The speaker shares about the benefits of finding a supportive relationship in boosting confidence and balancing a busy career, acknowledging the challenge of maintaining a relationship while traveling for work.
Detaching from a toxic relationship can be challenging but is crucial for mental and emotional wellbeing. Setting healthy boundaries is important to protect oneself and self-worth while creating new thought patterns and focusing on the future aids in moving on.
Two men discuss which of their wives people would fall in love with quicker based on their personalities and eating habits.
Advice for how to manage spending extended periods of time together during quarantine as a couple and how this experience can strengthen a relationship.
This episode encourages the listener to reflect on their relationships and identify who adds value to their life and who may need to be let go, while also emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself and not comparing oneself to others.
The speaker advises the listener to move on from a woman who is not currently ready for a relationship and instead focus on finding someone new who is available and compatible. The listener is reminded to prioritize their own needs and to believe their partner when they communicate their emotions.
The speaker emphasizes the need for more date nights in her relationship and encourages others to do the same, given that it is a common issue for many couples.
The hosts discuss the success of their recent podcast episodes and the upcoming release of a new episode about being single. They also hint at revealing details about their funnel and speculate whether it will be more or less effective with its disclosure.
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the topic of serial marriages and muses over the analogy of the ups and downs of marriage being similar to a heartbeat.
The speaker believes that the concept of "The One" is a toxic idea as it relies on conditions and management, and it is not a true representation of reality.
Building meaningful relationships while striving for personal goals can positively impact physical health and overall success. Focusing solely on achievement can lead to increased levels of inflammation and a toll on mental health.
A couple's dispute over stress and frustration led to a visit from a police officer who helped them calm down and communicate better. The couple mentioned their goals of starting a blog and traveling across the country.
Travis tells his friends that Jodi broke into his Facebook and decides to break things off with her.
The speaker shares how his first disagreement with his wife, which stemmed from a disagreement about intimacy, showcases their fighting dynamic, which he recognizes as being different from what one might traditionally expect.
Learn how older adults in their 70s, 80s, and 90s are still having great sex and the lessons that can be applied to everyone's relationships.
The speaker shares their realization that when you like someone, you can only like them, and the importance of avoiding insecurities in relationships.
A discussion about a complicated family dynamic involving a man's pregnant ex-girlfriend and his current girlfriend who wants to make it work for the sake of keeping the family together.
Benita Alexander discovers that her fiancé Paolo Macchiarini, who claimed to be the personal doctor of the Pope, and promised her a wedding with the Pope officiating, was lying to her, causing her to question everything he had ever told her.
The speaker discusses how he finds couples therapy helpful in accepting his physical appearance to his wife, who sees physical attraction akin to fitness.
The speaker recounts an awkward date where her friend's ex-boyfriend joined them, causing an uncomfortable situation. They went to a restaurant where they created a train out of onions.
The speaker advises setting boundaries and communicating clearly when you feel like you're outgrowing someone. By explaining why you can't spend as much time with them and reassuring them that they haven't done anything wrong, you can create a way to drift apart without hurting them.
The fear of losing someone, aiming to please someone or being aggressive is caused by personal insecurities, such as the fear of open relationships that are hard to deal with.
A woman expresses concern about her partner's drinking habits, which seem to have started around the same time he began having an affair. The couple moved to a new town to escape the affair, but the drinking persisted.
An account of an odd relationship intertwined with marijuana consumption, along with a story of abduction for ransom in a creepy town called Seaside in Washington.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of genuine relationships, acknowledging the things that are always good and necessary in life, especially when seeking true friendship.
The speaker was interested in understanding the dynamics of ending a relationship with someone you love and becoming a better person in the process. The focus was on personal growth rather than a traditional comedy approach.
The hosts discuss the idea of changing oneself for a partner in a relationship, stating that while it's important to recognize that some people may not mesh well together, if two people love each other they will want to work on changing to make their relationship work. Additionally, they touch on the topic of financial responsibility and how making adjustments such as having one partner stay at home may be necessary under certain circumstances.
The use of dieting metaphors in relationships signifies unhealthy competition among women. Bringing context to stories of toxic relationships should not imply that someone deserved to be murdered, but rather shed light on the destructive pattern of unhealthy behavior.
A conversation about preferring playboy bunnies or sexy nurses over one's girlfriend for one-night stands.
The beginning of serious committed relationships may involve deceit and betrayal from both parties, as was the case for the guest's parents who left their significant others for each other.
The podcast hosts jokingly discuss the absurdity of taking a girlfriend argument to court and the satisfaction of having Harvard-trained lawyers eviscerate your partner's argument on the stand.
In this episode, the speaker highlights the importance of relationships and how every individual is in a relationship in some way or the other. The episode will shed light on two mindset shifts that can help people transform their relationships.
The hosts discuss the varying sizes of toes and how they relate to being a good or bad friend. They also mention the common occurrence of a longer second toe.
The speaker discusses the different male archetypes in relationships, with a focus on how sigma males differ from alpha males in their approach to women.
The speaker describes her efforts to keep things exciting in her sex life, including arranging for special treats and being attentive to her partner's needs.
Join Rosie O'Donnell as she interviews survivors who have navigated through toxic relationships and shares their process of healing, with a focus on highlighting red flags and spotting narcissists before they can cause harm.
The speaker discusses how some men engage in baby talk in their relationships, likening it to talking to a child or pet. She shares a personal experience with a former employee who spoke to her husband in baby talk throughout the day.
The speaker shares their thoughts on the complexities of having ongoing relationships with two people who don't know about each other and how a recent discovery about British customs shed a new light on the situation.
A person begins to question the wording a friend uses when talking about their new relationship and the behavior requested by their partner.
Heidi's husband visits the dentist and they discuss how being in love can make a person act a bit silly. They also joke around about dressing up like idiots and the dentist doesn't seem to mind the conversation.
A couple discusses how their frugal upbringings have affected their spending habits in their relationship, even if it means sacrificing certain things for themselves.
The speaker discusses a relationship where the girl's parents disapproved of their daughter's boyfriend and how the boyfriend's behavior was inappropriate and reflected unhealthy dynamics within the relationship.
Having a healthy level of dependence on others can contribute to our sense of reliance, resourcefulness, trust in our own abilities, and greater self-esteem. However, enabling unhealthy dependence can have negative consequences.
The speaker shares her personal experience with her partner's public image, explaining the difficulty of having to protect herself from negative perception because of her partner's actions.
The speaker shares the impact of people who have been good to him, including his sister, wife, and employers who gave him a chance for new, clean opportunities in life. He realized that many of his past relationships were based on what he could give rather than just being him.
The hosts discuss the importance of honesty in relationships and how it can impact trust between partners.
In this podcast, the speaker discusses overcoming speech impediments through therapy and the importance of conflict resolution in relationships.
Carla and Paul got engaged, and despite initial excitement from both families, their relationship turned into a cycle of verbal abuse followed by forgiveness.
Catherine's mother warned her future husband, David, that he better watch out because Catherine was a physically dominant figure who was not afraid to get physical with men. Despite the warning, they still got married.
The speaker discusses how sexual tension can lead to infidelity in relationships and advises someone to tell a person to kick their partner out of the house to avoid cheating.
A conversation about exclusive relationships and doubts
The biggest takeaway from the book 10 years ago was the fact that Warren had two wives, his first wife installed another person who hooked him up with another woman.
The pressure of gift giving during certain occasions can become a burden in relationships. The hosts discuss how they prefer showing love and appreciation through thoughtful gifts given throughout the year.
The speaker talks about the importance of telling her ex that she and her boyfriend were engaged instead of just saying he was her boyfriend to avoid any potential attempts to break up the relationship.
The podcast discusses the difference between polyamory and monogamy. Polyamory involves having multiple romantic and often sexual relationships at once, while monogamy is characterized by having one sexual partner.
The ethics of dating and manipulation are discussed, with a focus on the potentially harmful consequences of pursuing relationships with individuals who may not be fully capable of giving consent.
The speaker discusses how insecurities can negatively impact new relationships, and how it's important to work on those insecurities before they damage the relationship.
The world's disconnection and division has caused mental health issues and strained relationships. So, it's crucial to create boundaries and deepen intimate relationships to combat loneliness and depression.
Marriage and productivity are discussed in this podcast episode, and how simply changing the title of a relationship does not necessarily enhance productivity.
A study has found that people's heart rates start to synchronize when they listen to the same story at different times, which can be a useful tool for improving relationships with others.
The speaker reflects on a past relationship and feeling seen by their partner in their entirety. They attribute this to their intuition and being sober.
The speaker discusses spontaneously discussing having a baby with her partner and contemplating what their child might look like.
The speaker talks about his relationship with a wise person, Toni, who he spoke to for an hour on the phone around five or six times a week and whom he remembers fondly.
The speaker talks about his experience cheating on his wife and the consequences that followed, as well as the importance of being honest about it instead of keeping it a secret.
The speaker shares her experience of living with a partner who didn't share her love language and how it impacted their daily lives.
Even if the person you're with isn't the love of your life, entering a relationship with the right intention and presence can lead to personal growth and self-improvement. A student mentality and desire to learn on dates can improve your overall dating experience.
The guest and host discuss whether or not being able to predict someone is important in a relationship and the role of emotions in decision-making.