaker reflects on how, when faced with fear, many individuals tend to choose the easiest path when in reality, the path to overcoming fear is a difficult one.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The importance of self-improvement in changing lives and leaving a positive impact is discussed as David Goggins shares his personal journey of overcoming obesity and achieving the pull-up record.
21:36 - 24:16 (02:40)
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The importance of self-improvement in changing lives and leaving a positive impact is discussed as David Goggins shares his personal journey of overcoming obesity and achieving the pull-up record.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares how he overcame stress fractures and successfully completed the grueling SEAL training program, including multiple hell weeks, while in the worst physical shape of his life.
24:16 - 28:09 (03:52)
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SEAL Training

The speaker shares how he overcame stress fractures and successfully completed the grueling SEAL training program, including multiple hell weeks, while in the worst physical shape of his life.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about her experience launching her own business and the gut-wrenching decision of firing people on national television on her show "Someone's Gotta Go".
28:10 - 32:10 (04:00)
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The speaker talks about her experience launching her own business and the gut-wrenching decision of firing people on national television on her show "Someone's Gotta Go".

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
A couple reflects on the struggles they faced when the husband lost his job and they faced financial hardship, sharing how they overcame those challenges and ultimately strengthened their marriage.
32:10 - 36:00 (03:49)
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Marriage, Hardship

A couple reflects on the struggles they faced when the husband lost his job and they faced financial hardship, sharing how they overcame those challenges and ultimately strengthened their marriage.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Even if you never feel completely ready or motivated, it's important to push yourself forward and take action.
36:00 - 39:44 (03:43)
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Even if you never feel completely ready or motivated, it's important to push yourself forward and take action. By becoming the kind of person who takes action, you can overcome fears and become more confident in yourself.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The 5 Second Rule can change your life if you listen to it, as it is the gap between your instincts and the actions you take.
39:44 - 42:24 (02:39)
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The 5 Second Rule can change your life if you listen to it, as it is the gap between your instincts and the actions you take. Applying it can help people to stop procrastinating, make decisions, and achieve their goals.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The moment of hesitation is a moment of huge power, which signals something in your mind that you need to act upon.
42:24 - 45:28 (03:04)
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The moment of hesitation is a moment of huge power, which signals something in your mind that you need to act upon. You should embrace it and say what you really feel in your mind and heart.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
This podcast features a talk about the famous 5-second rule and how it can be used in various aspects of life.
45:28 - 48:25 (02:56)
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Self Improvement

This podcast features a talk about the famous 5-second rule and how it can be used in various aspects of life. Listeners hear how people have been able to change their thinking patterns, improve their marriages and grow their businesses by using the rule.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the hosts discuss what the equivalent would be of asking for infinite wishes from a genie when it comes to learning any subject or skill.
48:25 - 52:15 (03:50)
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In this episode, the hosts discuss what the equivalent would be of asking for infinite wishes from a genie when it comes to learning any subject or skill.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
School teaches you what to learn, what to focus on, what to think, and what to remember, but not how to learn and how to think, unlike sports where coaches teach you how to implement and practice what you have learned.
52:15 - 57:14 (04:59)
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School teaches you what to learn, what to focus on, what to think, and what to remember, but not how to learn and how to think, unlike sports where coaches teach you how to implement and practice what you have learned.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Jim Kwik emphasizes the importance of reading in accelerating learning and highlights the significance of mental and emotional health in the process.
57:14 - 1:01:38 (04:23)
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Jim Kwik emphasizes the importance of reading in accelerating learning and highlights the significance of mental and emotional health in the process. He shares his own experiences and explains how self-care and self-love can improve one's cognitive abilities.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Brendon Burchard explains how the questions we ask ourselves shape our actions and ultimately determine our overall success in life.
1:01:38 - 1:04:09 (02:30)
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High Performance

Brendon Burchard explains how the questions we ask ourselves shape our actions and ultimately determine our overall success in life. Whether it be striving for greatness or seeking validation, the questions we ask ourselves determine what we focus on.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The things we focus on become a reflex in our minds.
1:04:09 - 1:07:53 (03:43)
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The things we focus on become a reflex in our minds. Social media platforms use algorithms to show us more of the content we engage with, and our minds work in the same way.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The podcast explores the dominant questions that can make your life more magical with examples from Will Smith's life.
1:07:53 - 1:10:48 (02:55)
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Personal Development

The podcast explores the dominant questions that can make your life more magical with examples from Will Smith's life. One of the main questions that Will Smith focuses on is "how do I make this moment even more magical?"

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker suggests focusing on how to use the information heard in a podcast, instead of just writing down quotes and processes.
1:10:48 - 1:14:15 (03:26)
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In this podcast, the speaker suggests focusing on how to use the information heard in a podcast, instead of just writing down quotes and processes. He also recommends checking in with your emotions to truly understand why you want to use the information.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Bestselling author Lisa Nichols shares how hitting rock bottom helped her adopt an abundance mindset that paved the way for success.
1:14:15 - 1:17:51 (03:35)
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Abundance Mindset

Bestselling author Lisa Nichols shares how hitting rock bottom helped her adopt an abundance mindset that paved the way for success.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The society has fostered gendered money mindsets in which men are expected to be the providers, and women are expected to either find a good job or get a man with a good job.
1:17:51 - 1:22:52 (05:00)
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Gender, Money Mindset

The society has fostered gendered money mindsets in which men are expected to be the providers, and women are expected to either find a good job or get a man with a good job. This has led to a lack of awareness about abundance possibilities among marginalized communities.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares the moment she shifted from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and how it allowed her to live a more fulfilling life.
1:22:52 - 1:27:04 (04:12)
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Abundance mindset

The speaker shares the moment she shifted from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and how it allowed her to live a more fulfilling life.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about the mentality of abundant thinkers and how they don't try to convince others of their beliefs.
1:27:04 - 1:30:13 (03:09)
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Abundant Thinking

The speaker talks about the mentality of abundant thinkers and how they don't try to convince others of their beliefs. They emphasize the importance of implementing ideas rather than just consuming information.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Rich DaVinny shares how to train your mind to stay disciplined to achieve your goals instead of giving up.
1:30:13 - 1:33:18 (03:04)
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Rich DaVinny shares how to train your mind to stay disciplined to achieve your goals instead of giving up.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Self-discipline can sometimes hinder long-term goals that require uncertainty and adaptability.
1:33:18 - 1:37:18 (04:00)
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Self-discipline can sometimes hinder long-term goals that require uncertainty and adaptability. While self-disciplined individuals enjoy routine and certainty, the ability to navigate uncertainty and push through obstacles is essential for achieving lasting success.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The ability to compartmentalize and maintain control during stressful situations comes from being well-prepared and having a dominant forebrain that can process information and think through stress, challenge and uncertainty.
1:37:18 - 1:44:52 (07:34)
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stress management

The ability to compartmentalize and maintain control during stressful situations comes from being well-prepared and having a dominant forebrain that can process information and think through stress, challenge and uncertainty. Training for bad situations also helps develop this skillset.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Learning to deal with stress can be difficult as it can lead to an autonomic response, but understanding one's neurology and experiencing discomfort can help.
1:44:52 - 1:48:55 (04:02)
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Stress Management

Learning to deal with stress can be difficult as it can lead to an autonomic response, but understanding one's neurology and experiencing discomfort can help. Techniques are being developed to train people to deal with stress effectively.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
Huberman discusses techniques such as breathing and visual tools to shift your physiology from a sympathetic to a parasympathetic state and control fear and anxiety by focusing on what you can control.
1:48:55 - 1:50:31 (01:36)
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Fear and Anxiety

Huberman discusses techniques such as breathing and visual tools to shift your physiology from a sympathetic to a parasympathetic state and control fear and anxiety by focusing on what you can control.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
The attributes that cause people to look at others as leaders are behavioral, and not only related to rank or title.
1:50:31 - 1:56:09 (05:37)
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The attributes that cause people to look at others as leaders are behavioral, and not only related to rank or title. Deep, empathetic listening, with focused attention and care, is a key skill for effective leadership.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness
CS Lewis reminds us that it is never too late to set new goals or pursue new dreams, and we have the power to change the direction of our lives at any moment.
1:56:09 - 1:57:42 (01:33)
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CS Lewis reminds us that it is never too late to set new goals or pursue new dreams, and we have the power to change the direction of our lives at any moment.

5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131
The School of Greatness