

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
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Published: Mon Mar 28 2022

My guest is Dr. Andy Galpin, Professor of Kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, and one of the foremost experts in the world on the science and application of methods to increase strength, hypertrophy and endurance performance. We discuss fundamental principles of strength and hypertrophy training and building endurance, the mechanisms underlying them and we review specific protocols to optimize training and recovery. We also discuss hydration, sleep, nutrition, supplements, and mental tools that can be leveraged to accelerate adaptations leading to enhanced strength, muscle growth and/or endurance. For the full show notes, visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): LMNT: Thesis: Supplements from Momentous Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. Andy Galpin, Strength & Endurance Training   (00:03:23) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT, Thesis, Momentous (00:08:20) Adaptations of Exercise, Progressive Overload  (00:14:40) Modifiable Variables, One-Rep Max, Muscle Soreness (00:27:30) Modifiable Variables of Strength Training, Supersets   (00:43:50) How to Select Training Frequency: Strength vs. Hypertrophy  (00:58:45) Hypertrophy Training, Repetition Ranges, Blood Flow Restriction  (01:08:50) Tools: Protocols for Strength Training, the 3 by 5 Concept  (01:10:48) Mind-Muscle Connection  (01:16:16) Mental Awareness  (01:27:57) Breathing Tools for Resistance Training & Post-Training  (01:37:25) Endurance Training & Combining with Strength (01:51:20) Tools: Protocols for Endurance Training (02:08:15) Muscular Endurance, Fast vs. Slow Twitch Muscle  (02:16:35) Hydration & the Galpin Equation, Sodium, Fasting    (02:35:57) Cold Exposure & Training   (02:43:15) Heat Exposure & Training  (02:53:47) Recovery   (03:04:02) Tool: Sodium Bicarbonate (03:17:26) Tool: Creatine Monohydrate (03:20:08) Absolute Rest (03:29:08) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify, Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Supplements, Instagram, Twitter Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

Dr. Andy Galpin is an expert in exercise science, providing specific recommendations for recreational and professional athletic training, linked to mechanisms in the nervous system, muscle fibers, and genetics.
00:00 - 02:37 (02:37)
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Exercise Science

Dr. Andy Galpin is an expert in exercise science, providing specific recommendations for recreational and professional athletic training, linked to mechanisms in the nervous system, muscle fibers, and genetics. He provides sets and repetition schemes for building strength, muscle size, and endurance.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
InsideTracker provides personalized recommendations for lifestyle, nutrition, and supplements to optimize your health.
02:37 - 08:49 (06:11)
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personalized health

InsideTracker provides personalized recommendations for lifestyle, nutrition, and supplements to optimize your health. The emphasis is on single ingredient supplements in cost-effective dosages, and quality blood and DNA tests are essential for understanding your health.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The key to successful strength, endurance, and hypertrophy training is not the exercise choice, but rather the correct set range, repetition range, and speed.
08:49 - 18:03 (09:13)
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Strength Training

The key to successful strength, endurance, and hypertrophy training is not the exercise choice, but rather the correct set range, repetition range, and speed. Choosing the right set and repetition range is crucial for strength development, while high set and repetition ranges are best suited for hypertrophy and muscle endurance.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
When selecting exercises, it's essential to consider your fitness level, muscle groups you want to target, and any pain or soreness you may feel.
18:03 - 25:19 (07:16)
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When selecting exercises, it's essential to consider your fitness level, muscle groups you want to target, and any pain or soreness you may feel. Additionally, understanding the terms used for exercise intensity, such as VO2 max or max heart rate, is necessary for setting goals and understanding the workout.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The speaker suggests choosing four exercises from different categories, including upper body press, upper body pull, lower body hinge, and lower body press, to work out various muscles and joints.
25:19 - 33:11 (07:52)
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The speaker suggests choosing four exercises from different categories, including upper body press, upper body pull, lower body hinge, and lower body press, to work out various muscles and joints. These exercises can be done by pushing away or overhead, pulling toward the midline, or pulling yourself up like a pull-up.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The loss of fast twitch fibers is a major issue related to aging in muscles.
33:11 - 38:11 (05:00)
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muscle training

The loss of fast twitch fibers is a major issue related to aging in muscles. In general, the best way to use these big chunks of muscles is by doing plyometrics, strength training, or endurance running to get better at everything.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
This podcast episode discusses how to maximize physiological adaptations to exercise by choosing specific adaptations to focus on, and how rest times can impact these adaptations.
38:11 - 43:44 (05:32)
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This podcast episode discusses how to maximize physiological adaptations to exercise by choosing specific adaptations to focus on, and how rest times can impact these adaptations.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The frequency of training specific muscle groups depends on the training goal and outcome.
43:44 - 47:10 (03:25)
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Strength Training

The frequency of training specific muscle groups depends on the training goal and outcome. Strength training can allow for training the same muscle every day because it does not cause soreness and therefore intensity is the main driver.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
In this episode, the speaker discusses how the process of contractile proteins in our muscles grow and how they can be trained for strength, along with the importance of allowing the muscle to recover for optimal response.
47:10 - 51:58 (04:48)
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Muscle Growth

In this episode, the speaker discusses how the process of contractile proteins in our muscles grow and how they can be trained for strength, along with the importance of allowing the muscle to recover for optimal response.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
This transcript discusses how the gene cascade peaks within a four hour window after HIIT training and the benefits of training using a three way split six times a month.
51:58 - 55:40 (03:42)
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This transcript discusses how the gene cascade peaks within a four hour window after HIIT training and the benefits of training using a three way split six times a month.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The recommended amount of working sets per muscle group per week is around 10, according to recent meta-analyses.
55:40 - 1:00:40 (05:00)
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The recommended amount of working sets per muscle group per week is around 10, according to recent meta-analyses. Training with high volume can lead to muscle soreness, but if you're in it for the long haul, it's probably okay.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The three most likely drivers of muscle hypertrophy are metabolic stress, mechanical tension, and muscular damage, but our understanding of the mechanisms behind muscle hypertrophy is still limited.
1:00:40 - 1:04:11 (03:31)
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Muscle hypertrophy

The three most likely drivers of muscle hypertrophy are metabolic stress, mechanical tension, and muscular damage, but our understanding of the mechanisms behind muscle hypertrophy is still limited. This means doing even sets of five or eight can still lead to some muscle gain.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
In this podcast, the host emphasizes the significance of feeling the intended muscle group during workout and how it indicates a good or bad exercise.
1:04:11 - 1:06:49 (02:37)
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In this podcast, the host emphasizes the significance of feeling the intended muscle group during workout and how it indicates a good or bad exercise. The discussion also sheds light on the effectiveness of training to failure with good form.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Even when lifting the same weight at the same speed, focusing on the intention to move quickly can have a greater impact on developing power than simply trying to lift the weight.
1:06:49 - 1:14:37 (07:47)
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Mind-body connection

Even when lifting the same weight at the same speed, focusing on the intention to move quickly can have a greater impact on developing power than simply trying to lift the weight. Focusing on the mind-muscle connection during exercise can lead to greater growth and development.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Learning to engage particular muscle groups can help in increasing strength and hypertrophy, preventing injury by avoiding muscle imbalances, and helping to overcome injury.
1:14:37 - 1:19:17 (04:40)
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Strengthening, Hypertrophy, Muscle engagement.

Learning to engage particular muscle groups can help in increasing strength and hypertrophy, preventing injury by avoiding muscle imbalances, and helping to overcome injury. Muscle groups that can be contracted to a slightly painful contraction would grow more readily.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
This podcast discusses the benefits of using proprioceptive feedback through methods such as tight belts and tapping muscles to activate core muscles and increase muscle contractions during exercise.
1:19:17 - 1:24:10 (04:52)
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This podcast discusses the benefits of using proprioceptive feedback through methods such as tight belts and tapping muscles to activate core muscles and increase muscle contractions during exercise. It also defines what proprioceptive feedback is and how it can help improve training.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The disruption of calcium often leads to excessive swelling and pressure which causes extreme pain.
1:24:10 - 1:29:18 (05:08)
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Weight Lifting

The disruption of calcium often leads to excessive swelling and pressure which causes extreme pain. Proper breathing techniques during resistance training can improve muscle activation and reduce the risk of injury.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Athletes prioritize breathing routines to enhance their performance whether it's in between innings or in between rounds.
1:29:18 - 1:34:24 (05:06)
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Athletes prioritize breathing routines to enhance their performance whether it's in between innings or in between rounds. This routine could involve physiologic size, box breathing, exhale emphasizing or breathing in general.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
This podcast discusses the benefits of zone two cardio on overall health, strength gains, and hypertrophy, as well as the potential soreness caused by eccentric landing.
1:34:24 - 1:43:49 (09:24)
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This podcast discusses the benefits of zone two cardio on overall health, strength gains, and hypertrophy, as well as the potential soreness caused by eccentric landing. The guest, Raphael Ruiz, shares his expertise on strength and conditioning, and how to properly incorporate cardio into a fitness routine.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Strength training can be added to endurance work without compromising endurance gains.
1:43:49 - 1:49:36 (05:47)
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Strength training can be added to endurance work without compromising endurance gains. An experiment proved a combination of hypertrophy, strength and steady state endurance in one workout can be successful.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Learn about the importance of maximal heart rate in endurance training and how to use a heart rate monitor to optimize your workout by getting to your highest number possible while staying healthy.
1:49:36 - 1:55:02 (05:26)
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Endurance Training

Learn about the importance of maximal heart rate in endurance training and how to use a heart rate monitor to optimize your workout by getting to your highest number possible while staying healthy.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
In this podcast, the host explains how to measure your VO2 max with a treadmill test, by slightly increasing either the speed or the grade every minute over a period of 8 to 12 minutes.
1:55:02 - 1:58:07 (03:04)
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VO2 Max

In this podcast, the host explains how to measure your VO2 max with a treadmill test, by slightly increasing either the speed or the grade every minute over a period of 8 to 12 minutes.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Professional athletes, especially fighters, often fail in their legs due to lack of strength training in their legs, resulting in their legs giving out before their cardiovascular system.
1:58:07 - 2:03:44 (05:37)
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Athlete training

Professional athletes, especially fighters, often fail in their legs due to lack of strength training in their legs, resulting in their legs giving out before their cardiovascular system. Leg strength training is crucial to overcome this and improve performance.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The article explores the importance of breathing and warmup techniques for high-intensity workouts, such as sustaining hard work for eight to 12 minutes to regulate intensity better.
2:03:44 - 2:07:50 (04:05)
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The article explores the importance of breathing and warmup techniques for high-intensity workouts, such as sustaining hard work for eight to 12 minutes to regulate intensity better. The article also suggests using a bath or hot thermal stress to aid in the warmup process.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
This podcast explains the importance of muscular endurance for slow twitch predominant muscles to sustain their job, as they tend to lose endurance over time.
2:07:50 - 2:12:08 (04:18)
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Muscular Endurance

This podcast explains the importance of muscular endurance for slow twitch predominant muscles to sustain their job, as they tend to lose endurance over time. This leads to using fast twitch muscle fibers, which are less suitable for postural integrity.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Dr. Andy Galpin explains how injuries in deadlifting stem from bad starting or ending positions during lifting and suggests focusing on hydration and cognitive work output to prevent pain.
2:12:08 - 2:17:24 (05:15)
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Dr. Andy Galpin explains how injuries in deadlifting stem from bad starting or ending positions during lifting and suggests focusing on hydration and cognitive work output to prevent pain. He also introduces the Galpin equation as an effective, straightforward solution for a range of issues.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Consuming too much sodium can greatly increase one's probability of health problems, with the risk rising as intake approaches 10-12 grams per day.
2:17:24 - 2:26:41 (09:17)
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Consuming too much sodium can greatly increase one's probability of health problems, with the risk rising as intake approaches 10-12 grams per day. When calculating daily water intake, it is important to remember that caffeine intake can increase urine output and require additional hydration.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The appearance of a white band or clear sweat during exercise can reveal an individual's sweat sodium concentration and help determine recommended sodium intake.
2:26:42 - 2:32:42 (06:00)
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The appearance of a white band or clear sweat during exercise can reveal an individual's sweat sodium concentration and help determine recommended sodium intake.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The speaker believes that cold exposure training and strength training should be done separately, but if you don't have access to cold exposure at other times, doing it after strength training won't completely prevent improvements.
2:32:42 - 2:38:44 (06:01)
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Cold Exposure

The speaker believes that cold exposure training and strength training should be done separately, but if you don't have access to cold exposure at other times, doing it after strength training won't completely prevent improvements. He recommends cold showers, ice baths, and cold immersion for optimal benefits.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Cold water immersion after endurance training can provide some benefits such as decreased inflammation, reduction in muscle soreness, and improved recovery time.
2:38:44 - 2:42:35 (03:51)
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Cold Water Immersion

Cold water immersion after endurance training can provide some benefits such as decreased inflammation, reduction in muscle soreness, and improved recovery time. However, it is not necessary to use ice baths or cold water immediately after exercise to achieve these benefits.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Infrared lights are beneficial for mitochondrial health in the retinas, but infrared sauna never goes hot enough.
2:42:35 - 2:46:34 (03:59)
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Infrared Sauna

Infrared lights are beneficial for mitochondrial health in the retinas, but infrared sauna never goes hot enough. Hot water immersion, such as hot baths and saunas, are better alternatives.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The ideal framework for maximizing sauna and cold exposure benefits is to train, do sauna or heat exposure, and then do cold exposure on off days or four hours away from any training, breaking up the thermal layer by moving around during cold water immersion.
2:46:34 - 2:53:37 (07:02)
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Sauna and Cold Exposure

The ideal framework for maximizing sauna and cold exposure benefits is to train, do sauna or heat exposure, and then do cold exposure on off days or four hours away from any training, breaking up the thermal layer by moving around during cold water immersion.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
In order to gauge nervous system recovery and manage stress, there are two tests that can be used: grip strength and carbon dioxide tolerance.
2:53:38 - 2:58:07 (04:28)
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In order to gauge nervous system recovery and manage stress, there are two tests that can be used: grip strength and carbon dioxide tolerance. It's important to push the throttle on stress for desired adaptations, but too much stress without enough recovery can lead to reduced adaptability and worsened physical ability.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Cognitive performance can be driven by feedback about how well or poorly one slept, independent of the actual quality of sleep.
2:58:07 - 3:04:26 (06:19)
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Cognitive performance can be driven by feedback about how well or poorly one slept, independent of the actual quality of sleep.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The process of breathing is essential in breaking down the carbon molecules from carbon dioxide, which can be used to burn fat in the body.
3:04:26 - 3:10:20 (05:54)
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Fat burning

The process of breathing is essential in breaking down the carbon molecules from carbon dioxide, which can be used to burn fat in the body. Aerobic exercises help in this process by increasing the oxygen flow in the body, improving the fat-burning process.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The process of breaking down a six carbon molecule into two three carbon molecules for oxidation is explained.
3:10:20 - 3:15:04 (04:44)
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The process of breaking down a six carbon molecule into two three carbon molecules for oxidation is explained.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Beta alanine can help with circuit-type training and cardiovascularly demanding strength training by being converted and stored as carnosine in the muscle.
3:15:04 - 3:20:07 (05:02)
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Beta Alanine

Beta alanine can help with circuit-type training and cardiovascularly demanding strength training by being converted and stored as carnosine in the muscle. It's also a general health and performance supplement that can benefit immune cells, red blood cells, nerve cells, and astrocytes in the brain.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
The speaker explains using polysomnography for sleep tracking, measuring EEG and EOG, as well as muscle activation sensors to monitor leg movements during sleep.
3:20:07 - 3:24:28 (04:21)
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The speaker explains using polysomnography for sleep tracking, measuring EEG and EOG, as well as muscle activation sensors to monitor leg movements during sleep.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Somnifix CEO Nick Roman discusses the importance of proper nasal breathing for quality sleep and how his company's product can aid in that.
3:24:28 - 3:28:31 (04:02)
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Sleep Optimization

Somnifix CEO Nick Roman discusses the importance of proper nasal breathing for quality sleep and how his company's product can aid in that. He also talks about the impact of air quality on sleep and offers solutions for optimizing it.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab
Dr. Andy Galpin discusses science-based tools and supplements that overlap with the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast on his own podcast.
3:28:31 - 3:30:29 (01:58)
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Science, Supplements

Dr. Andy Galpin discusses science-based tools and supplements that overlap with the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast on his own podcast. He also mentions the partnership with Momentous Supplements and provides a way for listeners to get in touch with him.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance
Huberman Lab