

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
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Published: Mon Jan 23 2023

In this episode, I’m making the topic of trauma easier to understand by taking you step by step through my recent revelation that I was struggling with past trauma. I was one of those people who thought I didn’t have trauma. And you may be like that too. But if you have trouble managing emotions, expressing your feelings, dealing with upset, you go on edge easily, you have trouble focusing, or you struggle with anything like anxiety…. This will be very eye opening. The words “trauma” and “nervous system” are thrown around like candy online. I want to share the profound things that I’ve learned about both topics and how I’ve started to address and heal the trauma in my nervous system. This episode is personal, it’s important, and tactical, and most of all – it’s packed with tools you can start using right now. I hope this episode opens your eyes in the way that it did mine, and makes you not only understand this topic – but yourself a little bit better. And, to go deeper, I have a free 9-page workbook for you that serves as a companion to this episode to help you with your own healing. Just click here to access it.  And, this episode covers sensitive material, including discussion of trauma and sexual assault. If this topic isn’t for you right now – please skip this episode. Xo Mel  In this episode, you’ll learn: 0:58: This episode is one of the most important I’ve ever created because of the powerful impact these learnings have had on my life. It will be the same for you.7:40: What is trauma anyway?8:40: Do you recognize yourself in these signs of past trauma?10:00: Getting honest: my personal story.21:15: What happens to me when I hear the sound of crunchy snow (and how this applies to you).24:00: Do you have to remember trauma to heal from it?30:30: If I have little-T trauma, does that mean my parents are to blame?34:40: This is what your nervous system is (and it’s not what I used to think).43:15: Here’s why your triggers were helpful then and why they’re not now.50:00: How can you get yourself out of survival mode and start to focus again?54:00: The difference between your two nervous systems.56:30: Six takeaways to help you switch from fight or flight to rest and recovery Disclaimer If you uncover or have a history of trauma, consider enlisting the support of a trained therapist. This podcast episode and the companion workbook are not meant to be a substitute for therapeutic support.

In this podcast episode, the host discusses the importance of understanding trauma and how to heal from it.
00:00 - 01:40 (01:40)
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In this podcast episode, the host discusses the importance of understanding trauma and how to heal from it. She emphasizes the significance of repairing the nervous system and identifies three reasons why this topic matters.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
Learn about the impact of trauma on the nervous system and how to repair it, leading to profound changes in thinking, relationships, and overall success.
01:40 - 08:03 (06:22)
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Learn about the impact of trauma on the nervous system and how to repair it, leading to profound changes in thinking, relationships, and overall success.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The podcast discusses how past trauma can trigger our nervous system to react in certain ways including anxiety and control issues which can affect our behavior, relationships, and ability to focus and make decisions.
08:03 - 13:19 (05:15)
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The podcast discusses how past trauma can trigger our nervous system to react in certain ways including anxiety and control issues which can affect our behavior, relationships, and ability to focus and make decisions.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The podcast discusses the differences between big T traumas, such as natural disasters and physical abuse, and little T traumas, such as emotional abuse and feeling like you don't belong.
13:19 - 24:13 (10:53)
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The podcast discusses the differences between big T traumas, such as natural disasters and physical abuse, and little T traumas, such as emotional abuse and feeling like you don't belong.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The speaker talks about recognizing and generalizing little T trauma and its impacts on the nervous system.
24:13 - 30:40 (06:27)
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Mental Health

The speaker talks about recognizing and generalizing little T trauma and its impacts on the nervous system. As the nervous system starts to heal, people can remember their past differently and tolerate uncomfortable situations more easily.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The way you react to things is not necessarily due to external factors, but rather how your body reacts to it.
30:40 - 36:48 (06:08)
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Nervous system

The way you react to things is not necessarily due to external factors, but rather how your body reacts to it. Trauma can impact the way your nervous system operates, but it's possible to reprogram it so that you have different responses as an adult.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
This podcast discusses how trauma can disrupt the body's energy flow, but how through repairing tiny breaks one can find relief and improve their quality of life.
36:48 - 42:18 (05:30)
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This podcast discusses how trauma can disrupt the body's energy flow, but how through repairing tiny breaks one can find relief and improve their quality of life. The speaker also shares a personal example of having to repair an ice maker that kept tripping an electrical circuit in their home.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The speaker discusses her journey towards healing past trauma and its effects on her daily life and sense of control over her nervous system.
42:18 - 48:40 (06:21)
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The speaker discusses her journey towards healing past trauma and its effects on her daily life and sense of control over her nervous system.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The sympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight or flight nervous system, and the parasympathetic nervous system are both critical for nervous system repair.
48:42 - 55:43 (07:01)
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Nervous System

The sympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight or flight nervous system, and the parasympathetic nervous system are both critical for nervous system repair. Being able to switch between them is important for regulating your nervous system and coping with stress.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
The vagus nerve is responsible for the body's relaxation response, and techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation can help tone it, inducing a calm and relaxed state.
55:43 - 1:02:30 (06:46)
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Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is responsible for the body's relaxation response, and techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation can help tone it, inducing a calm and relaxed state. By practicing these techniques regularly, it becomes easier to switch from a stressed-out state to a state of calm and relaxation.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
Journaling can help create new neural pathways and promote awareness of past traumas for healing.
1:02:30 - 1:07:29 (04:58)
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Mental Health

Journaling can help create new neural pathways and promote awareness of past traumas for healing. It's an opportunity to take control of your nervous system and gain access to happiness and healthy relationships.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast
Download a free companion guide from to get started on repairing your nervous system with the help of locating and stimulating the vagus nerve.
1:07:29 - 1:11:21 (03:52)
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Mental Health

Download a free companion guide from to get started on repairing your nervous system with the help of locating and stimulating the vagus nerve. Repairing your nervous system can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing
The Mel Robbins Podcast