The guest speaker describes how she copes with anxiety and how her app promotes a positive and uplifting mindset through quotes and prompts.
Anxiety can lead to pre-meal anxiety or anxiety around food, which can inhibit feeding and make us not want to eat. This is due to the activation of locus coeruleus, which releases noredrenaline in the brain when we approach food.
The speaker shares his experience dealing with panic attacks at the airport and the strategies he uses to manage his anxiety, such as playing backgammon aggressively or using precheck services.
Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki shares powerful science-based tools to reduce anxiety and turn anxiety back to its helpful, protective state.
The fear of failure and uncertainty often hold people back from making important business decisions. It's important to identify and overcome these anxieties in order to make calculated bets and pursue success.
The speaker discusses how anxiety can arise during times of chaos and ways to manage it, drawing from personal experiences and the experience of others she knows.
Reflecting on your life's work is a good way to deal with ambient anxiety instead of depending on other means, especially if it's done weekly, according to a transcript from a podcast.
Anxiety is not a problem, but rather a solution to the problem of uncertainty in the complex world we live in. As an uncertainty detector, anxiety can be seen as an ally rather than an enemy.
The hosts of the podcast "Am I Normal Yet?" share their experience of using their puppy Iki to help cope with anxiety, realizing that she made them calm down so they could best help her when she was anxious.
A woman experienced an anxiety attack in a hospital corridor and was cared for by a nurse who recognized her distress.
The host talks about how anxiety affected different aspects of his life and shares a personal story of how a park ranger opened up to him about his own struggles with anxiety. The discussion also touches on the importance of taking ownership and not playing the victim during tough times.
Anxiety is the feeling of nervous apprehension towards an uncertain future, while fear is the reaction to an immediate danger. Anxiety can be alleviated by projecting positive outcomes, unlike fear which requires a fight or flight response.
In this segment of the podcast, the speaker talks about the topic of anxiety and how falling in love helped them overcome it. They also express gratitude for their partner's role in their journey towards mental wellness.
This podcast explores the relationship between anxiety and chronic yeast infections, discussing how they can be intertwined.
The speakers discuss their anxieties and how it affects their behavior. They also talk about a horse racing event where the winner sets a new record, but it is overshadowed by the performance of the runner-up.
Learn how to use a confidence anchor to overcome anxiety and boost your self-assurance in stressful situations.
The podcast discusses personal anxieties and insecurities and how they can affect decision-making at work and in personal life.
A conversation about airplane travel anxiety and how people react differently to it.
The speaker discusses their anxiety-induced energy on a show, which is well-received by the audience who appreciate genuine human behavior.
This podcast delves into the impact of social and physical environment on anxiety development, the importance of physical health in reducing anxiety levels, and the science behind meditation's effect on anxiety from a physiological perspective.
Anxious attachment styles can cause individuals to constantly seek attention from their partners in negative situations, leading to a pattern of manipulation and feeling dependent on them for emotional support.
The 10% Happier podcast has a playlist dedicated to episodes about anxiety, along with a personal favorites playlist curated by the host.
In this episode, the speaker shares a story about his fear of breaking his dad's tablet and the intense anxiety it caused him, even though nothing had happened to trigger the event.
The host expresses anxiety about revealing the topic for the week's episode and contemplates jumping up and down in response.
The speaker discusses the anxiety associated with award shows and the fear of giving speeches, sharing a personal anecdote about breaking out in a sweat when nominated. They also touch on the nerve-wracking experience of having big names visit SNL, and the pressure of being on the red carpet.
The host describes his fear of shaking hands and how it has caused him to avoid situations where he might have to shake hands or come up with ridiculous excuses not to do so.