

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
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Published: Wed Oct 20 2021

Today’s guest is Dr. Amishi Jha. She’s a professor of psychology at the University of Miami and serves as the Director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, which she co-founded in 2010. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California–Davis and postdoctoral training at the Brain Imaging and Analysis Center at Duke University. Mindfulness has become a buzzword in the last decade, but Dr. Jha spent the last 25 years researching the science of attention through extensive work with elite sports teams, the US Military, medical professionals, and more to answer this question. She’s written a new book called PEAK MIND - Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day.In this episode we discuss how being distracted is causing you to miss out on 50% of your life, how high performers focus their attention to achieve success, practices to help you calm down and retrain your mind to be less distracted, how your life could change if you change your attention, and so much more!For more go to: out her website: www.amishi.comThe Wim Hof Experience: Mindset Training, Power Breathing, and Brotherhood: Scientific Guide to Living Longer, Feeling Happier & Eating Healthier with Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Science of Sleep for Ultimate Success with Shawn Stevenson: 

Dr. Jha spent 25 years researching the science of attention through her work with elite sports teams, the U.S. military, medical professionals, and more, to understand mindfulness.
00:00 - 02:53 (02:53)
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Dr. Jha spent 25 years researching the science of attention through her work with elite sports teams, the U.S. military, medical professionals, and more, to understand mindfulness. This episode breaks down how being distracted causes you to miss out on 50% of your life.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Explore the structural mechanisms behind memory creation and the historical evidence that shows distractibility has long been a human problem.
02:53 - 09:14 (06:20)
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Explore the structural mechanisms behind memory creation and the historical evidence that shows distractibility has long been a human problem. Attentional rubbernecking is addressed alongside the purposeful nature of short-term memory.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Discussing the challenges of staying present in a world so focused on past and future, this podcast addresses how to train your brain to tune out distractions and focus on the present.
09:14 - 13:15 (04:01)
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Discussing the challenges of staying present in a world so focused on past and future, this podcast addresses how to train your brain to tune out distractions and focus on the present.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
It can be difficult to measure distractedness because asking someone to intentionally be distracted results in them doing the task better.
13:15 - 15:31 (02:16)
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Internal Distractibility

It can be difficult to measure distractedness because asking someone to intentionally be distracted results in them doing the task better. People struggle with attention tasks that require them to focus for extended periods of time, making it hard to gauge their level of internal distractibility.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
In a video game context, a challenge was presented where the player must press the space bar every time they see a letter but avoid pressing it when an X appears, with the speaker admitting to initially struggling with the task.
15:31 - 18:52 (03:20)
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Video Games

In a video game context, a challenge was presented where the player must press the space bar every time they see a letter but avoid pressing it when an X appears, with the speaker admitting to initially struggling with the task.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The speaker presents a brain image he had induced in his lab to be in a positive mood and shows high-tech light and sound devices to induce positivity.
18:52 - 23:58 (05:05)
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The speaker presents a brain image he had induced in his lab to be in a positive mood and shows high-tech light and sound devices to induce positivity. However, the efficacy of the techniques is uncertain and causes offense to some individuals.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares their personal experience with meditation and how it transformed their life in just a few weeks, from being negative to positive.
23:58 - 28:00 (04:02)
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The speaker shares their personal experience with meditation and how it transformed their life in just a few weeks, from being negative to positive.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Attention is the fuel for success, but when we are depleted by life's demands, we may end up spending out more fuel than is useful to us.
28:00 - 30:23 (02:22)
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Attention is the fuel for success, but when we are depleted by life's demands, we may end up spending out more fuel than is useful to us. Creating a positive reality is helpful, but only in a cold, healthy, and stable environment.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Attention is crucial not only for thinking but also for feeling and regulating our mood.
30:23 - 33:32 (03:09)
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Attention, Mood, Regulation

Attention is crucial not only for thinking but also for feeling and regulating our mood. When our attention is depleted, our mood becomes more stressed, and it's important to focus our attention on the right things to regulate it effectively.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
A discussion on how the role of an executive is to ensure behavior and goals align and how attention plays a crucial role in almost everything we do.
33:32 - 36:51 (03:18)
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A discussion on how the role of an executive is to ensure behavior and goals align and how attention plays a crucial role in almost everything we do.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The pre-season period can result in poor attention, mood, and high levels of stress and exhaustion due to the intense physical and mental demands placed on athletes.
36:51 - 39:51 (03:00)
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Pre-season training

The pre-season period can result in poor attention, mood, and high levels of stress and exhaustion due to the intense physical and mental demands placed on athletes. Training camp is needed to determine the upcoming playing season.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Learn about the benefits of mindfulness meditation and how it can help improve attention and mental stability.
39:51 - 44:19 (04:28)
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Learn about the benefits of mindfulness meditation and how it can help improve attention and mental stability.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
This podcast episode introduces a focused attention meditation practice where the listener is guided to sit in a comfortable, upright posture and notice their breathing with a flashlight of attention for a set period of time.
44:19 - 48:37 (04:17)
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This podcast episode introduces a focused attention meditation practice where the listener is guided to sit in a comfortable, upright posture and notice their breathing with a flashlight of attention for a set period of time.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The effectiveness of practicing mindfulness in sports was compared by practicing 12 minutes a day for 4 weeks to practicing relaxation for 12 minutes a day for 12 weeks, and the mindful group outperformed the relaxation group.
48:37 - 52:40 (04:03)
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The effectiveness of practicing mindfulness in sports was compared by practicing 12 minutes a day for 4 weeks to practicing relaxation for 12 minutes a day for 12 weeks, and the mindful group outperformed the relaxation group.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Narratives can heavily influence our thought processes, constraining the information our brain processes and leading to biases and false senses of dominance.
52:40 - 58:05 (05:25)
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Narratives can heavily influence our thought processes, constraining the information our brain processes and leading to biases and false senses of dominance. More research is needed to understand this phenomenon.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The importance of positive self-talk should not go unnoticed, as it counteracts the negative self-talk we often experience.
58:05 - 1:03:12 (05:06)
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The importance of positive self-talk should not go unnoticed, as it counteracts the negative self-talk we often experience. Instead of berating yourself for your mistakes, embrace positivity to lead a happier and healthier life.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
This podcast discusses the different types of mindfulness practices including focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness practices.
1:03:12 - 1:07:07 (03:54)
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This podcast discusses the different types of mindfulness practices including focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness practices.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Letting go of stressful thoughts is crucial for peace of mind.
1:07:07 - 1:11:43 (04:36)
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Letting go of stressful thoughts is crucial for peace of mind. By knowing the contents of our mind, we can cultivate a capacity to let go of negative thoughts.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses the difficulty of understanding the nature of the mind and consciousness.
1:11:44 - 1:14:16 (02:31)
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The podcast discusses the difficulty of understanding the nature of the mind and consciousness. The guest describes an experience where she was able to detach from a sad memory by acknowledging her emotions in a detached manner.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
The importance of training the mind to manifest thoughts of abundance, healthy relationships, financial abundance, and good health is discussed in this podcast.
1:14:16 - 1:18:33 (04:17)
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The importance of training the mind to manifest thoughts of abundance, healthy relationships, financial abundance, and good health is discussed in this podcast. The speaker believes that while they may not have all the answers, they can help others find answers for themselves and be more functional in the world.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
Amishi Jha, an attention researcher, talks about exploring the science of mindfulness and meditation to find ways to enhance cognitive functioning and attention in people.
1:18:33 - 1:22:20 (03:46)
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Amishi Jha, an attention researcher, talks about exploring the science of mindfulness and meditation to find ways to enhance cognitive functioning and attention in people.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, Amishi Jha, a neuroscientist, discusses how training the mind for just 12 minutes a day can help expand and accomplish greater goals or live a more fulfilling and happier life.
1:22:20 - 1:29:06 (06:46)
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In this podcast, Amishi Jha, a neuroscientist, discusses how training the mind for just 12 minutes a day can help expand and accomplish greater goals or live a more fulfilling and happier life. She emphasizes the importance of improving focus, attention, and the quality of life through her book, Peak Mind.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness
This podcast episode discusses the importance of remembering to live life moment by moment and discovering and cultivating your unique gifts in order to make a maximum impact on those around you.
1:29:06 - 1:30:38 (01:31)
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Personal Development

This podcast episode discusses the importance of remembering to live life moment by moment and discovering and cultivating your unique gifts in order to make a maximum impact on those around you.

How To Master A Peak Mindset, Find Your Focus & Own Your Attention w/Dr. Amishi Jha EP 1178
The School of Greatness